Marriage pet: marrying a thousand gold

Chapter 344 Song Ranqin's Roar!

Chapter 344 Song Ranqin's Roar! (4)
Song Qiyan pursed his lips lightly, and smiled faintly: "Sister is right, when you just took over the company, there will inevitably be many unfamiliar places, and you need to communicate and learn with the veterans of the company."

Hearing these words, Song Ranqin immediately felt that Song Qiyan was on the right track, suppressed his joyful mood, coughed lightly, glanced at the crowd in a stately manner, and said, "Yes, when Ah Feng returns to the Song family, you If uncle and nephew are of one heart and one mind, we can get twice the result with half the effort!"


Jin Ziqi unconsciously raised the corners of his mouth when he heard this. Song Ranqin knew that she was hopeless, and now she was trying to get Su Hengfeng into the Song family. It seemed that she was still unwilling to let go of the huge property of the Song family!
Su Hengfeng's face darkened, and when he heard that Song Ranqin brought up the old matter again, he was a little embarrassed, and immediately frowned and stopped Song Ranqin in a low voice: "Mom, okay, why are you talking about this matter?" ?”

Except for Song Zhiren who closed his eyes again, everyone looked at Song Ranqin in surprise.

I'm afraid I've never seen anything like this...

Song Ranqin panicked for a moment, but quickly covered it up, with a flattering smile, forced to look at Song Qiyan calmly: "Little brother, tell me, is this the truth?"

Song Qiyan smiled, smiling like a big bad wolf, thought-provoking: "Sister, don't you understand? The Song Corporation only needs one chairman, one..."

As soon as the words fell, Song Ranqin looked left and right anxiously, and finally fixed her eyes on Song Zhiren's face: "Dad, didn't we agree before that when Ah Feng got married, he would go to Song's as an intern?" ?”

Su Hengfeng stood up suddenly, and the stool suddenly backed away, making harsh noises as it rubbed against the ground.

"Mom, I never said I was going to work at the Song Corporation. I have my own business, and I don't need to cling to the Song Corporation to live. Don't mention going to work at the Song Corporation in the future!"

"Okay!" Song Qiyan followed suit, with a smile on his face, and clapped his hands, "You have backbone!"

But Su Hengfeng blushed because of this compliment, and his breathing was a little rough. Regardless of Song Ranqin's stop and Bai Sangsang's surprise, he walked straight to the door, and then pulled the door out.

The muscles on Song Ranqin's face twitched violently, and he cursed inwardly: Nizi, Nizi, I'm so humble, trying to make things right with Song Qiyan, isn't it because of you?

Song Zhiren opened his eyes, and glanced lightly at Song Ranqin, who was troubled in his eyes: "Since Hengfeng has no intention of coming to the Song Corporation to take up a job, please calm me down, and don't make any more trouble for me!"

The old man's voice was low, and he was not pretentious after a casual reprimand.

Seeing Song Ranqin being disgraced by Song Zhiren's words, hunching her neck in resentment, Jin Ziqi turned sideways calmly, for fear that they would accidentally see the smile on her face.

After all, at this time, with her status, the laughter was too unkind.

"In order to avoid disagreements, I invited the three of them to come over. First, to witness the handover of company affairs. Second...I hope you all know which side the board of directors should stand for tomorrow."

Song Zhiren's words are tantamount to an imperial edict, who would dare to question Song Qiyan's status?

Jin Ziqi sat quietly on the side, waiting to see what else would happen next.

Song Ranqin tried her best to take a deep breath, pinched her fingers, and smiled dryly: "Dad, when did you make this decision, why don't you know me, so that I can be mentally prepared."

Song Zhiren glanced at her, and snorted coldly, "You don't know the good things you did yourself?"

Song Ranqin's complexion changed suddenly, under the light, her forehead glistened with water, and a drop of cold sweat slid down her cheeks.

She subconsciously looked at Song Qiyan, her eyes widened, trying to make sure of something.

In the end, Song Qiyan just bowed his head and listened to the training without even moving his eyebrows. However, Song Zhiren's next sentence confirmed the panic in Song Ranqin's heart. He said: "In the future, Qiyan will be the master of the company. The above can only be transferred with the signature of its descendants."

"Dad—" Song Ranqin could hear herself swallowing, and her voice was extremely dry: "This will disrupt the current company's operations, and it will easily delay business opportunities."

Song Zhiren looked at her coldly, like an ice pick hitting her heart.

Song Ranqin shut her mouth knowingly, how dare she continue to sing the opposite tune.

Even if this heart is 12 points of dissatisfaction.

"Ran Qin, you have to know that the Song family's signboard has already given you a three-point advantage in doing things outside."

The implication: Don't try to use the Song family's money to fill the void that you and your husband failed to invest in outside!
Song Ranqin shivered all over, couldn't help but hugged her arms tightly, and then thought of Song Qiyan's deal, he wanted him to leave the Song family, if she really left, then she would really be nothing!
"So, Dad, Qiyan takes over the company, so what am I responsible for?"

Still can't help but ask Song Zhiren for help, asking for the gold medal for avoiding death!
Song Zhiren glanced back, and Xiang Jinyu, who was looking over there, smiled apologetically, and replied lightly: "In order to facilitate Qiyan's work, everything in the company has been handed over to him, and he is naturally in charge."

"What!" This time, Song Ranqin really jumped up from the stool.

However, Song Zhiren was not affected, took another sip of water, and added: "After a while, I will sign the agreement drawn up by Lawyer Liu, so that Jin Yu can be a witness."

Xiang Jinyu had already gotten up and returned to the bed, "Mr. Song, I have roughly written what you mean in the agreement, and I will hand it to Lawyer Liu to modify and print it out for use."

"Thank you, Lawyer Xiang." Song Qiyan did not forget to get up and extend his hand to him to express his gratitude.

Xiang Jinyu was startled, but still held Song Qiyan's hand, with a smile on his face: "You're welcome."

Song Ranqin over there looked at the scene of them exchanging greetings, and couldn't bear the blow, so she immediately took her anger out on the outsider Xiang Jinyu, pointing at his nose and swearing at him from the air.

"To say you are like a goldfish (Xiang Jin's language) is really flattering you, I think you should be called like a bandit!"

I want you to meddle in your own business and help the old man squeeze out my daughter!

After hearing this, Xiang Jinyu's face was filled with gloom. Presumably he was sensitive to this name, and he was a high-ranking person. Now that Song Ranqin is so pathetic, how can he have a good face?
Song Zhiren was so angry with this stupid daughter that he almost vomited blood. He slapped the edge of the bed and yelled, "What nonsense, don't get out, don't let me see you in the hospital again!"

After saying this sentence, Song Zhiren's body trembled uncontrollably, and he muttered in his mouth, nothing more than emotional words such as "prodigal daughter" and "unfortunate family", full of helplessness and anger.

Xiang Jinyu let go of Song Qiyan's hand, turned to Song Ranqin with a sullen face, and said coldly, "Since Miss Song has a lot of doubts about the Song family's ownership, then I will explain it in detail after I am too busy. "

(End of this chapter)

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