super star lord

Chapter 284 Despair

Chapter 284 Despair
As soon as the earth was ready, the alien mecha knights came one after another.

Cheyenne Mountain, this is the first target to reach.

As the largest and most closely guarded control center, as well as a strategic strike control center, the importance of this place is beyond doubt for the United States.If it is lost here, it means that the defense center of the United States is lost, and the country will fall into chaos.

Although I don't know how the alien civilization from afar knows the existence of this place, but the other party is obviously not good, maybe it wants to wipe out the upper layers of the earth in order to achieve the purpose of controlling the earth.

Putting yourself in the shoes of a powerful alien civilization, after discovering an indigenous planet in the starry sky, I am afraid that I have no intention of talking to the ants. It is the easiest way to directly use thunder to make the indigenous people realize that resistance is a dead end. fast.

As long as they are living beings, when they are aware of the gap between the two sides and cannot resist, they know that the only way is to surrender, at least they can survive.

In this way, he will control the entire planet later, so that he will not encounter frequent resistance and waste energy and time.

Perhaps this is what the alien spacecraft controller is thinking at this moment.

But before that, the decisive battle between the two sides will inevitably be intense.

Perhaps because of the importance level indicated in the task assignment, there are dozens of Mecha Knights flying towards Cheyenne Mountain.If Lin Xiao were here, it would be easy to tell that each of these mechas is an epic mecha.And if you want to control an epic mecha and fully display the strength of an epic mecha, you must be at the earth level in terms of cultivation.

Therefore, the team of alien spaceships attacking Cheyenne Mountain is composed of hundreds of epic mech knights. This kind of strength is invincible to the earth.

Although it has been more than ten years since the advent of the star field world, coupled with the appearance of the wild world, most human beings have stepped into the door of practice, but so far, let alone epic mechs, there are even very few earth knights.If you want to fight against this team with the practitioners alone, it is tantamount to hitting a stone with a pebble.

Because the incident was too sudden, human beings had no information about the other party at all, so they couldn't know this crucial point.

As the distance approaches, the opponent first enters the range of the anti-aircraft missile.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa—"

Cheyenne Mountain's defense force is extremely sufficient. After the missile locks on the target, it is launched without any money.These are all new-generation weapons, which not only incorporate the latest high-tech crystallization, but also use mature rune technology. Not only is the speed increased several times compared to pure technology products, but the power is also doubled.

As the first intercepting force, this kind of weapon should be able to drive them into a panic for a while even if it cannot cause large-scale damage to it. At least it can suspend this aggressive offensive and let the other party realize that the earth is not to be manipulated Aboriginal.

In the control center, everyone was staring at the large monitoring screen intently, with anticipation in their eyes.

Both sides are approaching at an extremely fast speed. The missiles equipped with the latest seekers can easily identify the incoming targets and carry out target allocation under the control of the computer. Basically, the average number of missiles is allocated to one The goal is completely a supersaturation attack.

Since they were heading towards each other, not chasing them, even if the mechs were more flexible, it would be extremely difficult to completely dodge them.

"Boom boom boom boom-"

Although there was no sound on the screen, the movement of hundreds of missiles exploding at the interception site was so loud that it could be heard clearly within tens of kilometers.

Countless muffled sounds were like firecrackers. Around the mech knight formation, basically the entire sky was engulfed in flames, and the sky and the ground were ablaze red.

"Did you make it?"

In the control center, the high-level executives are all nervously waiting...

As if waiting for the verdict, the life and death of the entire human race.

But before they came back to their senses, one after another figures rushed out of the sea of ​​flames and continued to move forward along the target. Except for a slightly charred appearance, they were almost undamaged.

"This this……"

An old man with gray hair stared wide-eyed, his face was full of anxiety, shock and resignation, "Pfft—"

Immediately, a mouthful of blood spurted out, almost falling to the ground.

"Your Excellency, Vice President!" Someone immediately stepped forward to help him.

The opponent's strength was completely beyond everyone's expectations.This kind of missile was originally specially made. It not only assembled the most sophisticated technology and rune technology, but also used a large amount of precious and rare element force materials, carrying many burst, flame, and chaotic runes, and its power was far beyond ordinary heat. The weapons are comparable.According to the researchers' predictions, this weapon is as powerful as a small-yield nuclear weapon, and it also has the advantages of speed, flexibility, and ease of use.

The most important thing is that the power of this weapon is more concentrated, and the damage it can cause per unit area is much higher than some large-yield strategic weapons.

In fact, the high-level executives have reported great hopes for this interception, at least the psychological expectation is that it will cause a certain amount of damage.

That's right, with such a powerful weapon, I am afraid that no one can guarantee that it will be able to take it, except for the gods.

But the end result made them feel desperate.

Originally thought that the other party could not hide, but now it seems that he may not have taken it to heart at all.Perhaps in the eyes of the other party, these cutting-edge weapons of human beings on earth are just scratching an itch.

As for the second wave of fighter jets, they are just to clean up the mess.

"All fighter jets should return immediately, retreat! Retreat!" The chief of defense who was standing next to him reacted the fastest, but it was too late.

After the missile rain, the fighter jet cluster has also arrived.

"Boom boom boom boom-"

The pilots didn't react at all, and they were hit by the mecha knights flying out of the flames, turning into balls of fireballs.

Hundreds of fireballs were burning thousands of meters above the sky, which looked like a huge group of fireworks from the ground, attracting countless eyes.

But what the people on the ground didn't know was that what died with the fireworks was one of the core resistance forces of their own country.

The high-level people in the control center could only watch helplessly as the opponent drove straight in. Although they fired more missiles unwillingly, they were of no avail.

When a hundred mecha knights finally landed at the foot of Cheyenne Mountain, a knight group composed of thousands of middle and high-level knights swarmed out, formed a battle formation, and firmly guarded the entrance of the underground control center.

As the largest alliance of lords on Earth, the Mizhou Alliance has trained a large number of professionals on Earth since the advent of the Star Field World.Especially in the wild world, after the resource problem was alleviated, they spared no effort to cultivate them, and only now have the current scale.

Originally, this knight order was the main force to develop the wild world, to seize more territory and resources for the Mizhou Alliance, but unexpectedly, their first battle was to face the invasion of alien civilizations.

(End of this chapter)

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