Chapter 387
And the little girl here gave out a crisp and sweet coquettish voice at the right time: "Well, I got it!"

Song Ranqin was furious, and roared angrily. Taking advantage of Su Hengfeng's inattention, he picked up the blue and white glazed red gourd bottle beside him and threw it at Bai Luchen's forehead.

"Little brother!" Bai Sangsang reminded in panic.

It was too late for Mrs. Bai to run over to catch the vase...

"Bang—" the vase fell to the ground, another heroic sacrifice.

Bai Luchen shook his numb arm and grinned his teeth, but, before he had an attack, there was a roar like a lion roaring at the door——

"Song Ranqin, I let you stay in this house temporarily, I didn't ask you to ruin this house!"

Jin Ziqi felt a shock when he heard the roar of anger that had been lingering for a long time, and then saw Song Qiyan walking in aggressively, holding a cane and holding a certain person in one hand.

The old man was wearing pajamas and put on a coat, but at the moment he didn't feel the cold at all, he just felt angry rising up, especially when he saw Song Ranqin's stupid look, he was even more angry!

When Song Ranqin saw Song Zhiren rushing over, her brain froze, and she stared blankly at Song Zhiren who was out of breath for a moment, and when she recovered, her face was flushed, and she hid behind Su Hengfeng .

The corners of her mouth twitched violently a few times, and she looked down at the broken antiques, only then did she realize that something was wrong!
"Mr. Song, this matter..." Mrs. Bai looked embarrassed and tried to explain.

Song Zhiren waved his hand to stop her words, but stared coldly at Song Ranqin who was shrinking her neck.

"It seems that I'm still too soft-hearted towards you, you piece of mud that can't support the wall!"

The words that Song Ranqin was scolded by Song Zhiren most in Song Ranqin's generation were "mud that can't support the wall", but Song Zhiren wanted to grab her seven inches and reprimand her in front of so many people !
Immediately, her face turned pale, and Su Hengfeng also felt extremely ashamed, wishing he had never entered this living room, and the woman behind him was not his mother!

For a while, the living room was terribly quiet, except for Song Zhiren's rough breathing.

So-and-so squeezed Song Zhiren's big hand, "Grandpa, don't be angry, anyway, these vases are used to hold flowers at home, and my aunt accidentally smashed them when she got angry. Grandpa's body is much more important than these vases! "

Song Zhiren looked down at his obedient and sensible grandson, his heart softened for a while, and he stroked XX's soft hair, his voice choked with emotion: "Good boy, good boy, grandpa is not angry..."

Standing aside and hearing this conversation, Jin Ziqi lowered his head and covered his eyes with his hands, so as not to let the smile in his eyes be inappropriately exposed to the eyes of everyone, this little villain...

Song Qiyan seemed to have sensed her emotion, he gently touched her lower back without any trace.

Jin Ziqi was naturally ticklish, his body tensed subconsciously, and when he turned his head, Song Qiyan smiled at her with a grin, showing his white teeth, but he did not shy away from his joyful mood.

"This is called a tiger father has no dog son. How about my new idiom?"

He whispered close to her ear, and his thin and tough lips swept across the base of her ear as if nothing.

She couldn't bear the itching for a while, and instinctively shrank her fair and slender neck. He laughed lowly, then moved his head away, watching the stalemate in the middle of the field laughing just right.

"Father, it's cold, you'd better go back to your room earlier, here, let your son take care of it!"

Song Zhiren pursed his lips, looked back at Song Qiyan, and said nothing. After a while, he looked at Song Ranqin and said indifferently, "I'll give you a week to move out of here, or I'll call you moving company!"

After finishing speaking, Song Zhiren walked away angrily on crutches, not forgetting to take away the little friend Jin who could comfort his wounded heart, even if he left the living room, he could still hear that childish and considerate voice——

"Grandpa, so-and-so will sing you a song, so you won't be unhappy."

The show is over, and all actors and audiences have to leave the stage one after another.

After Song Zhiren walked away, Song Ranqin let go of her layer of fear, came out from behind Su Hengfeng, gathered her clothes together, snorted coldly at Song Qiyan, and snatched the high-heeled shoes from Su Hengfeng's hand Put it on your feet, and then, stepping on those high heels, you are about to leave gracefully.

"Ms. Song." Song Qiyan stopped her from behind.

Song Ranqin turned her head impatiently: "What are you doing!" in an extremely impatient tone.

Song Qiyan folded his hands in front of him, and smiled meaningfully at Song Ranqin, but said very politely: "You can't go, you have to go, who do I ask to settle accounts with these bottles and cans?"

"Oh, what do you mean by that, you want me to pay for these fragments?"

Song Ranqin blew out her beard and stared in disbelief, and pointed at the broken vases on the ground.

"Otherwise?" Song Qiyan was still smiling, and in Song Ranqin's eyes, he really deserved a beating.

Song Ranqin simply smashed the cans and smashed them: "Who knows if these are fakes? This is my father's house. What's the matter if I drop a few bottles? Besides, am I going to drop them? If you want money, go ask them! "

Anyway, she was about to move out soon, and before that, she would not be willing to spend such a large amount of money even if she was killed.

Therefore, Song Ranqin immediately pointed the finger at everyone in the Bai family.

Mrs. Bai was immediately upset when she heard that: "Mrs. Su, aren't you talking too much? We have all seen this process, which vase was not broken by your hands, how could you rely on us?" ?”

"Oh, Mrs. Bai!" Song Ranqin yelled resolutely: "If your son hadn't brought such a troublemaker, would I have smashed the vase? You don't reflect on yourself and still blame me. Without you Like this?"

"Mrs. Su! You can't be so arrogant and unreasonable!" Mrs. Bai finally couldn't bear it anymore with Song Ranqin, "If it weren't for our Sangsang who is about to marry Hengfeng, I don't want to make everyone look bad. Will you still stand here?"

Song Ranqin sneered: "Madam Bai really knows how to tell jokes, but she has completely pushed away her own responsibility!"

Madam Bai's expression was shocked, she didn't expect Song Ran's piano skin to be so thick, and she was at a loss for words.

But Song Ranqin raised her eyes and yelled at Su Hengfeng who was not far away: "Son, it's getting late, let's go back and rest, and stop having unnecessary arguments with a group of unqualified people here! "

After finishing speaking, he swung his two strong arms and left in a hurry with a cat face.

Su Hengfeng's expression was not good from the beginning to the end, but he still had a bit of a man's responsibility, he didn't walk away like Song Ranqin, and stopped when he passed by Song Qiyan.

(End of this chapter)

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