super star lord

Chapter 271 The Earth is Special

Chapter 271 The Earth is Special
This time, the ball of light was silent for a long time, and just when Lin Xiao couldn't help reminding it, some distant and ethereal voices came over. The first sentence seemed a little inexplicable to Lin Xiao.

"The starry sky is a place where the weak prey on the strong."

After saying this, it didn't continue, but 'looked' at Lin Xiao. Although the ball of light didn't have eyes in the normal sense, Lin Xiao felt like being watched by it at this moment.

"Have you ever wondered why the star field world appeared on the earth, and why the earth was chosen as the place to descend?"

Hearing this question, Lin Xiao froze for a moment.

Although they are both Yuanli worlds, the star field world is different from the wild world. The latter itself exists in the dimensional space near the earth, and only partially interferes and merges with the earth space, so it can be entered.But the star field world is completely different. This world has unusual entry and exit rules, and there are aborigines in it, with different cultivation systems. It doesn't seem to be a natural occurrence at all.Especially the selection of the lord proved beyond doubt that this is an extraordinary and special world.

Before entering here and learning its origin from the light sphere, not only Lin Xiao, but also all human beings on earth have guessed the origin of the star field world and put forward countless explanations.For example, the game of the gods, the base of a certain advanced civilization, or the testing ground of a certain cosmic power, but because there is no evidence, they are not convincing.

Although it cannot be proven, at least a reasonable explanation can be found.

However, there is a problem that bothers everyone.

That is, why Earth?

That is to say, why is the earth chosen to become the place where the star field world descends.

Earth humans are special?

Earth humans are the destined protagonists?

As a civilization that can't even step out of the solar system, even if it has a little bit of self-knowledge, it won't say such big words.

Therefore, the question arises, since the human civilization on Earth is so ordinary, why is it chosen as the inheritance site by a huge alliance spanning countless galaxies.This is a problem similar to the 'Fermi Paradox'. Human beings who can't even figure out the origin of the star field world are naturally even more unable to explain it.

"Because the earth is special?" Lin Xiao could only guess like this, but it would be a bit embarrassing for him to say what is special.This is also the thinking of most people, and perhaps only this explanation is a little more reasonable.

"That's right, that's not right." To Lin Xiao's surprise, Guangqiu didn't refute immediately, but instead gave an ambiguous answer.

"How to say?"

"First of all, there are countless civilizations in the universe that have not even set foot in the parent galaxy like the earth, just like a wisp of dust in the air, without any particularity at all. But the earth, or the solar system, is less Something unique."

"What's unique?" Lin Xiao couldn't help asking eagerly, he knew that the next point was coming.

"The solar system and the tens of light-years around it are called the Lost Star Field by the surrounding civilizations. The starry sky environment is extremely special and full of dangers. Almost all the rune spaceships that entered here lost contact, and a few were able to escape desperately. Yes, the descriptions of the Lost Starfield are often very different. The void that swallows the spaceship, the dust cloud of the starry sky that becomes fly ash when it touches it, the cloud of hard debris that is extremely fast, the dark crack that cuts the spaceship in half... If there is no specific The route, entering the Lost Star Field is tantamount to courting death."

Lin Xiao was dumbfounded.

He couldn't imagine that the location of the solar system was so special.According to the words of the light ball, the earth in this natural desperation is completely a cradle-like existence.Foreign enemies cannot invade, and the civilization inside can develop freely without being disturbed by the outside world.Perhaps, the earth has never been visited by aliens, which can be perfectly explained.

"Then, the Star Field World chose Earth as the place to descend because it considered the safety of the inheritance?"

The light ball nodded, and seemed to sigh, "As I said, the starry sky is a place where the weak can prey on the strong. If the inheritance site is selected outside, it is easy to be destroyed by foreign enemies before it develops. In the starry sky , Every minute and every second is accompanied by the birth and death of a large number of civilizations."

Lin Xiao could imagine that if they could come and go freely, a powerful civilization could bully a weak civilization at will.There are only more than 200 countries on the earth, each of which belongs to human beings, and there are frequent wars.There are countless civilizations in the starry sky, all of which are completely different species. Maybe even their images are quite different, and they must be accompanied by wars and conquests.

If the newborn earth was in such a world, there would be no chance for free development. Maybe it would have been destroyed long ago, or become slaves and sold everywhere. The best result would be to become a vassal of a powerful civilization.

In a sense, the earth is lucky, and so are human beings.

Moreover, this luck has continued to the arrival of the star field world, bringing people the opportunity to practice.

"As for the situation of the civilization in the starry sky, in fact, it can be summed up in only four words, the weak and the strong. Of course, if you have to divide some levels, you can roughly divide them into planetary civilization and interstellar civilization." The light ball moved up and down, "Planet Civilizations generally refer to civilizations that rely on their own abilities and have not yet stepped out of the parent galaxy. Interstellar civilizations refer to civilizations that have developed to the point where they can freely travel between stars."

"Of course, this is just a general division and does not represent accurate strength. Some planetary civilizations may not have developed rune spaceships, but their average aptitude is very strong, and their individual strength far exceeds other civilizations."

Speaking of this, it seems to have thought of something, and the light ball said: "One thing I must remind you is that purely technological means are limited by the speed of light, and it is impossible to develop interstellar spacecraft. Only runes can borrow the power of space laws. Therefore, in the interstellar space civilization, There is no pure technological civilization. No matter which civilization wants to become stronger, its overall rune strength is crucial."

Speaking of this, it 'looked' at Lin Xiao, "I believe you have already experienced this."

Lin Xiao nodded. He knew what the other party was referring to. Although most of the research results from the space enchantment have not been applied yet, the powerful effect it can play is completely predictable.

The Xianhe collar has always been researching runes with all its strength. Although it was only to develop more powerful weapons and equipment at the beginning, it has embarked on the most correct path after hitting by mistake.

Of course, as a channel for communicating the laws, runes have endless abilities, and the ability to achieve travel beyond the speed of light is only one of them.

(End of this chapter)

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