super star lord

Chapter 250 Landing on Mars

Chapter 250 Landing on Mars
Cape Canaveral, United States.

As the largest and oldest launch base in the United States, many familiar spacecraft and weapons have been launched here.

Redstone, Jupiter-C, Panstar, Polaris, Thor, Hercules, Titan and Minuteman, Saturn V...

The three phases of the moon landing program, Mercury, Gemini and Apollo.

Space Shuttle, Mars Rover...

It's all fired from here.

And today, something remarkable is happening here.

On the core launch pad, a giant aircraft with a sci-fi shape and a total length of more than 30 meters is standing upright, like a giant sword that is about to pierce the sky, with peerless grace.

This is a space shuttle.

The overall shape is still a delta wing. Compared with the previous generation of space shuttles, the biggest change is not that the shape is more sci-fi, but the internal composition.

It can be said that it is the first interstellar spacecraft in the true sense of mankind.

It is not a spaceship or the first-generation space shuttle that needs the help of rockets or boosters to leave the earth.

This upright new space shuttle is so lonely, with only one engine nozzle at the tail, it seems that it can escape the strong gravity of the earth by relying on it.

In fact.

When people all over the world learned from the news that the United States is about to land on Mars, they were stunned.

Although science and technology have developed rapidly due to the coming of the two worlds in recent years, the United States and Zhongxia have announced plans to land on Mars as early as eight years ago, but no one takes it seriously, and they all think it is just a propaganda.Anyway, it's a plan, as long as it's not too outrageous, it can be advertised no matter how good it looks.

But when the United States made all preparations and announced that it was about to launch a new generation of space shuttles, people knew that humans were really going to land on Mars.

"I'll be darling, land on Mars..."

"I bet ten packs of latiao, they must be bluffing!"

"Idiot, it's about to launch, if it's fake, wouldn't it be a slap in the face?"

"You say, what will there be on Mars? Is there life?"

"Will there be Martians?"

"Don't you find that this space shuttle is a bit strange, why doesn't it have a booster rocket?"

"Hey, it's true when you say it, can this guy fly to Mars alone?"

"Just a space shuttle, even if it can fly there, there is no lander, how to land, is there an airstrip on Mars?"

"Yeah, it's so weird..."

A stone stirred up a thousand waves.

When the U.S. publicly announced its landing on Mars and broadcast it live globally, just because the popularity of the star field world and the wild world has cooled down a bit in the past two years, everyone joined this big discussion.

Even though practitioners have become more and more mainstream over the years and have gradually stood on the upper stage of earth society, the status of technological power in human society is still irreplaceable.

After all, even the knights of the land cannot fly, let alone fly into space, but the product of human technology has been manned into space as early as the 50s.

In addition, no matter how powerful the cultivator is, it will be far from reaching the level of the power of a nuclear bomb within the foreseeable period.


Even Lin Xiao, the most powerful human being on earth at this stage, the lord of Xianhe, could not survive the nuclear bomb.

In the entire Xianhe Territory, the most powerful single weapon may be the Arctic Yuanguang Cannon, which is being developed and transformed from the Arctic Yuanguang Pagoda.

According to the estimate of the Technical Committee, the power of the Arctic Yuanguang Cannon should be able to reach the equivalent of one thousand tons of TNT.

This is already equivalent to the power of a miniaturized nuclear bomb.

But compared with the ultimate weapon equivalent to tens of millions of tons of TNT, it is still far behind.

Lin Xiao learned of the news that the United States was about to land on Mars when he returned to Earth on a routine basis.

He was not surprised by this news.

Before the advent of the two worlds, the earth's technological strength was already very strong. After more than ten years of rapid development, it has fully achieved the ability to navigate the inner solar system.

Landing on Mars is only inevitable with the development of science and technology to a certain extent.

Moreover, judging from the tall and straight space shuttle, it is obvious that the scientific and technological strength of the United States has developed to an extremely high level.

"It should be a plasma engine, and there are nozzles on the left and right should be able to hover directly, no wonder it landed on Mars directly." Lin Xiao noticed some details of the space shuttle.

"Hey, what's in front of the nose? Although it's covered to prevent damage to the aerodynamic shape, it doesn't look like a fuselage part, it's more like... a muzzle?" Lin keenly saw an abnormal place, "Could it be... ...plasma weapons?"

Plasma technology is the most dazzling one among the technological difficulties that humans have overcome in recent years.

Based on this, humans have developed powerful plasma engines, plasma cannons, plasma lasers...

This is an advanced use of energy.

There is already a shadow of future technology.

Lin Xiao didn't expect that Miguo would move so fast. Not only did he manufacture the first interstellar spacecraft, but he also successfully miniaturized the original bulky plasma cannon and put it on a new generation of space shuttles.

He can already foresee that, perhaps soon, apart from the wild world, space will also become one of the places where the major forces compete.

Although the wild world has brought too much to human beings, it is limited after all, and the resources cannot be endless, and there will always be a day when they are exhausted.

The starry sky is infinite.

There are too many unknowns in it.

Since ancient times, human beings' yearning for the starry sky has always been irreplaceable by anything else.

Even though many people now have extraordinary power, they still seem too small in front of the boundless starry sky.

Even Lin Xiao, known as Earth No. 1, maintains great awe of the starry sky.

This is also the reason why he has always insisted on studying the star map of the underground palace.

Not to mention the research progress of the underground palace star map, during this time, the launch pad has completed all preparations and started the countdown.







"Plasma engine activated."



"take off."


With a slight sound, different from the deafening chemical fuel rocket, the space shuttle propelled by the plasma engine took off with very little movement.

Although the movement is small, after take-off, it is extremely stable and accelerates extremely fast.

The overload can easily reach dozens of Gs. This is mainly because the resistance in the atmosphere is too great. If you fly into space and fly at full speed, the speed can completely shake off the previous rockets by a few streets.

"With such a large overload, the astronauts inside should all be practitioners, and at least intermediate-level. The Mizhou Alliance is really willing to use intermediate-level practitioners to perform such high-risk tasks."

Even if the development of technology is more mature, the risk of landing on distant Mars for the first time is still unpredictable.

Human beings still know too little about space.

(End of this chapter)

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