Marriage pet: marrying a thousand gold

Chapter 339 Song Qiyan, I Can't Live Without You

Chapter 339 Song Qiyan, I Can't Live Without You (4)
The "he" in his mouth, they knew each other well, so he didn't mention it.

Jin Ziqi stared at him without blinking: "What are you worried about?"

Are you worried that I rekindled the love with him, or are you worried that I was bullied by them?
The corners of Song Qiyan's mouth turned slightly, he lifted her chin, and the dark and narrow eyes revealed a mystery that didn't match the relaxed smile on his face: "It's the first time you baked sweet potatoes, did you eat them with him?"

"At that time, I was in the rebellious period. I witnessed my father's betrayal of my mother. I always wanted to do something to attract the attention of the adults. I was too young and too stupid at that time. I always thought that love was everything, and I could never turn back for love. Now From the looks of it, it was just a profound lesson for youth and frivolity."

She paused, smiled, and lowered her head to take another bite of the sweet potato.

In an instant, the air was filled with the aroma from roasted sweet potatoes.

She swallowed the sweet potato in her mouth, and then continued: "In fact, I knew in my heart that the beginning of me and him was an irreparable mistake. Mom is right, the ending of Cinderella and Prince Charming can only be in a fairy tale It turns out that in reality, all you want is the right family. But I am a little unwilling. If such an unlucky thing hadn’t happened back then, he and I might not have been able to achieve a positive result. But there is always a thought in my heart: Maybe we would have been happy long ago. Because of this unwillingness, I couldn’t let it go for many years.”

Song Qiyan looked at her intently, his hand ran along her drooping cheek, and just about to say something, his fingertips touched a drop of ice, which froze on his fingertips, crystal clear under the light.

"What's wrong? Why are you crying?" He was a little surprised, and his heart was a little blocked and uncomfortable.

Because of the cool moistness left by his fingertips.

Jin Ziqi's eyelashes trembled slightly, and he subconsciously raised his hand to wipe his eyes, a little flustered.

She seldom cries and has no time or opportunity to cry.

Could it be that the tears also knew that she had a place to cry, and took advantage of the loose defense line to rush out?
She looked at the baked sweet potato in her hand and said in a low voice, "I didn't cry."

After struggling a little, she avoided his touch, didn't dare to look directly into his eyes, held the warm sweet potato, and was still not used to exposing the most vulnerable side of her heart to the light.

The water in the corner of her eyes had dried up, so she raised her face to look at him, trying to whitewash the peace.

"When I was holding sweet potatoes just now, I accidentally got smoked."

"You are crying."

He watched her rosy eye circles quietly, his emotions calmed down quickly, and he stated calmly.

He still held her stubbornly with one hand, exerting a little force, as if wanting to get her approval.

Pretend to be strong, but fell apart because of his insistence on breaking, she no longer struggled, and let him hold her shoulders, eyelashes drooping, and the unwiped water slid down along the lines of her face.

The two were deadlocked at the corner of the street until Song Qiyan shivered slightly, feeling the coolness of the night wind, and pulled her into his warm arms again, lifted her chin with one hand, and looked into her eyes.

"Qin Yuan, isn't it?" He frowned a little gloomy.

He didn't have the answer he wanted in his eyes, so it's better to come out openly and honestly than two people thinking wildly and making trouble for themselves!He bares his emotions, including his worries!

"Although I can't say clearly about your past, at least I know the general situation. Qin Yuan is your past. What I care about is whether you are really indifferent to him now."

Jin Ziqi looked at him deeply, saw the concern in his eyes, and also saw his nervousness.

He was worried that the answer she gave was not what he wanted to hear?
She took a deep breath, exhaled the turbid air in her chest, stared solemnly into his eyes, and paused every word, like an explanation, but more like a promise: "For people, I can't do two things at the same time."

"Since Qin Yuan appeared in our topic, your mood has been wrong."

Jin Ziqi's eyes flickered, and he also stared at her expression motionless.

"Ziqi, facing you, I always seem to have no confidence."

His voice was hoarse and dignified, and he covered her heart with one hand: "If you don't have confidence, you will be the only one for you."

Jin Ziqi rolled up the corners of his lips, leaned his head gently into his chest, and closed his eyes to stop the tears from overflowing.

It took a long time before she let out a sigh on the side of his neck, expressing her fear of these years.

"The first time I fell in love, I didn't know how to love. When I met Qin Yuan, it was the warmth I was looking forward to at that time. Anyone can, I admit, not only him. I just want to find someone who makes me feel that I still exist meaning."

"Qin Yuan, Su Hengfeng, I tried to spend my whole life with them, but they all failed."

"At that time, Su Hengfeng told me that Qiao Nianzhao would be his only one. I could only nod with a smile, fearing that my tears would also fall from my mouth. At midnight, I always asked myself, Jin Ziqi, who is virtuous and virtuous, couldn't keep Qin Yuan. Jin Ziqi who is both charming can't keep Su Hengfeng, what kind of Jin Ziqi does he need to keep a man?"

So, stop looking forward to the so-called love, just start living for the family, like a walking dead.

The skin washed by tears ached in the cold wind, a dry warmth covered her cheeks, she slowly opened her eyes, Song Qiyan kissed the traces of her tears, then lowered his head and held her lips valve.

It wasn't as lingering as usual, but the four lips touched lightly and kissed carefully.

He whispered between her lips: "Jin Ziqi, do you know how much I like you?"

Jin Ziqi stood on tiptoe lightly, responded to his kiss, and almost said the words with his lips in his mouth.

She said: "Song Qiyan, it seems that I can't live without you."

Maybe it's because the two of them have completely opened up, but getting along with each other is a bit awkward.

Although they were still holding hands, the atmosphere of silence made neither of them dare to take a large breath.

Jin Ziqi suddenly remembered something and pulled his hand, Song Qiyan slowed down and turned to look at her.

She hesitated for a while, and then said quietly: "When did you know that I recovered my memory?"

Song Qiyan was taken aback for a moment, then smiled, his eyes curved, "It's on the bed in the ward just now."

Jin Ziqi's eyes flashed, but he explained to himself: "If you lose your memory, you won't remember the events of the year so clearly. Ordinary people can't do it, let alone a person with amnesia, remember everything. .”

"I thought you would be upset because I deliberately concealed it."

He lowered his head and rubbed his chin on her face. The rough, light stubble made her tender skin uncomfortable. He looked at her disgust and smiled a little more at the corners of his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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