Marriage pet: marrying a thousand gold

Chapter 306 The Punch Qiao Nan Gifted

Chapter 306 The Punch Qiao Nan Gifted (2)
He said, "That Sun Hao is still your relative."

At that time, she only thought that Song Qiyan was drunk and talking nonsense, and she didn't care about her second-married cheap grandma Sun Lanfang at all, so she didn't think of Sun Hao and Sun Lanfang together.

If that was the case, why did Sun Hao never talk about Sun Lanfang to her?

Was he deliberately avoiding it or had he even forgotten that there was such an old grandma in the Sun family?
However, Jin Ziqi frowned. No matter how old Mrs. Sun looked at her, she was not an easy-going lamp. Logically speaking, Sun Hao shouldn't have been ignorant of it. Moreover, they came to S City at very similar times, so could it be a coincidence?
Thinking of the later, Jin Ziqi smiled meaninglessly, wondering if she is used to intrigue, she always likes to think the worst of everything, even Sun Hao's liking for Qiao Nianzhao was complicated by her.

When the car stopped at the intersection, Su Ningqiu asked, "How are Qiao Nianzhao and Su Hengfeng doing?"

Immediately, the words of the employees in the tea room rang in his ears. Jin Ziqi was dull for two seconds, and then said: "I don't know the details, but I'm not as happy as before. Bai Sangsang moved into Song's house tonight."

"Oh?" Su Ningqiu raised her eyebrows with interest, restarted the car, and said again: "The person she took away from you with great difficulty is now taken away by another woman. I'm afraid I feel uncomfortable."

She paused as she spoke, "However, I think she's having a good life, and she's just like her mother, she's quick enough to change her mind, and she likes to hang out with men all day long."

Change your mind?Jin Ziqi was quite skeptical about this point. Qiao Nianzhao didn't seem to like Sun Hao, and there was no intimacy between the two of them. Sun Hao's thoughtfulness was more like wishful thinking.

Perhaps, Qiao Nianzhao and Sun Hao came so close to anger Su Hengfeng.She didn't forget that Qiao Nianzhao had a big fight with Su Hengfeng just this morning, and with Qiao Nianzhao's "simple" character, he was very likely to do such a thing.

As soon as the car drove to Su Ningxue's building, he saw a Maserati CEO parked under the boulevard.

Jin Ziqi was stunned by the familiar license plate number, but Su Ningqiu sneered: "I was still wondering where to find him, but he came to the door by himself!" After saying that, she quickly borrowed the seat belt and got out of the car.

Jin Ziqi couldn't help covering his forehead, while Su Ningqiu had already walked to the driver's seat of the Martha, and knocked on the window in a leisurely manner. The window slowly lowered, revealing half of Jin Zhaodong's face.

Jin Zhaodong's face did not show the ease of relief after the divorce, perhaps because of the previous pneumonia illness, the whole person looked a lot thinner, and the few fine lines at the corners of the eyes were also a little obvious.

"Ouch, I said who is this, could it be that he ran to the wrong place?" Su Ningqiu said relentlessly.

Jin Zhaodong was leaning on his seat, staring at a certain balcony on the seventh floor.

He deliberately parked his car under the dense tree-lined avenue downstairs of the apartment building. From downstairs, the leaves could just block his car, but he could clearly see Su Ningxue's home from this angle.

He thought that he was used to Su Ningxue's cold and indifferent appearance over the years, even if she really left, he should not have much feelings, anyway, after living together for so many years, he didn't find that she had much sense of presence.

However, habit is a terrible thing. When he sits at the dining table and reads the newspaper in the morning, he will subconsciously stretch out his right hand to grab the milk glass, but he always takes it empty, and the position of the milk glass has long been changed to the left.

Xinhui said: It will be more convenient for him to read newspapers on the left.

However, Qiao Xinhui's tenderness and consideration did not make him feel happy at all. He just looked at Kong Kong's right hand and felt inexplicably melancholy. That was the position "she" had held for more than 20 years.

Now in the morning, there would no longer be such a glass of milk silently waiting for him to drink.

In the past, he always deliberately avoided passing by her office, but now he finds various reasons to pass by there, and he doesn't know why he went there. The avoidance in the past has become a daily necessity today.

Ever since Su Ningxue resigned, her office has been vacant. It's not that no assistant reminded him that she wanted the new general manager to move in, but he deliberately pretended to be stupid and didn't respond. Every time she passed it vaguely.

This morning, he went to her office again. All the office utensils were there, but it still made him feel more empty than ever.Because he knows that even if it is full of furniture, as long as there is one person missing, it will be empty.

Su Ningxue took almost all of her own things, but he found a dusty cardboard box under the desk, as if a spark had lit up in his heart, he squatted down and pulled the box and began to dig into it.

What are you looking for?Even he doesn't know, maybe—

He just wanted to fill the gap in his heart, the gap left by the unknown year and month.

Abandoned materials, used up signature refills, a plate of withered prickly pears...

Maybe she is the only one who can raise the prickly pear to death?
Unable to bear it, the corners of his mouth curled up. He obviously didn't know how to water and grow, but he especially liked to buy some potted plants.

After picking and picking in the box, I found that there were very few things that really left her breath.

The sunlight fell on the empty office, making it look more and more cold and empty, just like his heart, cold and empty, and the echo could be heard when the signature pen refill fell to the ground.

He looked around and put the box back in place, only to see a photo frame with broken glass.

Under the photo frame was a pile of torn papers, he felt his breath was stagnant, as if he had been bewitched, he carefully picked up those papers one by one and put them on the table .

It took a lot of time to piece it together, and the fragmented photos have turned yellow.

It was a photo taken in Tianshan, and he recognized Su Ningxue at a glance when he saw the background behind Su Ningxue.

Su Ningxue was wearing an off-white dress that day, the style was a little outdated, he vaguely remembered that she met a thief when she went to Tianshan Mountain, and all the clothes she used were bought after she found him.

In the photo, Su Ningxue still maintains her 20-year youthful elegance. Even if she wears clothes with a strong rustic flavor, she can't conceal the quiet and noble spirit educated by the famous family in her bones.

Jin Zhaodong lowered his head and touched the curved corner of Su Ningxue's mouth, was she smiling at that time?
In the photo, Su Ningxue stared at the camera with her beautiful eyes, her red cheeks, she couldn't hide her embarrassment.

This is the last photo of her and him, right?
It was also the last time he saw her smile like this.

After taking the photo, she followed her father back to City S. After that day, everything deviated from the original track.

Every second he spent with her was an unbearable torment.

(End of this chapter)

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