Madam is sick again

Chapter 224 I'm afraid I have to rush to accompany my wife!

Chapter 224 I'm afraid I have to rush back to accompany my wife!
So, Secretary Zhang couldn't hold back the gossip in his heart, and glanced at Xu Xinan's cell phone.

He swears that he really just glanced at it like that, and never looked at it on purpose.

As a result, let him see...

Flight at [-]:[-] tomorrow morning?

Secretary Zhang:? ? ?

Secretary Zhang:! ! !

Secretary Zhang: (;Д`)

What did he see? !

Secretary Zhang reluctantly rubbed the panda eyes that were swollen from working overtime for the past two days, and after that, he felt bad all over.

Mr. Xu didn't know what was going on in the past two days. He worked desperately overtime just after he was on a business trip. He was stunned to finish the four-day workload in two days.

But, after this follow-up, there are still a lot of things that have not been dealt with, and he is going to buy a plane ticket to go back? ? ?

Mr. Xu is rushing back to accompany his wife, right?right? ! !

So, tonight, are you going to stay up late and work overtime again? ?
Blue skinny mushroom.jpg
Xu Xinan looked at the order he had just placed with a dangerous expression on his face.

He agreed with Lu Yunjin to film the MV, but that doesn't mean he agreed with Hua Jihan to tie up her daughter-in-law and fire the CP.

Hua Jihan:? ? ?

Knock on mom!
Is it me who tied up your daughter-in-law to fry cp?Is it is it?

Are you sure it wasn't your daughter-in-law who tied up the young master to fry cp? ! !

The mv video clips of "Epiphyllum" spread more and more widely, and the popularity continued to rise, so Yuan Lin decided to strike while the iron was hot, and worked overtime to record the mv song and release it as soon as possible.

At the same time as the mv is released, Hua Jihan and Lu Yunjin can also take a few sets of print and promotional photos, which will definitely attract another wave of CP fans.

Well, arrange!

Thus, Lu Yunjin, an Internet-addicted girl who had been lying at home all morning, had just had lunch when she was notified by Nian Susu and rushed to the recording studio in a hurry.

As a result, as soon as he arrived at the recording studio, he was stopped by Hua Jihan.

"Rabbit smash!" Hua Ji coldly pulled him aside, "Xinan called you this morning, what did you say?"

He was very curious whether Xinan had listened to his words.

Is it a matter of his life or death?

If hugging Xinan's thigh doesn't work, emmmmm, he can consider hugging a rabbit and smashing his calf.

Lu Yunjin squinted her eyes, "It's nothing."

Soul pale!

She planned it well, by the time Xu Xinan comes back, maybe the popularity of the MV has faded.

After all, in the ever-changing entertainment industry, the speed of news updates is very fast. A week can be compared to a century. No matter how big the disturbance is, it should have passed by long ago.

But now, because of Hua Jihan's big mouth, Xu Xinan actually knew it in advance!
Besides, Lu Yunjin had every reason to suspect that the reason why Hua Jihan called Xu Xinan was because he was afraid that Xu Xinan would come back and beat him to death, so she pretended to be a victim and went to sue.

Lu Yunjin's calm and breezy appearance made Hua Jihan anxious.

What does nothing mean?
If Xinan believed his words and called Tuzai later, it would definitely be to settle accounts. Tuzai couldn't be so calm, let alone continue to appear in the recording studio.

So, Xinan didn't settle accounts with rabbits at all?

If you don't ask the rabbit to settle the score, does that mean that Xinan will settle the score with him?
Flower Festival Cold: Crying and chirping.

He knew that Xinan did not listen to his words.

Sure enough, I answered that sentence again, brothers are not as important as wives.

"Tuzai, Xinan didn't ask you about the MV?" Hua Jihan asked tentatively.

"No." Lu Yunjin flickered solemnly, "He only asked me to say hello to you, saying that he didn't tell you before the business trip, and when he comes back, he will have a good time with you."

(End of this chapter)

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