Marriage pet: marrying a thousand gold

Chapter 355 The water gun poured on Song Qiyan's face

Chapter 355 The water gun poured on Song Qiyan's face (2)
"There is a relative in my family who works in the same company as Huang Zixiao's father. Later, I heard from my relative that for some reason, the supervisor made a random excuse and demoted Huang Zixiao's father to the grassroots level!"

There was a burst of sighs in the office and suddenly realized, well, this is the fate of offending the superiors!

Jin Moumou scratched the head of the watermelon, although he didn't quite understand it, but he roughly understood that he had a powerful daddy, who beat all the monsters away!
Leaving his mouth open, he fastened his trouser belt, put his hands behind his back, and walked back to the classroom with his nostrils facing the sky.

Along the way, there were countless children who showed great hospitality, and they only said a few words——

"Jin Moumou, you are so cute, can I play with you?"

"Jin XX, this is my new Transformer, do you want to lend it to you?"

Even teachers...

"Jin XX, don't you love braised pork? The teacher specially asked Grandpa Chef to cook a bowl for you alone. You have to finish it later!"

"Little Jin XX, I heard that you like Mian Mian from the next class. The teacher thinks that you will be the same deskmate who loves each other, so she decided to transfer her to our class! Do you think it's okay?"

Recalling the ghosts and ghosts that shook him all morning, so-and-so shook his little head vigorously.Secretly despised in my heart: They are all a bunch of big villains!So-and-so looks down on this kind of sycophant!
He didn't play with him before, and he still talked bad about him behind his back. Now that he has a papa, they are all here to please him, so he ignores them!However, has his papa really become Superman?

Jin Moumou couldn't help but looked curiously at his father who made many grandpas bow their heads just now, and blinked his big eyes: "Papa, can you make Uncle Hong treat you like those uncles?"

Song Qiyan raised his eyebrows when he heard the words, without any embarrassment on his face, but he had already imagined in his heart, the arrogant Lu Jinghong and himself pretending to be a grandson...

It is indeed worth looking forward to!
Unlimited emotion, but also limited to emotion, because this is definitely a daydreaming assumption!

On the contrary, it is more likely that he will let go of Lu Jinghong.

However, this truth cannot be known to the precious son!

So, Song Qiyan cleared his throat and asked calmly, "What's the matter?"

Jin Moumou looked at his tall father, and if he was like the teacher said, let him rely on him like a mountain, the bad water in his belly began to rise again, and he hugged Song Qiyan's neck flatteringly.

"Papa, Uncle Hong's little cherry is so beautiful and cute!"

Song Qiyan frowned: "So?"

"Papa, Uncle Hong said you are a toad on the ground, drooling at Qiqi, a swan all day long!"

Jin Ziqi coughed lightly, but looked at his obedient son questioningly——

These words really came from that noble and cold man?
However, Jin Moumou blinked his extremely clear and clean eyes, pursed his small mouth, with an indignant expression on his face.

It is bound to let Papa educate that stinky Uncle Hong, it's too much!

Song Qiyan was rarely moved after hearing this, instead he sighed gracefully, and said in a very slow and pleasant tone: "Son, when your father was a toad, he could kiss your mother, Snow White, to wake him up, let alone now that he has transformed into a toad. For the Frog Prince!"

The corners of Jin Ziqi's mouth twitched when he heard this, and after all, the toad and the frog are still relatives.

Jin Moumou blinked in a daze, why was the effect different from what he wanted!Why isn't papa angry?If Papa is not angry, who will help XX deal with that evil Uncle Hong?

The small body took a few deep breaths, calm down, so-and-so should tell Papa well!
"Papa, so-and-so made a mistake just now, in fact, Uncle Hong said that you are a lump of cow poop... ah!"

Before I finished speaking, the little butt was hit hard!
Jin Moumou held his small buttocks that were attacked by surprise with his backhand, and stared at Song Qiyan, who was under attack, sadly: "Papa, why did you hit someone!"

Song Qiyan squinted at this cunning son with a sneer, "I eat more salt than you eat milk powder, and you still play with me just because you are so thoughtful? You didn't know where you were when your father used this trick to sow discord." Woolen cloth!"

Jin Moumou shrunk his neck, his black eyes rolled randomly, and he was seen!

"Also, remember to control your saliva when you talk about Little Cherry next time!"

Jin Moumou covered his face with his hands, it that obvious?
The child Jin's emotions were hit by his father's sharp words, and his shoulders drooped. He was depressed after eating a meal, and finally knocked over a plate of soy sauce.

"Qiqi, it's dirty..." Holding her mouth shut, she pointed aggrievedly at the stain on her padded jacket.

Jin Ziqi had no choice but to carry him to the bathroom to wash. As soon as he was placed on the sink, he began to moan and groan, his chubby body leaning against Jin Ziqi's body.

"Jin Moumou, don't move any more, or Qiqi will leave you alone."

Jin Ziqi made a gesture to let him go, Jin Moumou immediately became obedient, but blinked sadly, and let Jin Ziqi wipe the large black stain on his cotton-padded jacket with a wet towel.

After wiping for a long time, nothing came out of it, and the bathroom in the small private room smelled of soy sauce.

Song Qiyan got a little impatient waiting outside, pushed the door open and came in: "Are you alright?"

Jin Ziqi looked at the large soy sauce stains and was helpless. He threw away the black wet wipes and was about to hold Jin Moumou down when a certain person suddenly pulled the corner of her clothes: "Qiqi, so-and-so wants to pee... ..."

"Okay." Jin Ziqi leaned over to help him untie his pants, but Jin Moumou pushed her hand away and solemnly declared: "So-and-so is a boy, Qiqi is a girl, and girls are not allowed to peek at boys peeing!"

Jin Ziqi was so embarrassed by his serious rhetoric that he let go, but in winter, with a lot of clothes on, how could a child have the strength to take off those pants and clothes?
Just when she was about to persuade XX who was clutching her crotch, Song Qiyan had already walked in: "Let me do it."

Song Qiyan raised his eyebrows and looked at Jin Moumou: "I'm a boy, it's okay, right?"

Jin Moumou snorted and turned his head away. Obviously, his anger at this unscrupulous father has not subsided.

Jin Ziqi looked at the father and son who were staring at each other with big eyes and small eyes. Without hesitation, he stepped aside and chuckled: "Then help him take it off, don't pee on his pants, it will be difficult then!"

Song Qiyan clumsily pulled on XX's pants, Jin XX snorted, but didn't resist, and Song Qiyan pulled his pants off, revealing his white buttocks.

(End of this chapter)

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