super star lord

Chapter 212 The Impossible Mountain

Chapter 212 The Impossible Mountain

The Headquarters of the American Federation.

Because of the drastic changes that took place on the earth, all the core lords are quarreling endlessly.

Even if they belong to the same faction, they are also divided into many factions internally.

Some belong to the government, some belong to various top lords, and some are close to major financial groups. Basically, all parties have their own demands, making the entire hall a mess like a vegetable market.

Even sitting in the main seat, the few people with the highest status are somewhat helpless to the debates of the crowd.

In fact, they are just the spokespersons of all parties and cannot make the final decision.

Not only the Mizhou Alliance.

All other large forces, small forces, and even some small consortium organizations are constantly in shock due to the emergence of the new world.

After such upheavals, no one can keep calm.

of course.

At this stage, most forces are cautious. After all, almost all the colorful vortexes are full of fierce beasts on the other side. If you pass through rashly, you may be like most people who have not come back. Where is it trembling, not daring to move.

Even if it is a big force, there are very few knights that can be drawn out. If they are sent directly to explore the new world, no one can guarantee that all of them will be buried.

According to the information at this stage, the ferocious beasts in the New World are extremely powerful, their ranks are generally high, and they are full of aggressiveness. Even a knight order composed of thousands of knights, on the other side of the entrance of some dangerous passages, can There is a danger of destruction.

to now.

The first echelon of the Mizhou Alliance, the Europa Alliance, and the Zhongxia Alliance, etc., have trained combat professionals on the earth, and the number has reached tens of thousands.

But the combat professionals trained are basically low-level.

Those who can reach middle and high ranks are generally lord members.

There are three reasons for not continuing to provide resources to train mid-to-high-level professionals.

First, low-level professionals have mastered extraordinary power, which can kill ordinary people in seconds.

Second, there is no greater threat on the earth, and the requirements for force are far less than those of the star field world. The strength of low-level professionals is sufficient in most occasions.Even if middle and high-level professionals are needed, there are still a large number of official lords.

The third is because the gains outweigh the losses.The resources for cultivating a middle-level professional are enough to train dozens of low-level professionals, and if you train high-level professionals, it will be dozens of times more.

There are many resources in the large-scale world, and there are many core areas that need to deploy professionals, so naturally more professionals are needed.Even a force with sufficient resources cannot afford such consumption.

But now in the new world, the ferocious beasts in it can not only threaten low-level professionals, but even mid-level and high-level professionals, if one is not paying attention, their lives will be in danger.

Although I don't know if there are epic beasts, but compared to the star field world, it is not surprising that there are epic beasts.

Therefore, in such a world, some knight groups composed of low-level professionals are completely unable to push directly, but have to worry about their own safety all the time.


Most of the decisions made by the forces are similar.

First, collect as much information about the color swirl channel as possible.

Most people can realize that in the future, perhaps the more forces that have access to the passage, the greater the advantage.

In addition, send felons to explore one by one, and for the entrance that can return, make a rough ranking of the threats on the other side.

Then dispatch an elite knight team to travel across the past for a second small-scale exploration to collect information.

Then screen out the few channel entrances with the least threat, focus on exploring, expand the scope, and collect more information.

Everything is to obtain as much information about the new world as possible while minimizing losses, so as to prepare for the next step.

The major forces basically followed the 'optimal plan', but Lin Xiao had no scruples at all.

At this time, in the resident square, the Earth Knights of the Xianhe Territory have been convened.

The total number has reached 1000 people.

Moreover, under the rich and powerful training of the Xianhe leader, even the middle-level knights have reached the scale of dozens of people.

Not to mention, the equipment of each of them is top-notch.

Such a knight order, if it does not consider powerful hot weapons, can basically be regarded as invincible in the knight wars on earth.

With such a knight group in hand, Lin Xiao can completely avoid most of the dangers. Moreover, the colorful vortex they are about to enter can be regarded as one of the 'friendly' space passages.

Looking at the knights eager to try, Lin Xiao ordered directly: "Let's go!"

When the last knight entered, Lin Xiao stepped into the colorful vortex without any hesitation.

The feeling of traveling through the space channel is almost the same as traveling between the star field world and the earth. After a short teleportation, he appeared on the other side of the space channel.

The sky, the earth, and the trees look no different from the star field world, even in the concentration of Yuanli.

But the roar of beasts one after another, the lack of salty smell brought by the sea breeze in the air, and that special feeling of depression all showed that this place was not a good place.

The Knights who arrived here first had already started to set up camp under the leadership of Alves. At the same time, Lin Xiao also noticed that there were still some beast corpses on the ground, and several knights also showed signs of injury.

It seems that they have already experienced the impact of fierce beasts.

But Lin Xiao was not worried.

The danger at this passageway is very small, and with the strength of the Knights, they will not encounter irresistible dangers.

And he himself, can't wait, ready to explore a wider area.

Even without Anivia, it is impossible to display its full strength, but Lin Xiao believes that its own strength alone is enough to deal with ordinary epic beasts.

With his own safety guaranteed, Lin Xiao could not suppress the desire to explore in his heart at all.

Just when Lin Xiao stepped into the new world with the Knights and was about to explore alone, on the other side of the earth, in a certain location in North America, a handsome young man with amazing blond hair also stood at the entrance of a colorful vortex passage, Ready to move in.

"Atlantis, are you really planning to go in alone?" Harris looked at the young man in front of him with great emotion, "You know, what's going on over there, the Alliance can't provide exact information right now, it's still under study Among them, if you go alone, you will inevitably not encounter danger."

In the lord selection, he was ranked 27th, and Atlantis was ranked 2nd.

It seems that the rankings are not much different, and Harris has always felt that the gap between the two exists, but it is not insurmountable.

But as time went by, although he didn't want to admit it, it was an indisputable fact that the other party put him under increasing pressure.

When he realized this, it was already too late even if he wanted to let go of the desire to pursue power and catch up with the other party.

Atlantis had become a huge mountain in front of him, which he could no longer cross.

(End of this chapter)

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