Marriage pet: marrying a thousand gold

Chapter 341 Song Ranqin's Roar!

Chapter 341 Song Ranqin's Roar! (1)
Those five words caused thousands of ripples in Jin Ziqi's heart lake.

"If there is a drag, how can he allow himself to come back to you?"

Jin Ziqi looked at him suddenly when he heard the words, but he smiled slightly: "Qin Yuan has feelings for both you and Fang Qingyun. Although he has decided to spend the rest of his life with Fang Qingyun, the name Jin Ziqi is the wound in his heart that will never be erased." , once he knows that his previous mistakes were calculated by others, he will never give up."

But she lowered her eyes, looking a little tired, and squeezed his big hand through his tiger's mouth.

"But, when I wake up every morning, the person I want to see is you."

Instead of Qin Yuan...

She didn't say the second half of the sentence. She knew that he would understand.

Song Qiyan smiled without saying a word, but hugged her tightly.

At least they have each other on this cold night.

It's just that such a warm moment didn't last long, and Song Zhiren hurriedly caught up with him after a phone call.

Song Qiyan guessed right before. When Song Zhiren found out about Song Ran's unauthorized embezzlement of working capital, Song Zhiren would definitely be furious, and the question was almost roared out.

Even Jin Ziqi, who was standing aside, could hear it clearly, and frowned because of the harshness.

Song Zhiren said sharply out of breath, "You know, right? When did you know?"

Song Qiyan took the phone away a little bit, and there was a muffled sound of slapping wooden materials hard in the receiver, one after another, Jin Ziqi couldn't help but feel worried about Song Zhiren's palm.

Song Qiyan, on the other hand, remained calm from beginning to end, so naturally he couldn't tell Song Zhiren that he had given the information to Han Minzheng, but saying he didn't know anything would be too false to fool Song Zhiren, an old fox.

Looking sideways at Jin Ziqi, Song Qiyan twitched his lips, but his tone was almost aggrieved: "I'm just guessing. You also know that I don't have much real power in the Song Corporation, and you need to sign for everything big and small. Besides, my sister has been in the Song family for decades, and she has always done things steadily, so how could she be easily swayed by love?"

He paused, as if to give Song Zhiren a chance to breathe.

"My Xiaoqi complained to me a few days ago, saying that the pregnant women's supplements that our Song family gave her were really inferior compared to the imported ones that my sister gave to her niece and daughter-in-law. Besides, when you were on your [-]th birthday One time, I heard from an uncle at the next table that Wenlong Real Estate has recently connected several major projects, and everyone is curious about Wenlong Real Estate’s internal funds.”

Song Zhiren was silent, and Song Qiyan came to the last sentence: "So, please take a good look at the financial situation of Wenlong Real Estate from the side. After all, it is a family. Maybe there are other people involved. Hidden feelings, it would be bad if I wronged my sister's family."

The other side seems to be still questioning his words, Song Qiyan pondered for a moment, and then explained: "My sister is an employee of the Song Corporation, and her annual salary is only a few million. Bai Lao's "Ruisong Baihe Picture" is worth more than 300 million."

Smart people don't need to go into too much detail when talking to each other. This state of hesitation and hesitation is the highest.

Song Qiyan didn't say any more, but gave Song Zhiren room to imagine.

With Song Zhiren's cunning and cunning, why would Song Ranqin be able to afford such an expensive painting?

Not knowing what was said on the other end of the phone, Song Qiyan nodded respectfully: "I know father, Ziqi and I will go back to the hospital right away, by the way, you just made a fuss, do you want to bring some supper back?"

Hanging up the phone with a smile, Song Qiyan put his arms around her shoulders, "It's time for us to appear."

"The old man is going to give you power?"

Song Qiyan sneered, "How can it be so easy? He has been the emperor for most of his life, how could it be so easy and willing to hand over the power of the Song family? He said that he wanted to make Su Hengfeng the heir, but he was just treating him as a puppet. I am the manipulator behind the scenes."

Indeed, how can a person who has been authoritarian all his life be willing to fall into the mud from a high place?

"However, he should also know that it is easier to ask the Buddha than to give it away."

Jin Ziqi looked at him with a smile: "Are you that Buddha?"

He didn't point it out, just raised his handsome eyebrows lightly, turned his head and looked around: "Go and buy some supper."

Jin Ziqi looked at him intently looking for a night snack shop, and laughed in his heart——

Could this be a slap in the face for a sweet date?

Song Qiyan lined up to buy supper, Jin Ziqi didn't want to be squeezed in the crowd, so he waited outside.

She was wandering around boredly, and suddenly saw a bright silver Cadillac parked by the flower bed a few meters away, with people sitting in the driver's seat and the passenger seat, and the two were hugging each other emotionally at the moment.

From Jin Ziqi's point of view, there happened to be a street lamp shining on the windshield, and she could clearly see the man and woman inside were kissing fiercely and uncontrollably, and their clothes were a little out of order.

Jin Ziqi looked at it, his cheeks were a little red, and then he thought of the absurdity of being in the car with Song Qiyan one night, and was about to turn around and leave, but the car door opened.

A slender red figure appeared in the field of vision, Jin Ziqi met her face to face, still face to face, 360 five degrees without any dead angle, the two eyes met, and they were stunned for a moment.

Jin Ziqi never expected that the woman who kissed the man inside just now... was her!
When Bai Sangsang slammed the car door shut, there was still an affectionate smile on her face.

Maybe it's because of her pregnancy, and with that smile, there are endless charms between her eyebrows and eyes.

She also seemed to see a person standing under a street lamp not far away, and she glanced over casually from the corner of her eyes. It was just a casual glance, but soon she was completely attracted.

When she saw clearly that the passer-by was not A, B, C, but Jin Ziqi, the smile on her face could no longer be held.

Even, the muscles of Bai Sangsang's whole body tensed up.

With one hand still clasped on the doorknob, she watched Jin Ziqi's pupils shrink violently, and her face, which had been deliberately lightly made up, turned blue and then white, with indescribable surprise and fear.

Jin Ziqi and Bai Sangsang met him head-on, and the distance was not very far. She seemed to see Bai Sangsang's body trembling slightly, which was the mental state that only appeared when he was caught in bed.

The man in the car seemed to have sensed something was wrong with Bai Sangsang, so he opened the driver's door and got out.

"Sangsang, what's the matter? I didn't mean to buy it..."

Under the dim night, it was not clear, but Jin Ziqi was absolutely sure that that man would definitely not be Su Hengfeng, otherwise, Bai Sangsang would not have such a ghost-like expression.

(End of this chapter)

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