super star lord

Chapter 228 Yuanli Detection Network

Chapter 228 Yuanli Detection Network

The finalization and mass production of the gold-type battle puppet can be said to add another huge heritage to the Xianhe collar.

Whether it is to open up living space in the star field world, open up the demon world, or expand the territory in the wild world, it is an excellent combat weapon.

With such combat weapons, only a hundred of them, placed on the earth, are enough to disdain the knights of all forces.

Of course, the great powers on earth also have their trump cards, and they will not really fight against the great powers unless it is absolutely necessary.

At most, they would fight against each other in the wild world.

On Earth, everyone is still in peace.

After instructing the technical committee to make rune puppets at full speed and coordinating the full assistance of the territorial cabinet, he began to deal with the recent backlog of various territorial affairs.

In fact, after the establishment of the territorial cabinet, most of the affairs followers can handle by themselves, and only a few more important matters require him to personally intervene.

For example, in the report submitted by the administrative officer, there is one item that the territory's Yuanli detection device found traces of earth-level peeping.

Any incidents at the earth level have gone beyond the handling level of the territorial cabinet, and can only be handed over to Lin Xiaolai to take charge of it personally.

However, when it comes to detection devices, we have to mention Little Shirley who has been obsessed with researching barriers for a long time.

After being besieged by the Earth Knights last time, he wanted to make a special rune device, which was specially used to detect combat professionals within a certain range.

The idea is similar to radar on Earth.

It's just that this rune device is more like a biological radar.

Through the combination of runes that are sensitive to fluctuations in Yuan Force, detect the aura of strong people that appear within a certain range, and use it to prevent the strong people that appear.

After Xiao Xueli found out, it only took a few days to turn his idea into reality.

After being mass-produced by the technical committee, such detection devices have basically been deployed in various cities of Golden Island.

Moreover, within the territory of Xianhe Territory, it has basically achieved full coverage.

Not only that, but all the battleships of the Xianhe Fleet are also equipped with such detection devices.

Basically, as long as there are strong people within the sphere of influence of the Xianhe Territory, they cannot escape the capture of this Yuanli detection net.

"The purgatory leader's peeping..." As a matter of course, Lin Xiao attributed this matter to the purgatory leader.

No matter how slow the reaction was, they must now know that their three Earth Knights fell into Lin Xiao's hands.

As a main city-level territory, it will definitely not stop at such a thing. Now that the earth knights are sent to peek around the periphery of Golden Island, it is very likely that they have a tendency to do it again.

Last time, they didn't know Lin Xiao's strength, so just to be on the safe side, they dispatched three Earth Knights to arrest him.

Although it was not expected, under such circumstances, it would fail.

But now that he knows Lin Xiao's strength, he must be sure to do it again this time, go all out and strike like a thunderbolt.

Lin Xiao had to pay attention to such a situation.

Now Lin Xiao's biggest disadvantage is that he doesn't know the opponent's situation.

A main city-level territory, especially this kind of main city-level territory that has lasted for tens of thousands of years, must have a lot of heritage that has been passed down.Even when riding the ice crystal phoenix, Lin Xiao, whose strength is already at the top in the entire star field world, did not dare to pat his chest and promise that he would definitely be able to ignore the all-out assassination of a main city-level territory.

In the case of a confrontation with the holy camp, it may be impossible for the Purgatory Lord to draw out ten or eight earth knights to win directly by numbers.

But it is not only the earth knight who can threaten him.

This is an extraordinary world, and there may be some special rune weapons that can pose a threat to him.

Of course, he is not all disadvantages.

For example, this Yuanli detection network.

Without it, it is very likely that I will be assassinated by the Lord of Purgatory without knowing it.

In such a situation, no matter how confident you are in your own strength, it is difficult to guarantee that it will be intact.

With the detection network, this possibility is eliminated. When facing the assassination of the opponent, at least you can know in advance and be prepared.

Just this point can greatly increase his confidence in dealing with the assassination of the Purgatory Lord.

In addition, he can also prepare some defensive rune equipment.

Right now, Little Xueli's level is also only high level, and she doesn't have a phoenix mount.

In terms of combat power, she may also be equivalent to a high-level peak.But with her defensive ability, Lin Xiao can guarantee that even if Alistar attacks with all her strength, there is nothing she can do about it.

The reason is that the girl has a lot of rune equipment specially used for defense.

As long as it is worn by her, whether it is a necklace, earrings, bracelet or ring, it is a powerful rune defense equipment.

And these are just casually made by the girl on weekdays.

In the past, Lin Xiao's own strength was very strong, whether it was his own defensive armor or the ice armor of the ice crystal phoenix, the defensive power was sufficient, and there was basically no need for such equipment.

But now facing an unknown crisis, whether it is for his own life or for the more than one million citizens living in the two realms of Xianhe Territory, he has to seek the support of the girl just in case.

"Brother, the means of the Purgatory Lord this time must be unusual. I don't think pure defensive equipment will work." After learning about Lin Xiao's needs, the girl expressed her thoughts.

"Oh, tell me." Lin Xiao smiled and gestured.

The girl's thoughts coincided with his.

Amos would definitely feel that since the lord of Xianhe had been assassinated once, he would definitely be prepared for the next one.

Generally speaking, the preparation is nothing more than increasing one's own defense.

The girl nodded and continued: "Since Amos wants to kill the target with one blow, he will definitely use unconventional means."

"Unconventional means?" Lin Xiao chewed the word.

"Yes, it is an unconventional method." The girl nodded heavily, "If it is a conventional method, it is nothing more than sending a few earth knights over without affecting the pressure on the holy camp, and perhaps one or two senior earth knights will be among them. , but even so, after you have prepared, they may not succeed."

"If you want to kill with one hit, you must use some special means, for example, similar to Alistar's mental shock, or the negative halo of the Yuan Magnetic Divine Light Tower."

Lin Xiao nodded with a smile. This was also what he thought in his mind, but it was difficult to guess what kind of special means the other party would use unless he had the ability to predict.

But to his surprise, the girl gave a simple and rude solution to this problem.

"What! You mean... preparing for all possibilities?"

(End of this chapter)

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