Madam is sick again

Chapter 230 This female star is not only miserable, but also stupid!

Chapter 230 This female star is not only miserable, but also stupid!
"Do you know how she died?" Lu Yunjin glanced at him.

Hua Jihan shook his head, "How did you die?"

"I was killed by the man I like and my best friend." Lu Yunjin rubbed his chin, feeling lost.

Hua Jihan sighed, this female star is really miserable.

However, why is this kind of plot so like a novel?
"Why?" Hua Jihan asked like a curious baby.

"Because the man she liked abandoned her for the sake of fame and fortune, and let her best friend take the opportunity to get her drunk, drug her, and personally send her to an old man's bed, ruining her reputation." Lu Yunjin deadpan explained
Hua Jihan: "..."

This female star is not only miserable, but also stupid.

For a man who didn't like her, she hurt the spring and the autumn, but she was sold out without knowing it.

Besides, it is said that things of a kind flock together and people are divided into groups, and that female celebrity's best friend is actually such a villain, so it can be seen that this female celebrity is not a good person.

Or, the female star is too blind, the man he falls in love with is a jerk, and the woman he falls in love with is a jerk.

"Tuzai, you won't lie to me with nonsense, right? In real life, is there such a stupid woman?" Hua Jihan couldn't help asking.

Lu Yunjin froze for a moment, then couldn't help laughing at herself.


"It seems really stupid. Maybe she was blind before."

"Then what happened afterwards? After being sent to another man's bed by a close friend, what happened after her reputation was ruined? How did the female star die?"

Lu Yunjin drank himself a glass of wine, his eyes blurred.

"Later, the old man's wife was a hag, and the hag found out, and illegally imprisoned the actress for two years.

During those two years, the dominatrix locked the actress in a dark basement, which was dark and damp, and sometimes there were mice.

For a while, the dominatrix liked to practice taekwondo. Every time she practiced boxing, she used female stars as targets to practice her hands. The female star was beaten severely. On such a day, the female star endured for two years.

Oh, by the way, I forgot to mention that before being imprisoned in the basement, the female star was actually imprisoned in an old villa behind the dominatrix and the old man’s house for a few months, because the female star was pregnant, huh , pregnant with the old man's bastard.

The female star lived in the old man's old villa for five or six months, but she gave birth prematurely and had dystocia. The female star almost lost her life and gave birth to a child. When he was born, he was snatched away by a dominatrix.

A dominatrix can’t get pregnant, and she hasn’t had a child with that old man for so many years, so maybe it’s because of jealousy. As soon as the female star gave birth to a child, the dominatrix snatched her child away and locked her in a dark basement went……"

Hua Jihan almost lost his mind when he heard it, and the initial disdain had long since disappeared.

The Fengya kid on the side also raised her head and listened intently to her storytelling.

Seeing that Lu Yunjin stopped talking suddenly, Hua Jihan scratched his ears and cheeks anxiously.

"Tuzai, you should continue talking. What happened next? How did the female star die? What about her child? Fuck, that hag is too rampant to come to illegally imprison her. I'm not afraid that she will be jailed one day." Sit down and wear it?"

Sit in prison?

She is sure that one day, the dominatrix and that old man will end up like that...

 [Thanks to [Tearful Burial Lovesickness\] cutie for the reward, refill~
  Ask for recommendations every day! 】

(End of this chapter)

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