Marriage pet: marrying a thousand gold

Chapter 347 Night, keep people drunk

Chapter 347 Night, keep people drunk (2)
Su Hengfeng's face became more and more ugly, showing fatigue, humiliation, and impatience. He pulled Song Ranqin towards the door, but Song Ranqin was caught off guard and was dragged a few steps staggeringly.

If it wasn't for the little nurse next to her who had quick eyesight and quick hands, she would have stepped forward to help Song Ranqin, her round body would have been stuck against the wall next to her. I dare not say it would be a meatloaf, but at least it would hurt her nose.

"What are you doing! Are you possessed by a ghost? I haven't finished talking yet!"

"What are you talking about? What else do you have to say? Don't you feel ashamed? If I don't come to pull you, do you want the whole hospital to watch you make a joke? "

Song Ranqin held the tip of her nose, and looked at the cold-faced Su Hengfeng in disbelief.

Although this son occasionally played tricks on her, he had never been so hoarse as today. With his handsome red face and bruised neck, even the force he was pulling her was so heavy that she screamed in pain.

"Take it easy! You're scratching me, take it easy! I'm going to see your grandpa, what's the joke?"

Su Hengfeng looked at his unreasonable and unrepentant mother, his eyes were also red, he let go of Song Ranqin fiercely, pointed Song Ranqin with his index finger, and it took a long time before he could say a word.

"You don't want to go, right? Then I'll go!" After finishing speaking, he strode out of the ward without looking back.

Before Song Ranqin could figure out what was going on, she looked at the people in the ward, then turned her head to look at the open door, hesitated for a moment, and then chased out with her high heels.

"Son! Son! Where are you going? Wait, Mom! Mom didn't drive here!"

A farce ended perfectly with Song Ranqin's departure.

Song Zhiren was so angry that he hadn't recovered yet. He sat on the edge of the bed, put his hands on his lap, and panted with his head sideways.

A senior executive was stroking his back and comforting him sympathetically: "Chairman, there will always be some disputes between father and daughter, don't take it to your heart, it will be bad for your body if you get angry!"

Song Zhiren waved his hand: "You all go back, and prepare for tomorrow's meeting."

The high-level people looked at each other, said goodbye and left one after another. When there were only four people left in the ward, Song Zhiren raised his head again and looked at Song Qiyan, but he was speaking to Jin Ziqi.

"Ziqi, I'll ask Min Zheng to take you back. I still have something to talk to Qiyan about."

Jin Ziqi is not a person who has no winks, so he can naturally see that Song Zhiren has something he doesn't want her to hear. It is nothing more than a commercial secret. Song Zhiren is still wary of her after all. Who told her to be Jin's daughter?

"Okay, then you can talk slowly." Jin Ziqi said, took a look at Song Qiyan and went out.

When she closed the door, she could still see Song Qiyan's eyes chasing after her.

Jin Ziqi curled his lips, and the moment he closed the door, Xiang Jinyu's voice could already be heard in the ward.

Outside the door, Han Minzheng waited the whole time, seeing her come out, he pursed his lips slightly with a plausible smile.

He politely and restraintly made a "please" gesture to her: "The car is already waiting downstairs."

"Thank you." Jin Ziqi nodded, with a simple smile, and walked slowly to the elevator.

Han Minzheng just followed behind her quietly, like an invisible air.

There were only the two of them in the elevator. Looking at the slowly descending floors, Jin Ziqi suddenly remembered something, and looked at Han Minzheng beside him. He sensed her eyes and turned his head to look.

"You and Qing Qiao..." Jin Ziqi just started, waiting for him to take the initiative to continue.

Han Minzheng's eyes flashed, and there were mood swings on that usually indifferent face, and there was a slight smile at the corner of his mouth.

Jin Ziqi didn't ask any more questions, his expression had already given her the best answer.

Some feelings don't need to be expressed in words too much, one look, one action can be understood.

When she returned to Song Zhai, Jin Ziqi fell asleep in the back seat, and when she opened her eyes, Han Minzheng was sitting in the driver's seat quietly, without waking her up, just looking at the picture in the rearview mirror. Own.

Jin Ziqi touched his cheek to make sure he wasn't drooling, so he smiled.

"Did I sleep a long time?"

"Well, it's almost half an hour. Pregnancy is more prone to drowsiness. Get out of the car now." He said.

She nodded. He had already got out of the car first and opened the door for her.

As soon as he walked into the main building, he saw Yu Qingqiao in pajamas lying on the sofa area next to the door where he temporarily received guests. Song's house turned off the heating 24 hours a day in winter, so the whole house was the same as late spring and early summer.

Maybe she didn't sleep lightly, as soon as footsteps sounded at the door, Yu Qingqiao rubbed her eyes and sat up.

She looked sleepily at the door, blinked her eyes, and after confirming that it was the figure lingering in her dreams, she jumped off the sofa, ran over without putting on her slippers, and jumped up when there were still two meters away.

Jin Ziqi almost exclaimed, but Yu Qingqiao was already entrenched on Han Minzheng's body.

Han Minzheng's eyes flickered with embarrassment, and the roots of his ears were red, but he still supported Yu Qingqiao with both hands to prevent her from falling, and Yu Qingqiao took advantage of the fire to wrap his arms around his neck and kissed him.

"Honey, you're finally back, come on, tell me a bedtime story!"

Yu Qingqiao was still wearing cartoon pajamas, her white feet were bare, and her long hair was disheveled. She was lazy but cute. Under the bright crystal lights, Han Minzheng's cheeks were slightly flushed.

He deliberately turned cold, and was about to tear her off, but his voice was no longer as calm as before.

"Don't make trouble, this is Song's house, I still have something to go back to the hospital."

Jin Ziqi knew in his heart that it was Song Zhiren who sent Han Minzheng to send him back, probably to make Song Qiyan feel at ease to talk to him about things, after all Han Minzheng was his confidant.

"Why is that old man enslaving you again? Look at you, you've lost weight, I feel so distressed!"

Yu Qingqiao held Han Minzheng's face with both hands, looked up, down, left, and right, and tightened her brows, barely shedding two tears. Han Minzheng was a little helpless, but still stiffly let her do whatever she wanted.

Jin Ziqi felt that his light bulb was an eyesore, so he left quietly.

He was about to go upstairs to see someone who was asleep, but he saw Bai Sangsang who had been standing there for an unknown amount of time in front of the window not far from the stairs. She turned around when she heard the movement, with a strange expression on her face. .

Jin Ziqi naturally guessed that she came here for the scene near the hospital, and she just wanted to keep it a secret.

Bai Sangsang walked over with her chest crossed, her lips pursed, as if it was a bit difficult for her to keep her voice low, she glanced left and right, and then said in a blunt tone: "Speak, please make any demands."

Jin Ziqi didn't answer immediately, but just looked at her quietly with a smile in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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