super star lord

Chapter 296 in full swing

Chapter 296 in full swing
"Everyone, I'm back."

The sound was not loud, but it was clearly transmitted to the ears of everyone present.

After a moment of silence, the hall became lively again.

Everyone is very excited, the lord is back, and everyone seems to have a backbone.

"This period of time has made everyone worry, and you have all worked hard." Lin Xiao looked at the fiery eyes below, feeling a little emotional in her heart.

What I have experienced during this period of time is almost more than all the things I have experienced since entering the star field world.

The changes are indeed too great.

Not only has the territory been upgraded to a higher level and become the main city, but also the world that gave birth to the lord is under his complete control.

The big change in itself is obvious.

Of course, the events experienced by the earth are also completely unpredictable.

Who would have thought that the theory of aliens that has been discussed for many years not only became a reality, but the other party almost conquered the earth.

Even if a covenant is reached now, and all human beings unite and work together, no one can guarantee whether this war will be won in the end.

"During this period of time, I have encountered many things. Becoming the master of the star field world is one, and the other requires everyone to work together to tide over the difficulties."

Next, he talked about things on earth.

Those present were all the core members of the Xianhe Territory. They had some understanding of things outside the star field world, and they also needed to have a clear understanding of the crisis facing mankind now.

Before he came back, he had just signed the covenant with the Earth Federation, and now he had to mobilize the star field world as soon as possible to prepare against the clock.


"There are still comers from outside the starry sky, who are hostile to humans?"

"My lord, what you say to do, we will do it!"

"Yes, I don't believe it, we have the power of the whole world, and we won't be able to defeat these extraterrestrial bugs!"

Maybe it's because the wind has been going smoothly all the time, and the followers under him have no idea of ​​fear at all, and all of them are full of fighting spirit.

In their view, as long as they are under the leadership of the lord, there is absolutely no opponent that cannot be defeated.

The subordinates are full of enthusiasm, so Lin Xiao naturally won't pour cold water on him, even though he knows that this time the opponent is not comparable to before, and the strength of the opponent may be beyond imagination.

"Immediately issue a world order, requiring all lords above the city level to come and see them immediately." Strategically, he despised his opponents, but tactically, he absolutely valued them.

"Yes, my lord."

The order was issued, and the followers sprang into action.

Since it is a war, the more manpower and material resources, the better.

In the covenant, there are agreements on respective responsibilities and obligations.

In terms of preparing manpower, the earth will produce people, and the star field world will produce inheritance, so we can cultivate strong people together.

In terms of material resources, one is the great development of the wild world, and the resources obtained are shared together.

Since the discovery of the wild world, the overall development progress has been very slow due to the slight restraint of the major forces in various countries. Now that foreign enemies are present, everyone abandons the previous suspicions, and naturally they will not leave Baoshan unchanged.

The other is to jointly develop the rune battleship.

In this respect, the level of the star field world is higher, but the total number of talents is less, and the level of the earth is lower, but the total number of talents is higher.Together, the two parties can develop finished products faster.

Of course, Lin Xiao still kept a hand in this regard.

Led by Shirley, the Dragon Mecha that has been successfully developed, and the near-successful ship-mounted main guns, the Magnetic Cannon and the Aurora Cannon, are all untold secrets.

After the former Earth Knight is equipped, it can reach the sky knight threshold.

After the latter rune battleship is equipped, it can emit the attack power of the sky knight.

You must know that among cosmic civilizations, the strength of a civilization is measured not only by the number of sky knights and elves, but also by the number of interstellar warships.

For an interstellar warship, the power of the main gun needs to reach the sky level.

The power of the main gun is lower than that of the sky class, and it can only be called an armed spaceship or a transport ship, not an interstellar warship.

Of course, there is something more powerful than the star warship, that is, the immortal battleship that can send out a blow comparable to the gods. Unfortunately, there is no such ultimate weapon in the entire galaxy, and many people will not be able to control its demeanor in a lifetime.

on the earth.

The major countries are also in full swing at this time.

A large number of elites were sent to the wild world to develop resources, train knights, create rune weapons, etc., all together.

There are also special personnel docking between the Xianhe Territory and the major forces of various countries to ensure the maximum possible combination of the two parties.


The human side is like clockwork wound up.

In the dark and cold starry sky, Quinn's fleet is like a poisonous snake lurking beside it, and may launch a shocking surprise attack at any time.

He did not go back to summon the army of civilization as the people on Earth imagined. After exiting the solar system, he immediately began to contact his remaining fleet.

In order to swallow the phoenix, the earth, and the two primordial power worlds alone, he must first gather all the power in his hands.

One is to ensure the control of the starry sky inside the Lost Star Field, and the other is to prevent outside forces from interfering.

In the main control room of the flagship, as the light screen flashed, a figure appeared on it.

"Your Highness, you finally contacted me! Where are you now, are you safe? Do you need me to come over?"

The signal is connected, and the sound sounds almost simultaneously.

Hearing this voice, Quinn smiled and nodded at the other party, "Alex, I'm fine, how is the base now?"

"All is well, Your Highness."

The person in the picture is his chief knight, his absolute confidant, and also a sky knight.

Next, he narrated the things he encountered during this period, including the Phoenix, Yuanli World, Life Planet, etc., and did not hide anything.

Alex was stunned almost the whole time.

The point is, no one can imagine all these encounters.

Fortunately, after all, he was a well-informed, cautious and steady sky knight, and soon calmed down. He also immediately realized the intention of his prince to contact him.

"Your Highness, tell me, what should I do now?"

Quinn nodded in satisfaction, and then he informed the other party of his arrangement.

First of all, it is natural to gather all the remaining fleets and rush to the Lost Star Field.At the same time, he ordered several confidants to go to commercial countries such as Minas Business Alliance and Nok Business Alliance, hoping to buy legendary rune weapons and legendary mechs.

For this reason, he specially ordered, regardless of the cost!
If it is not enough, he is also going to contact a few friends he has a good relationship with and borrow all the resources he can.

In his opinion, as long as he can swallow the solar system and the Lost Star Field, he will surely be able to earn back thousands of times.

It's not that he didn't think about hiring a few strong men, but the benefits involved this time were too great, and he didn't dare to trust anyone except his followers.

When the call ended, the signal was disconnected, and the other party started to act according to his plan, Quinn's heart also became hot.

"The phoenix, the Yuanli world, and the planet of life will all be mine in the end!" He said silently in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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