super star lord

Chapter 259

Chapter 259
It is difficult to find out the whereabouts of the lord of the main city.

But for the giant dragon, any slight movement can easily fall into the eyes of those who are interested, and it is extremely difficult to hide.

In the past, during the confrontation between the two camps, the whereabouts of the four sub-dragons of the purgatory camp had always been the focus of inquiries by the holy camp.

Long before the first five-year plan, Xianhe Ling had already arranged eyeliner.

This time the war was launched, and corresponding preparations were made for the possible reactions of the purgatory camp.

Intelligence preparation is essential.

Coupled with the convenience of the rune communication device, when these big guys change, the news is sent back immediately.

Over the past few years, I have basically learned enough about the main cities of the Star Field World.

Many things that seemed hidden before are clearly presented in front of my eyes.

Especially the core forces of these main cities, the sub-dragons of the purgatory camp and the reincarnated dragon nest, and the inherited epic mechs of the holy camp are no longer rumors, but facts.

The most important reason why those little dragons became one of the core authorities of the lords of the main city was that they were strong enough.

Among all the epic beasts, Yalong is the top existence, even the behemoth Behemoth is not as good as it.

In addition, the sub-dragon's riding attributes are better, and it cooperates more perfectly with the knight. The combat power displayed in the riding state will undergo a transformation.

So even if they are also the top knights of the earth, they are not at the same level in front of the sub-dragon knights.

Generally speaking, since the sub-dragon is so important, it usually stays in the dragon's lair and does not move around at will.Even if you practice riding and fighting with knights, you are still in the dragon's lair.

With the strength of the main city territory, there are very few occasions when it is necessary to dispatch the sub-dragon.

Unless... when conventional force is difficult to work.

For example, Lin Xiao.

The previous two assassinations have shown that ordinary land knights are just delivering food.

Coupled with the recent actions of the Xianhe Territory, they together contributed to the decision of Amos and others.

They have this self-confidence. In the star field world, except for their old opponents, no one can survive in front of the dragon knight.

The moment Lin Xiao heard the news, she was ready for the other party to target her.

Apart from him, he couldn't think of the reason why the other party made such a big move.

"Four people dispatched together? You really think highly of me."

Yes, not only the purgatory sub-dragon knight Amos, but all four sub-dragon knights from the purgatory camp were dispatched.Probably have the idea of ​​accomplishing all their achievements in one battle.

After all, Lin Xiao's previous performance was indeed a bit monstrous.

If it was Amos himself, he might not have enough confidence to survive the second assassination unscathed.

In order to avoid a third defeat, he needs to achieve his goal with absolute advantage.

After reporting back the changes of several sub-dragon knights at the first time, immediately after that, news continued to come in.

Amos and the others rode their mounts without hiding their whereabouts at all, and just swaggered directly to Xianhe, with the appearance of coming to conquer in an upright manner.

Facing the strong pressure brought by the four lords of the main city, in fact Lin Xiao was not sure of victory.

Even though he is confident in his strength in a full body state, everything is unknown until he has fought against each other.

What he can do now is to arrange the defense of Xianhe City first, at least to ensure the safety of the old lair.

Then, wait for the opponent's arrival.


The four main city lords were dispatched, and they did not hide at all. Such a shocking news naturally spread throughout the entire star field world at an extremely fast speed.

Not only the indigenous territories, but also the earth lords got the news.

Reminiscent of the recent actions of the leader of Xianhe, everyone has guessed the reason.

Many people were not surprised by this news.

When the Xianhe Territory started the war, many people thought that Lin Xiao was trying to die, and thought that Lin Xiao had become arrogant because he won the title of No.1 on Earth, and was blinded by the praise of human beings all over the world.

But the star field world is not the earth, and there is a price to pay for arrogance.

Now, comes the punishment.

"Xianhe is finished..."

"If you kill yourself, you can't blame others."

"Hey, it's Earth No.1 anyway, it's such a pity to just fall like this."

"I used to think that he was quite low-key, but I didn't expect that he would be so easy to swell and kill himself."

"Yeah, I don't even look at who is the overlord in the star field world, do you think that the main cities that have dominated for tens of thousands of years are made of mud!"

"The four lords of the main city are dispatched together, and they can be regarded as worthy of him!"

"I think it's just killing chickens to warn monkeys. They just want to tell everyone that the majesty of the main city cannot be shaken."

Although before this, Lin Xiao led the Xianhe Territory to conquer the east and west, conquering countless territories, and even more than a dozen city-level territories.

But most are conservative.

The most important thing is that the main city territory has not been touched.

Even if Lin Xiao occupied all the marginal sea areas and chaotic sea areas, it didn't mean that he was strong enough to make the main cities indifferent.

What's more, this blatant fight for the hegemony of the star field world has deeply touched the bottom line of the major cities.

If Xianhe collar is the main city, it's okay. Although no one wants to share an extra cake, as long as they have the qualifications of pink cake, everyone can only accept it.

But a person who is not qualified doesn't just want powdered cakes, but wants to eat alone as soon as he comes.

This is not touching the bottom line, but provocation, contempt, and arrogance.

Totally unacceptable!

Blood must be used to let everyone know the price of doing so.

The four main city lords dispatched together, logically speaking, it was completely unnecessary, but the meaning of the representative was to warn others that doing so meant that they would bear the wrath of all the main cities.

Play the purpose of killing chickens and monkeys.

Although Amos and the others did not rush at full speed, with the speed of Yalong, even if they rushed from the core sea area to the edge sea area, the time required was very short.

When they appeared off the coast of Golden Island, countless spectators were already eager to see through.

After all, if there are no accidents, an unprecedented battle is about to take place here.

One of them was the Xianhe lord who had repeatedly performed miracles, survived two earth-level assassinations without being injured, deflated the purgatory leader twice, and conquered dozens of city-level territories in a short period of time.

On the other side is the sub-dragon knight squad composed of the four main city lords of the star field world.

Such a scene may only happen once in a lifetime.

It would be a pity if you missed it.

"It's so strong, I can't breathe."

"Is this Yalong, the most powerful epic beast!"

"If the gods are present, you should also look sideways!"

The first thing that catches everyone's eyes is naturally the four mighty, huge and powerful epic beasts!

Just looking at the appearance, everyone is conquered.

This kind of behemoth is completely unable to arouse the courage to resist.

Everyone can't help but wonder in their hearts whether this battle is still necessary. Perhaps for the Xianhe leader, immediate surrender is the most correct choice.

(End of this chapter)

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