Madam is sick again

Chapter 213 Bai Xiaoxiao trembling

Chapter 213 Bai Xiaoxiao trembling

"Hey, you should check the incident three years ago."

three years ago?
The person on the other end of the phone was stunned, "Didn't you leave this matter to Xu Dongxiao to investigate?"

Xu Dongxiao, the current general manager of Yaoxing Entertainment, is also a right-hand man trained by the Xu family for many years.

After the incident happened that year, because Lu Nan was the first sister of Yaoxing Entertainment, Xu Xinan handed over this matter to Xu Dongxiao to investigate.

"Check again!" Xu Xinan stared at the computer screen, his voice as cold as ice.


After hanging up the phone, Xu Xinan lay paralyzed on the bed, repeating what Lu Yunjin said over and over again in his mind.

Today, he bought Heizi to hate Bai Xiaoxiao and defend Lu Nan by a strange coincidence. Could it be that in his subconscious, he doesn't hate her that much anymore?

If, if what happened back then was really not done by her, if she was also a victim back then...


On Weibo, Bai Xiaoxiao's incident continued to ferment. After several days of torment, especially those few comments posted by Lu Yunjin last night, they gave Bai Xiaoxiao a hard push and put her on the cusp of the storm. superior.

The attention of netizens who eat melons has been completely attracted by Bai Xiaoxiao. On the other hand, on the production team of "Whispering", whether it is Chen Desheng's hospitalization, Chen Desheng's unspoken rules, or the topic of the heroine of "Whispering", the popularity has all dropped. down.

The public's attention has been successfully diverted.

It has to be said that Lu Yunjin used this trick to divert the water to the east, and used it very cleverly.

However, her purpose does not stop there.

The long line she let down, the fish just took the bait, and the net has not been caught yet.

The fun is just beginning.

After Bai Xiaoxiao fainted from the anger, she woke up in the middle of the night, and it was neither too early nor too late. The time of waking up was exactly twelve o'clock in the middle of the night.

Outside the window, the rain was pouring, and the wind was howling.

This is the case with night rain in summer. Once it falls, it is often accompanied by lightning and thunder.

When Bai Xiaoxiao woke up, a bolt of lightning happened to strike outside the window.

The purple lightning seemed to tear apart the entire night sky, and accompanied by the sound of thunder, it just came into Bai Xiaoxiao's eyes.

Her pretty face turned pale, and two out of three souls were frightened on the spot.

She was most afraid of thunder and lightning, and the message that Lu Nan sent her privately made her even more scared.

I always feel that Lu Nan's wronged soul seems to be hidden in the dark room.

It seemed to be by her side, as if it was everywhere, as if when she turned around, she could see Lu Nan coming to settle accounts with her with blood on her face, hanging her head and maintaining the posture when she fell from the building...

Bai Xiaoxiao cowardly shrank herself into a ball, tightly wrapped in the quilt, trembling, not even daring to show her head.

It seems that as long as you wrap yourself tightly enough, others will not be able to see you.

Don't be afraid to suffocate yourself.

Just keep your eyes open for a whole night.

The next morning, when the assistant came, she saw her as if she had been frightened, she was in a trance, with dark circles under her eyes like a panda, and she called her several times before she came back to her senses.

Then, it took a whole morning to finally recover, but the whole person was still pale, with two big dark circles under his eyes, and no matter how thick the foundation was, it couldn't cover up his tiredness and weak.

That weak little appearance was as if her body had been hollowed out. Those who didn't know thought she had done something exciting last night, and couldn't help but want to recommend a bottle of Shenbao tablets to her.

 [I'm not advertising, ahem!Ask for tickets, ask for rewards!Be active, little cuties! 】

(End of this chapter)

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