super star lord

Chapter 264 Has anyone seen a phoenix?

Chapter 264 Has anyone seen a phoenix?
"My God! So many treasure chests!"

"I thought it was an empty city..."

"This is a treasure, a huge treasure!"

"God's gift!"

Not only Lin Xiao, but all the onlookers present were shocked.

It has been a long-standing experience that the older the ruins, the rarer the treasures and the more mysterious the inheritance.The treasure chests that appeared made people guess to what extent the treasures contained in them would be cherished.

Most of the onlookers can only imagine the treasures in the treasure chest based on their own knowledge.

But for the current seven powerhouses surrounding the treasure box at this time, what they expected more was whether there would be... secrets on the earth in the treasure box.

Any one of them has already stood at the pinnacle of the star field world.At their level, it is difficult to arouse their interest in general treasures, inheritance, equipment, etc.No matter how many treasures, inheritances, and equipment there are, no matter how precious they are, they cannot bring about qualitative changes for them.

What they really desire is to explore the secrets above the earth.

As long as he can break through the legendary land, the whole world will crawl under his feet, and he can become the only god in the star field world!

At that time, the legendary city in the sky may no longer be an unreachable goal.

Therefore, the seven lords of the main city who were originally disappointed in this ancient city and were even prepared to get nothing, immediately confronted each other and became tense when they saw the treasure chest.

It was not successful before because it was really not appropriate to fight life and death before the value of the ancient city was determined.But now the value of the ancient city has appeared, and it is still very dazzling. It is foreseeable that no one will give up, and everyone wants to get a share of the pie.

So, the current situation is that there is only one war.

Defeat the opponent and distribute internally. With fewer people, everyone can get more.

Whether you want it or not, this battle is inevitable unless you are willing to give up.But even if it is a one in ten thousand chance, you must let it go.

All the onlookers were obviously aware of this, and they all got ready to watch an earth-shattering battle.

No one on either side of the two camps spoke anymore, and everyone knew that no matter what they said now, it would be futile.The mounts on the side of the purgatory camp were the first to feel the master's fighting intent, and all tensed up, as if they were about to explode.The mecha knights on the side of the holy camp also slowly raised their giant swords, and the energy was continuously injected, and the momentum became more and more powerful, constantly rising.

The huge aura surged, and the air around hundreds of treasure chests was distorted and deformed.

At this moment, everyone held their breath.

At this most critical moment, a loud and clear phoenix cry suddenly sounded, and it was clearly heard by everyone.


Harsh and long, cracking stones and piercing clouds.

Just when people were confused and looking for the source of the sound, an icy blue light and shadow exploded from the crowd, turned into a ray of light and disappeared in a flash, and directly plunged into the middle of the battlefield that was about to explode in the center of the ancient city. To the extreme.

Before everyone could react, the light and shadow appeared for a short time, which seemed to be a bird and beast burning with blue flames. The next moment, the hundreds of treasure chests that had attracted thousands of eyes disappeared directly. At the same time, the blue The color, light and shadow reappeared, and flew directly out of the battle circle.

Everyone and everything happened in a short moment, which was dizzying.

Until then, the seven people who were confronting each other came to their senses and chased after them at full speed.

However, whether it is a sub-dragon knight or a mecha knight, the speed is far behind that blue light, and they are not at the same level at all. After chasing a certain distance, they can only watch the other party disappear within sight. Disappear.

"Damn! Damn!"

"Who is it!?"

Augustine nearly exploded with anger.

Gucheng was born, he was the first to arrive, and then the two allies.Spending a lot of time and energy breaking through the ancient city's defense mask, I planned to enjoy the opportunity, but was chased away by my old enemy.Although he was extremely angry, he could only hold back abruptly.

With the final chest revealed, it looks like a big battle is inevitable.

Everyone's attention was focused on each other.Fighting at this level cannot tolerate the slightest distraction. A master's fight is so wonderful that even a little carelessness may bring disaster to oneself.

Everyone is waiting for this battle to end before dividing up the treasure chests.

But no one expected that at this moment, someone would suddenly step into the battle circle and directly snatch all the treasure chests.

If this possibility was mentioned beforehand, everyone would scoff.

Stealing treasures in front of the seven powerhouses?
Unless it is too long.

Not to mention whoever has such courage and strength, even if he can rush to the battle circle, he might be turned into ashes in seconds before he touches the treasure chest.

But the fact is, such a thing really happened.

And it happened inexplicably.

Who is this person?
"It's a heresy! It's the goddamn Lord of Xianhe!" Amos said this with a bitter grit, almost gnashing his teeth.

"What?" Augustine asked subconsciously.

Amos didn't care that this question came from an old opponent, but after calming down a little, he narrated as calmly as possible: "Among the heretics in the marginal sea area, there is a special territory called Xianhe Territory. Its lord is also the first A heretic who was promoted to the city level. Five years ago, I sent someone to assassinate him twice, but both failed. Just recently, he actually launched a war, stretched his hand into the chaotic sea, and occupied a large number of territories. "

After a pause, he continued: "Before this, I acted together with Ulysses, Bolton, and Dennis. I was going to take him down, but I was affected by the birth of the ancient city, so I didn't do it."

Having said that, he shook his head a little annoyed, "Damn it, we should kill him and come back."

Everyone has heard about what happened recently, so after Amos finished speaking, they all basically understood the ins and outs and who stole the treasure chest.

But it is precisely because of this that they feel incredible.

"Impossible!" Boggs, the steel lord in a black mech, was the first to question, "How could a city-level lord snatch the treasure chest in front of our eyes and escape smoothly?"

"Yes, his speed is too fast, is it some kind of secret technique?"

"With our speed, we can't even catch up. This is definitely not done by some secret skill!"

"Unless he has the strength to surpass all of us!"

"This is unreasonable, is he above the earth?"

"I only saw a blue light, fleeting..."

"Yes, there is also a blue flame, which is very strange. Instead of feeling the slightest heat, it exudes ice cold."

"It doesn't matter, can the flames make him so fast that we can't even react?"

During their discussion, Amos, who had been immersed in remorse, suddenly raised his head and said a seemingly unrelated topic.

"Have any of you ever seen a Phoenix?"

(End of this chapter)

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