super star lord

Chapter 298: Acting Separately

Chapter 298: Acting Separately
The lord's mansion, the secret room.

Lin Xiao soon entered into a deep level of cultivation.

His practice system is different from others, from the initial nebula stage to the star vortex and star stage, it is only equivalent to the low, middle, and high stages of the knight stage.At this stage, purely in terms of personal strength, he is not considered top-notch.

After breaking through to the stellar period, which is equivalent to the earth level, the advantages of this system are immediately manifested.

Even if he has just broken through, he is capable of fighting against the peak of the earth level.

This is because, during the stellar period, the star energy will collapse and condense into an extremely dense core, and the quality and explosive power of the energy in it will increase several grades, surpassing most earth-level professionals in an instant.

Not to mention, in the case of being possessed by an elf, his strength will rise to another level. At this time, ordinary sky knights are not his opponents.

It is with such strength that he can kill the Quartet when the alien knights invade.

The problem now is that the other party has started to 'call for support'.

Not to mention other fleets, knights, and large weapons, as long as the opponent has a sky-level peak powerhouse, it can be announced in advance that the human race on earth has been defeated.

Because no one on our side is its opponent.

As No.1 on Earth, Lin Xiao must shoulder this responsibility.

He can only grasp every minute and every second of cultivation.

There are no bottlenecks in the stellar period.

As long as you have enough Yuanli, you can practice until the peak of the star period.

When Lin Xiao entered the timing, the rich energy in the entire lord's mansion, which had skyrocketed due to the upgrade of the territory, was absorbed into Lin Xiao's body like a long whale absorbing water, becoming a part of the dense star core.

But the quality of the star energy is too high, even with the assistance of rich energy and the elf Nicole, the speed of progress is still very slow.

He had no choice but to use Yuanjing to cultivate regardless of the cost. Although the consumption rate was very fast, the effect was indeed beyond imagination.

Fortunately, the resources of the wild world are now being developed, and Yuanjing mines are constantly being discovered. After removing the consumption of the Knights and the Technical Committee, it can barely support his cultivation.


When Lin Xiao raced against time to improve his strength, Quinn was also in a good mood.

The first is the support fleet. Under the leadership of Alex, they went almost surprisingly smoothly. Even, until they crossed the entire Lost Star Field, all the battleships were undamaged.

You know, when he led the fleet to break in, even if he hit by mistake and didn't encounter any danger, when he finally arrived in the Lost Star Field, most of the spaceships were dilapidated and seriously damaged, and it took a long time for repairs alone.

The fleet led by Alex was not damaged at all, and it was a complete surprise that he didn't need to waste time on repairing the battleship.

What made him even more happy was that the confidants sent to the two major commercial countries also sent back good news. At the highest-level auction, he won one of the legendary weapons and legendary mechs he wanted.

Of course, what made him quite heartbroken was that he invested almost all of the money he had accumulated over the years of exploration.

Not only that, but he also borrowed a lot from a few acquaintances.

It can be said that it is really worthless.

He would never do this in the past.

No matter how powerful the legendary weapons and legendary mechs are, they can only be used on individuals. It is impossible for him to bring this equipment to fight with people every day. On the contrary, without those resources, his personal power will not be able to develop.

But as long as he thinks about the life planet, Yuanli world and Phoenix that he is about to get, he doesn't care at all. Compared with the former, the resources he spent are nothing compared to a drop in the bucket.

"Alex, you go back the way you came and meet them."

At this time, the chief knight had already joined him with the fleet, and he ordered the other party to return just in case.

"Yes, Your Highness."

After the other party took the order and left, he began to arrange the blockade of the solar system.

This time, Alex has brought over almost all the movable warships and spaceships in his lair, there are hundreds of them in total.

They even brought over all the ships that were being maintained and trained.

The battleships among them are all spaceships with powerful armaments, but the main guns have not reached the sky level, which distinguishes them from interstellar warships.

Big guys like Star Warships can kill Sky Knights with one shot of their main guns. It was in the hands of his cheap father, so naturally he didn't have it.

There are dozens of battleships in his hands.

The rest are some special spaceships, such as prospecting ships, maintenance ships, transport ships, reconnaissance ships and so on.

The reason why he ordered the chief knight to bring all his brains here is naturally useful.

He already regards this place as his future lair. After conquering the earth, the interior of the Lost Star Field needs to be investigated in detail, so as not to be unaware of any dangers in it.

But now, the role of these ships is to block the solar system and guard the entrance to the Lost Star Field.

He wants to take over the entire Lost Star Territory steadily without any outside intervention.

For the earth natives who have not set foot in the stars, even the slowest spaceship in his fleet is not a threat to them.

Sitting in the main control room of the flagship, with the spaceships in front arriving in place one after another, after the last failure and being forced to retreat, the pictures of the major planets in the solar system once again appeared on the light curtain in front of them.

The blazing still young sun, and the water-blue earth, as beautiful as the most precious gem, all clearly appeared in front of my eyes.

"The living planet is really beautiful!"

Quinn couldn't help admiring from the bottom of his heart.

For an explorer like him who has wandered in the starry sky all year round, no matter how beautiful and mysterious the starry sky is, it is only a glimpse, and only the living planet is the final destination.

In the entire Milky Way, there are hundreds of billions of stars, and there are countless planets.

But among them, there are only thousands of living planets, which are too few in comparison, and the appearance of each one is a miracle.

Not to mention, Earth's rating is still the highest.

In other words, even the most fragile life can adapt to the living environment of the earth.

You must know that there are some relatively low-level living planets. Although creatures can barely survive, the environment is appallingly poor. Volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, tsunamis, sandstorms, etc. are commonplace. To put it nicely, they are living planets. To put it bluntly, it was hell.

In the Principality of Lek, only the environment of the capital Star Leke can be compared with that of the earth, and even a little bit worse.

Other life planets are even worse, and the lives that can accommodate them are correspondingly much less.

The most commendable thing is that there are actually two Yuanli worlds attached to the earth.

This kind of unique condition, with his knowledge, can only be compared with the capital stars of the most powerful empires in the Milky Way!
With such a perfect opportunity in front of him, he has no reason not to go all out to win it.

(End of this chapter)

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