super star lord

Chapter 219 Accident

Chapter 219 Accident
as time flows.

The emergence of the new world has an increasing impact on all aspects of human society.

in this period.

Human beings' understanding of the new world is becoming more and more comprehensive.

No matter where it is on the earth, the lower the threat assessment is, the closer the distance between the colored vortex channels is at the entrance of the new world.

Conversely, the higher the level of threat, the farther the distance between each other will be at the entrance of the new world.

Therefore, in fact, the distance between the low-threat passages that the major forces focus on exploring is very close to each other on the New World side.Even, some forces have formed a fixed connection between their strongholds in the new world.

The area in this new world that contains all low-threat portals is called the 'Low Threat Zone'.

Outside this area, it is temporarily named 'unknown area'.

And the new world is also named 'Wild World'.

In the Midsummer region.

The officials have uniformly named all low-threat level passages. The naming method is very simple, directly from No. 1 passage to No. 36 passage.

As for other low-threat level passages that have not yet been discovered, the naming after discovery can be deduced by analogy.

Almost the same is true for other forces.


Passage No. 13 in the Black Continent, on the side of the wild world.

This passageway is located in the south of the low-threat area, where the Black Continent Alliance has established a small city.

However, due to the shallow background of the Black Continent Alliance on the earth, the low level of development, and generally low living standards, the number of humans entering the wild world is more, even though the city is small, the popularity is not low at all.

at this time.

Hundreds of kilometers away from the city, there is a hilly area.

A squad of ten knights belonging to the Black Continent Alliance is on patrol.

Their tasks, one is to explore the new world, collect information on plant distribution, beast distribution, environmental terrain and so on.

At the same time, we are also looking for Yuanli medicinal materials, Yuanli minerals, etc.

There are many such knight squads.

Not only the Black Continent Alliance, but also other large lord forces, after the veil of the wild world was gradually lifted, also dispatched many knights to explore the world.

No one can resist the temptation of the wild world.

Under such exploration, the harvest is also great.

Including special products of Yuanli, medicinal materials, minerals, etc., have been discovered one after another.

This result also caused the major forces to invest more knights in it.

This Black Continent Alliance knight squad had received considerable rewards for discovering a low-level specialty before that.All the knights in the team have received great benefits, and their respective strengths have risen rapidly, making other knights extremely envious.

After tasting the sweetness, this team is more active in exploration operations.

As time passed, the area around the city was almost covered by people, and many opportunities were discovered, and it became more and more difficult to gain anything.

This time, in order to gain more rewards, the captain of this team, Farien, decided to go further.

Over a hill.

In front is a valley with lush vegetation and even a small lake, the environment is beautiful.

Looking at the slightly tired eyes of everyone, Faruen thought for a while and announced directly: "Rest on the spot in the valley and recover your strength."

"Oh, nice!"

"Finally can rest!"

"Let's go, hurry up!"

Everyone was excited when they got the order.

Even if you have mastered extraordinary power and your physical strength is much higher than that of ordinary people, it is not a perpetual motion machine.

In this crisis-ridden world, when there is no battle, fighting spirit needs to be kept in full strength and cannot be consumed, and one must always be prepared for accidents.Since starting early in the morning, everyone has walked hundreds of kilometers, and almost half of their physical strength has been exhausted.

If you go on, you will consume too much physical strength, which will have a great impact on your combat effectiveness.

Therefore, rest has become a matter of course.

When the group walked into the valley, Faruen arranged for two people to be vigilant, while the others rested and recuperated, eating and drinking.

As for Faruen himself, he came to the small lake to replenish the water.

Professionals are not gods, they are still flesh and blood, and they also need to eat and drink.

But at this moment, an accident happened.


Before Faruen reached the lake, a scream suddenly sounded.

Everyone shuddered.

This voice is very familiar, it is one of the team members.

"It's Boggs!"

"He's in danger!"

Everyone reacted immediately, picked up their weapons quickly, and rushed towards the source of the sound.


When they rushed forward, their faces changed drastically.

At this time, Boggs had already been pierced with a big hole, bleeding profusely, and it seemed that he would not survive.

The culprit was a huge pangolin beast.

"Kill it!"

The entire knight squad was enraged.

Watching one's best friend die, no one can be calm.

Especially Farien, he blamed himself even more.

During the rest period, although he had arranged for guards, no one could have expected that a pangolin would suddenly emerge from the ground, piercing Boggs.

Hard to guard against.

The cruelty of the new world was presented in front of everyone.

Simple and easy, they lost a player.

"Let's go together and kill it!"

Everyone clenched their weapons tightly, channeled enough Dou Qi, spread out, surrounded and killed the pangolin beast.

As a team of knights, they act together for a long time and cooperate closely.

Especially Farien, as the captain of the team, had a higher level of cultivation and held a broad-bladed giant sword. Each sword was powerful and heavy. It chopped on the pangolin's scales, causing sparks to fly and the scales to shatter.

Although the strength of the others was lower, the siege by all of them together made the pangolin difficult to care about.


After sensing the danger, the pangolin let out a piercing cry, burrowed directly into the soil, and disappeared quickly.

Since they had absolutely no experience in dealing with this kind of ground-burrowing beast, everyone was caught off guard by this scene and watched it burrow into the ground helplessly.

When they reacted, there was only a deep hole left in place, and there was no shadow of the pangolin.

"Damn it, let it run away!"

Farien cursed.

Under his attack, seeing that the pangolin was already injured, as long as the siege continued, it might be killed soon.

Others also looked annoyed.

"team leader……"

A knight put away his weapon and was about to say something, but at this moment, under the place where he was standing, the soil turned upside down.

This order made him completely unable to react in time. The turning soil directly made him unable to stand still, and his body tilted. At this moment, the pangolin that had just disappeared came out and pulled several deep claws on his leg. The wound was bleeding profusely.

(End of this chapter)

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