Marriage pet: marrying a thousand gold

Chapter 382 The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law war broke out ahead of time!

Chapter 382 The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law war broke out ahead of time! (3)
This became more and more outrageous, Bai Sangsang was dumbfounded when she saw Song Ranqin's natural tone.

What's the point of this, they have to ask money from the couple to hold the wedding, as parents, don't they prepare for the only child at all?She has been in the Song family for so many years, and her husband has his own real estate company, but now he can't even come up with a dozen or 20?
Bai Sangsang only felt that she had heard a big joke, but when she wanted to laugh, she found that she was very angry!

"Mom, it's not like I haven't been to Wang Zhongwang. I just know the manager there. I can ask her to handle the banquet. I believe she can help me run it decently for only 4 yuan!"

"4 yuan?" Song Ranqin heard the volume suddenly rise, "What can you do with 4 yuan? No, no, if you let your friend Shi Laozi do it, is this still called a wedding? It's too shameful. Actually cut off more than half of the banquet budget, Ah Feng, Sangsang doesn't understand these things, don't you understand?"

Song Ranqin seemed to feel that it didn't make sense to Bai Sangsang, so she immediately turned her gun on Su Hengfeng.

"Ah Feng, you can't be sloppy with this banquet. I spent so much money so that you can have a good time in front of others? You should use this money as a cushion first, and then discuss it with Sangsang later."

Bai Sangsang laughed back angrily, and directly sternly said, "Mom, you gave birth to Hengfeng, don't tell me that this wedding will not only be paid by the son himself, but also by the parents who will make a lot of money from it. Put the oil and water in your trouser pocket! There are thousands of parents in this world, and this is the first time I have seen you like you, Mom!"

Bai Sangsang's words were extremely sarcastic, and no matter how stupid Song Ranqin was, she could hear it. She put the teacup heavily on the coffee table, and said with a sullen face, "Sangsang, what you said is too hurtful." People's hearts are broken!"

Does this hurt?What's even worse, she hasn't said it yet!
Just as Bai Sangsang opened his mouth to contradict him, Su Hengfeng, who had been silent all this time, suddenly stretched out his hand to grab her. She turned her head and stared at him dissatisfied, but Su Hengfeng didn't look at her, and took out the check book from the inner pocket of his suit.

"It's 20 yuan. Mom, you can deal with it first, and tell me if it's not enough."

Su Hengfeng barely frowned, filled in 20 on the paper note, and handed it to Song Ranqin. Song Ranqin seemed to be afraid that he would regret it, so she snatched it quickly.

Bai Sangsang looked at Su Hengfeng resentfully, gritted his teeth, and stomped his feet, while Song Ranqin over there leisurely folded the note, and then put it in his pocket in a leisurely manner.

Looking sideways at Bai Sangsang's unconvinced sample, Song Ranqin sneered in her heart, but her face was serious, she cleared her throat, and said earnestly: "Sangsang, I have raised Hengfeng for so many years, let alone these 20 years In case I organize a wedding for you, even if I ask Hengfeng for money, if he is a dutiful son, he will still have to give it."

Bai Sangsang's teeth itch with hatred in her heart, secretly scolding this dead old woman why didn't she rob the bank?
On the face, she showed a sweet smile and nodded frequently: "Grandma, you are right, Ah Feng is not filial! I have never seen such a filial son in my life. It is as rare as a thousand-year-old flower." .”

As soon as these words came out, Su Hengfeng, who was sitting next to him, turned out to be the first to turn black.

"Bai Sangsang, are you still finished?"

Hearing Su Hengfeng's reprimand in a bad tone, Bai Sangsang felt aggrieved, but she also knew the truth of being outnumbered, so she simply put aside the beginning and stopped talking, since you want to discuss it, you should discuss it happily.

Anyway, even if the money is cheated, Su Hengfeng is cheated, if she wants to take the money, don't even think about it!
Bai Sangsang had made this plan herself, so she decided to completely ignore this wonderful pair of mother and son, thinking about nothing, saying nothing, and sitting in the corner with a water glass in her hand, out of sight and out of sight!

Song Ranqin saw that Bai Sangsang was deflated, and she was actually happy in her heart. Look, look, even if my son marries a wife, I, the mother, will always be number one in his heart, fighting with me?Save yourself!

However, on the surface, Song Ranqin still gave Su Hengfeng an annoyed look: "Ah Feng, why are you talking to Sangsang like that? It doesn't matter if Mom is wronged, the harmony between your husband and wife is the most important thing."

Su Hengfeng lowered his head and did not answer, Bai Sangsang turned sideways and pretended not to hear.

However, this result was exactly what Song Ranqin wanted. She licked her dry lips. She felt tired from being too straight. people!

"Okay, that's it for the banquet. Now let's talk about the process of the wedding. Where did we just say? Oh, kick the sedan door, right? When the sedan door opens, Sangsang comes down from inside, ah Feng, you carry her in and walk to the door of the banquet hall."

Although Bai Sangsang didn't look at Song Ranqin, she kept listening with her ears pricked up. When she first heard that Su Hengfeng was going to walk a long way behind her back, she still felt secretly happy. hatred.

As for the grade of the wedding, since Su Hengfeng can afford 10 yuan, Bai Sangsang decides to persuade Su Hengfeng after returning to the room. With Su Hengfeng's indecisive temperament, she is absolutely sure to persuade him.

However, Bai Sangsang changed his expression after hearing Song Ranqin's next sentence.

"At that time, I was sitting right above the banquet hall, and I would let the hotel lay a red carpet from the entrance of the banquet hall to the top. When Sangsang walked over, she had to follow the custom of our hometown, and she had to kneel down. When the time comes, Sangsang is pregnant, and I won't make things difficult for you, just walk three steps and kneel one step!"

"Are you kidding me?" Bai Sangsang stood up uncontrollably, glaring at Song Ranqin angrily.

It's a pity that Song Ranqin still looked at Bai Sangsang blankly, not knowing where she was wrong.

"If you want me to kneel, don't even think about it. I didn't travel from ancient times, so why do you kneel and worship? Mother-in-law, you watch too much TV in the house, do you really think you are an old lady in a mansion?"

At weddings these years, which bride would kneel down to her mother-in-law, at most she would bow.

This dead old woman is really pissed off, she dared to make her majestic Miss Bai's family kneel down to her!

Bai Sangsang was furious, her chest was heaving up and down violently, her hands were clenched tightly, her fingernails were almost broken while she was doing manicure, staring at Song Ranqin's bloody mouth that was slightly opened because of her astonishment, she wished she could give her a broken rag Shut it up and see if her dog dares to spit out ivory!
The battle between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law was about to start, but Su Hengfeng stood up suddenly.

He took the cigarettes and lighter on the coffee table, looked down at Song Ranqin who was stunned for a while, "I'll go out to get some air first, you guys continue to discuss, and let me know when you make a decision." gone.

Su Hengfeng's departure did not ease the atmosphere in the living room.

(End of this chapter)

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