Marriage pet: marrying a thousand gold

Chapter 397 The Secret I Unintentionally Tell

Chapter 397 The Secret I Unintentionally Tell (5)
Hearing these words, Qiao Nan's heart skipped a beat, and his body also felt chills. He didn't miss what Su Ningqiu said. The old lady wanted to push Su Ningxue at first, and his gaze gradually became a little sharper.

Qing Qiao poked her head out from behind Su Ningxue, and smiled playfully at Qiao Nan: "Uncle Qiao, haven't you been chasing Auntie all the time? How come you just chase after her and disappear?"

Qiao Nan smiled awkwardly, turned to look at Song Qiyan, Song Qiyan put his arms around Jin Ziqi, and answered Qing Qiao for Qiao Nan: "If I remember correctly, Uncle Qiao is returning to England to submit the next car design draft. That thing can’t be airlifted, and if it leaks out, it’s not as simple as firing a designer.”

Su Ningqiu saw Qiao Nan's absent-mindedness, and couldn't bear it after all. When Qiao Nan was about to go back to the residence, she took out a bunch of keys from Qing Qiao's bag and handed them over: "Take it."

"This is..." Qiao Nan looked at the bunch of keys in surprise, and had a vague guess in his heart.

Jin Ziqi was also surprised by his aunt's words and deeds. The key belonged to Su Ningxue's Nandu Garden Apartment...

"You go, my sister probably won't be able to sleep tonight, I don't want to face a girly face at night, I will go to Qiyan's house with Qingqiao to rest for the night," Su Ningqiu said, winking at Song Qiyan: Yan, my aunt is going to visit your house, you won't disagree?"

Song Qiyan said with a smile: "I can invite my aunt, but it's too late to welcome me. How can I dislike it?"

Su Ningqiu waved her hand and was also happy: "As long as you have a sweet mouth, this trick probably deceived Ziqi."

Jin Ziqi blushed when she was teased, but Jin Moumou, who was sitting on a chair with "angry chick cub" on his arm, suddenly raised his head, "Grandmother was wrong, Baba tricked Qiqi by climbing onto the balcony to sleep on Qiqi's bed of!"

In the corridor, there was an instant silence...

Song Qiyan's face darkened, and he walked straight to the seat. Seeing that something was wrong, Jin slid off the chair in a hurry, looked back at Song Qiyan, and ran to the other side of the corridor.

"Don't run! Do you hear me?" Song Qiyan chased after him through gritted teeth.

Jin Moumou's two short legs were spinning like hot wheels, and he yelled like killing a pig: "Help——"

Su Ningqiu laughed: "Zi Qi, no matter how you look at it, you seem to have raised two children!"

Jin Ziqi touched his stomach, pursed his lips, "Three."

The others paused, then laughed.

But after laughing, Su Ningqiu went straight to the point and said to Qiao Nan who hadn't left yet: "Brother Qiao, if it were someone else, I would never hand over this key tonight. Is this enough reason?"

Qiao Nan watched Su Ningxue quietly for a few seconds, finally took the key from her hand, and then glanced at Jin Ziqi, Jin Ziqi smiled back, Qiao Nan seemed relieved, no longer hesitated to carry the box and left.

"I hope this time, Mom won't reject Uncle Joe again."

Su Ningqiu glanced at Jin Ziqi, and smiled mysteriously: "It's not hope, it's definitely not."

Jin Ziqi looked at Su Ningqiu in astonishment, Su Ningqiu said with a little sigh: "I can see that your mother is not unintentional to Qiao Nan, I even doubt that she has liked Qiao Nan for a long time..."

Jin Ziqi was confused when he heard it, but Su Ningqiu put his finger on his lips and hissed, but the smile on his face was even more weird and mysterious: "Well... it can only be expressed in words."

Jin Ziqi couldn't help but laugh, so he stopped pursuing, and when he turned his head, he saw Jin Zhaodong.

Jin Zhaodong looked haggard, and his eyes were terribly red, but he tried his best to smile at Jin Ziqi, Su Ningqiu snorted disdainfully, guilt flashed in his eyes, but he still walked over.

"Dad." Jin Ziqi called him without much respect.

Jin Zhaodong's eyes got wet because of her "Dad", he raised his hand hesitantly, put it on the top of Jin Ziqi's hair under Jin Ziqi's perplexed gaze, stroked it stiffly a few times, but it was endlessly tender and bitter.

Su Ningqiu couldn't help laughing lightly when she saw it: "There is a ready-made cheap daughter for you to touch, why go all the way to touch our Ziqi's head," she said, pulling Jin Ziqi away, "Don't let me touch it! "

Jin Zhaodong's hands were empty, only a gust of cold wind rushed into the tiger's mouth, his five fingers slowly clenched, he did not look at Jin Ziqi's puzzled eyes, but turned and left as if he had come.

He just stopped after taking two steps, and turned to look at Jin Ziqi: "Today, Qin Yuan came to see me."

After finishing speaking, before Jin Ziqi could react from this sentence, he walked away.

At the end of the corridor, someone's giggling laughter could be faintly heard. Jin Ziqi suddenly came back to his senses, followed the sound, and his heart that had been hanging around was restored to peace when he saw Song Qiyan who was walking with someone in his arms.

Su Ningxue turned on the light at the entrance of the apartment, and the pool of blood had been cleaned up by the part-time workers.

She closed the door, changed her shoes and walked in slowly. The living room of the apartment still had the decorations that were supposed to be arranged, and the colorful banner made her gloomy mood finally get rid of some clouds.

Su Ningxue rolled her lips, and when she turned around, she saw the big box being dragged to the side of the sofa.

It was specially sent to her by Sun Lanfang and Qiao Nianzhao.

Su Ningxue walked over, quietly staring at the box sealed with tape for a long time, then squatted down, pulled the tape away from the seam, and with a "hiss", the box was opened.

There are miscellaneous things in the box, such as the skin care products she put in the bathroom, the hair clips she hid in the dressing table, a camera that she took when she graduated from college...and the one hundred sketches.

Perhaps because of the age, the pencil traces on the sketch paper have faded and become blurred.

She squatted there halfway, flipping through one after another, and all of the paintings were lifelike sparrows.

Just never had an admirer.

She dropped the sketches back into the box and re-taped it.

Tomorrow morning, I moved downstairs and threw them away. For her, these things did not have any commemorative significance.

Eyes were a little dry, Su Ningxue stood up, but her two legs were numb from squatting for too long, one was unstable, she fell forward, and her knee hit the hard mahogany cabinet.

Su Ningxue took a deep breath, sat on the sofa, pulled up her pants and rubbed away the bruise reluctantly.

After the burst of pain passed, she got up and limped to the kitchen.

She didn't forget that other people would come here for dinner later.

Although she was no longer in the mood to celebrate her birthday, she still tried her best to make dinner as big as possible.

However, after she finished serving the dishes, she sat on a chair and waited for a long time, but she didn't wait for the person who was supposed to be waiting at the table. She called to inquire, but Ning Qiu just said carelessly that she was going to be a guest at Song's house.

(End of this chapter)

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