Madam is sick again

Chapter 208 Lu Nan's Ashes...

Chapter 208 Lu Nan's Ashes...

Will Bai Xiaoxiao see it?
of course.

Although she didn't say a word on the Internet, she seemed very calm, but in fact... she was already in a panic.

In my own room, I threw all the things that could be dropped and those that could not be dropped.

If it weren't for the fact that the mobile phone had to read the news, she might have already been killed by her.

Her assistant squatted on the ground, carefully cleaning up the mess for her, her face was swollen, it seemed that she had just experienced some inhuman abuse.

Bai Xiaoxiao dropped everything she had on hand, and continued to read comments on Weibo.

When she saw the comment posted by a certain trumpet named [恐天恩地撒白弟], Bai Xiaoxiao's pretty face was distorted and out of shape.

"Damn it! Where did this black fan come from? He opened his mouth to talk nonsense!"

Although he was cursing like this on his mouth, in his heart, it was a panic.

The hand holding the phone was shaking.

How could someone blow this up?

Who is this trumpet named [恐天惊地拒白弟]?Who exactly? !
Bai Xiaoxiao panicked a lot in her heart, carefully recalled that night three years ago, and made sure that she wiped her butt clean.

Except for her and Wang Ritian, no one alive knew what happened that night, so he forced himself to calm down.

Yes, she must have guessed, without evidence!

She can't panic!

Don't mess around!

Unless Lu Nan comes back from the dead, no one will know the truth three years ago!

However, back from the dead?Ah!impossible!

That day, she saw Lu Nan jumping off the roof with her own eyes...

The moment he fell, even the brains jumped out, blood flowed all over the ground, staining a large area of ​​the ground red, and the limbs were also twisted, obviously broken.

She even watched with her own eyes that Lu Nan's body was sent to the crematorium and turned into ashes...

Then, what happens after it turns to ashes?

Because no one claimed it, she kindly brought the ashes back. Look, how good she is as a best friend.

Bai Xiaoxiao walked to the dressing room, took out a box containing loose powder, opened it and looked at it, and finally calmed down after seeing the powder inside.

Look, Lu Nan's ashes are in her hands, how could she come back from the dead?
That netizen must be spreading rumors!

She, you can sue her for bewitching people with nonsense on the Internet, causing her to suffer from cyber violence and attacks, which has a bad impact on her reputation. In this way, at least a few years of imprisonment will be required, right?

However, jail time?Heh, just because she guessed the truth back then, she wouldn't let that person go to jail.

Isn't it cheaper for her to go to jail?

Under the banner of kindness, she will fish out the person, and then... send him to the crematorium.

Don't you want to fight for Lu Nan?Then, scatter that person's ashes with Lu Nan's.

Bai Xiaoxiao made clear and proper arrangements for all the things to be done in the future, and then picked up the phone again, preparing to send a lawyer's letter.


As soon as he picked up the phone, a special notification sounded on Weibo.

Bai Xiaoxiao suspected that she had heard wrong, and she was particularly concerned?
Ever since she stepped on Lu Nan's position, she had canceled all the special concerns. After that, with her status, only others cared about her.

Except for Lu Nan, who is particularly concerned about selling girlfriends, on her Weibo, she doesn't seem to be particularly concerned...

Bai Xiaoxiao didn't care, and she wasn't in the mood to take care of it. What she cared about most now was who the trumpet of [热天惊地热白弟] was!

As a result, don't you care?impossible.

In less than three seconds, the phone vibrated again, and a second voice of special concern sounded.

Bai Xiaoxiao frowned, and impatiently opened the news list, but after seeing it...

At that moment, the blood on her face faded to pale white.

(End of this chapter)

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