Marriage pet: marrying a thousand gold

Chapter 301 Young man with long eyes!

Chapter 301 Young man with long eyes! (1)
Even at a distance, she could hear those men's obscene teasing and dirty words, perhaps because there were so few people in the world, so they were even more reckless on Qiao Nianzhao's body.

Qiao Nianzhao would refuse a few times, but probably because she was too drunk, she was not strong enough. Instead, she became a posture of refusal and welcome, which made those men eager to push her into the car.

Song Qiyan didn't intend to go forward, he held her hand with one hand, and put the other in his trouser pocket, as if he was watching a show. When Jin Ziqi heard Qiao Nianzhao's slightly frightened cry, Dai's eyebrows frowned even tighter.

Although Qiao Nianzhao did a lot of evil on weekdays, she was also a woman. Seeing her being molested by so many men, Jin Ziqi only felt nauseated. Gang (harmonious) rape is an act of extreme disrespect for women.

Suddenly someone behind him called "Song Shao", Jin Ziqi turned his head sharply, and saw that it was Sun Hao who had met once, he was calling tentatively, but when he got closer and saw that it was Song Qiyan and his wife, they immediately greeted him enthusiastically. greet.

Soon, Sun Hao also noticed the situation over there. When he saw a man put a hand into Qiao Nianzhao's chest clothes, he shouted over there, and immediately rushed over to prepare for the hero to save the beauty.

So, Jin Ziqi and Song Qiyan were spectators again, watching Sun Hao beat the three hooligans away, and half-embracing Qiao Nianzhao, who was like a puddle of soft mud, patted her face from time to time: "Miss Qiao, wake up!" !"

"Young Madam, if it's inconvenient for you and Young Master Song, then I'll take Miss Qiao back."

When Sun Hao said this, his face was obviously a little cold. He was blaming Song Qiyan and Jin Ziqi for their indifference. They stood here earlier than him, but they allowed Qiao Nianzhao to be molested.

Naturally, Jin Ziqi also saw Sun Hao's tenderness and love for Qiao Nianzhao, and she did not forget that Sun Hao was very interested when he mentioned Qiao Nianzhao that day at Song's house.

So when Sun Hao made this request, Jin Ziqi couldn't wait for it, she didn't want to send Qiao Nianzhao back to Jin's house at night, maybe the drunk Qiao Nianzhao would go crazy with her!
"Then I'll trouble you to take her back." Jin Ziqi smiled just right.

Unexpectedly, Sun Hao's face became even more gloomy after seeing it. He probably didn't expect that Jin Ziqi would actually hand over his sister to a stranger like himself, and he felt more and more sympathy for Qiao Nianzhao.

Looking at Qiao Nianzhao, who was clinging to Sun Hao's chest and sleeping like a dead pig, the corners of Jin Ziqi's eyes twitched. In a blink of an eye, Sun Hao had already walked away with Qiao Nianzhao in his arms, and then drove away in a car.

"What we it a little too much?" Jin Ziqi raised his eyebrows and looked at the man beside him.

Song Qiyan lowered his head and twitched the corner of his mouth: "Then how about... go and chase it back?"

"I don't know Sun Hao's license plate number." Jin Ziqi shrugged his shoulders, expressing his powerlessness, and seemed to have remembered something, then raised his head and said to him: "Sun Hao seems to like Qiao Nianzhao quite a bit."

"I see." There was a soft sigh in his ear.

"Then what do you think?"

Song Qiyan looked at the direction in which Sun Hao's car was going away, with a strange expression on his face, and after a while, he said, "No evaluation."

As soon as they stepped into the door of the Song family, Manager Ming was already waiting at the door, waiting for them to come back.

"Eldest young master, young mistress, the chairman is waiting for you in the living room."

Jin Ziqi and Song Qiyan looked at each other, presumably the old man wanted to hear the outcome of the meal.

However, when the door was pushed open, there was joyful laughter, which came from Song Zhiren sitting on the sofa.

The children and grandchildren who reunited after a long absence were sitting together inseparable. When Jin Ziqi and Song Qiyan approached, Song Zhiren was coaxing someone to eat with a piece of cake, but someone was just playing with Song Zhiren's white Eyebrow.

"Dad, Manager Ming said you were looking for us." Song Qiyan said straight to the point.

Song Zhiren put the cake in his hand back on the plate, raised his head and glanced at the couple standing there, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart that he really is a talented man and a beautiful woman, he pondered for a while before saying: "How is the meal?"

"That's not it. I have accurately conveyed what my father meant to Chairman Bai."

Song Zhiren didn't doubt Song Qiyan's words as before, nodded, with a slight smile on his face, and glanced at them: "Bai Lao called himself just now, saying that Sangsang will move in tomorrow."

"So soon?" Jin Ziqi couldn't help being surprised, "Isn't the engagement ceremony still in place?"

Song Qiyan also echoed: "Just moving in like this, have you asked Hengfeng for his opinion?"

As soon as the words were finished, the door of the living room was pushed open, and Song Ranqin's voice also sounded: "Needless to say, we, Afeng, will go to Bai's house tomorrow evening to pick up Sangsang's mother and son."

Jin Ziqi turned his head and saw Song Ranqin's rosy face under the crystal light. He was really refreshed on happy occasions. Song Ranqin walked over in an expensive dress with a shawl in his arm. She was no longer depressed in the early morning.

Song Ranqin passed Song Qiyan and Jin Ziqi, completely ignored them as invisible people, and sat down on the sofa next to Song Zhiren: "Dad, don't worry, I have already made an agreement with Ah Feng."

Song Zhiren gave a satisfied "hmm", then raised his hand and groped for the head of so-and-so in his arms, with infinite love, lowered his head and asked kindly: "So-and-so has been away for so many days, do you miss grandpa? "

Jin frowned, and just about to speak, Song Ranqin took the lead and said with a smile: "Dad, when Sangsang gives birth to a child, there will be a little great-grandson who will call you grandpa, and it will really be the fourth generation." Together!"

The words "four generations under the same roof" obviously touched Song Zhiren's emotional line, his eyes flashed brightly, and he nodded happily, but Song Qiyan over there poured a basin of cold water in an unsightly manner.

"Sister, what you said is biased. The child born after XX grows up is the father's great-grandson. As for Hengfeng's child, you have to add the word 'foreign', and it follows your husband's family type."

As soon as these words came out, the smile that hadn't had time to bloom died on Song Ranqin's face.

Great-great-grandson, great-great-grandson, is an outsider after all, how can he be more affectionate and caring than a great-great-grandson?

Sure enough, Song Zhiren was no longer as happy as before, and the look of anticipation on his face faded a little.

Jin Ziqi suppressed his smile, and nudged Song Qiyan's elbow: "You're the only one who talks too much! Doesn't my mother love so-and-so and the child in my belly?"

Seeing that he straightened his back knowingly and kept silent, Jin Ziqi also laughed and remained silent.

But someone in Song Zhiren's arms raised his face suddenly, blinked, looked at Song Ranqin and asked, "Mother-in-law, did Aunt Zhao have a baby stuffed in her belly like Qiqi?"

Song Ranqin's eyes twitched suddenly when she heard the call of "grandmother", but she still maintained a smile and stroked someone's hair: "Why can't mother-in-law bark like that? I'm your aunt."

(End of this chapter)

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