Madam is sick again

Chapter 236 Superb makeup technique?

Chapter 236 Superb makeup technique?

"Just now in a jewelry store, Fengya bought it, didn't you see it at the door?"

Hua Jihan thought about it carefully for a long time, and then mmp in his heart.

In that jewelry store, everything in it cost ten yuan, and they were all children's playthings, or some fake and shoddy products. He felt that the standard was too low, and it would damage his image if he went in.

So he stood at the door and played with his mobile phone with his head down, chatting with the beauties on the mobile phone very happily, who knows that they went in and bought some of these things.

"Why don't you take off the makeup on your face? Tsk tsk, but don't say it, Tuzai, your makeup skills are good, you can still see the wrinkles on your face when you get so close, and there are lines on your face, which is not inferior to Master, my makeup skills."

Hua Jihan couldn't hold back, and stretched out his hand to touch it.

Yo, it's rough and has no feel at all.

The special effects are well done.

"Come on, young master, I'll help you remove your makeup!" Hua Jihan poured out some makeup remover on the spur of the moment, and wiped it on Lu Yunjin's face.

Lu Yunjin didn't stop her, and sat quietly waiting for him to unload.

"Huh? Has this makeup remover expired? Why is it useless?"

Hua Jihan wiped it again, and was surprised to find that Lu Yunjin's face remained unchanged.

I looked at the production date and shelf life, um, it hasn't expired yet?

Could it be that the cosmetics used by rabbits are waterproof?

"Grand grandson, don't take it off, it's useless, grandma, I don't wear makeup."

Lu Yunjin leaned back on the armchair, crossed his legs and hugged his arms, looking relaxed.

"Damn it, don't call me grandson! Believe it or not..." Hua Jihan stared.

Don't care about you, I really think of you as my grandson, right?

"Do you believe it or not?" Lu Yunjin didn't care.

"Believe it or not, I will sue your mother!" Hua Jihan stiffened his neck, "Maybe Xinan will fly back from abroad immediately, and then spank your ass!"


If Xu Xinan came back immediately, she would have a hard time, at least, she couldn't be as leisurely and carefree as she is now, where she can mess around as much as she wants.

Lu Yunjin squinted her eyes, and sat up straight from the armchair, her voice was faint.

"I remember, just now, who said it was my dad and called me my daughter, tsk, I called Ma Ma at night and told him that he had an extra husband out of thin air, with less flowers, guess what his reaction would be? "

Moving Xu Xinan out is scary, isn't it?Who wouldn't!

husband? !
Hua Jihan almost choked on her own saliva, what the hell is her husband?He called a rabbit to hit his daughter just now, but he wouldn't dare to be Xinan's husband if he was killed...

That scene... ahem!
He was afraid that he would be raped by Xinan's family... Ah bah, he would be beaten to death by Xinan.

"Hua Shao, what do you think? If Mama knew that she had multiple husbands..."

Lu Yunjin repeated, but before she finished speaking, Hua Jihan knelt down with a plop.

"Grandma, did you have a good time shopping tonight? Is this dress comfortable? I think you look good in it, why don't we go and buy two or three more for you to change?"

Lu Yunjin: "..."

If you spend less, your integrity will be lost, and it will be broken all over the place.

"No need—" Lu Yunjin waved his hand.

"Rabbit...Grandma, what's the matter with the makeup on your face, why can't you remove it..."

Before Hua Jihan could finish his sentence, he saw Lu Yunjin reach out and touch behind his ear, as if he was looking for something...

In this scene, how can there be a sense of sight of tearing off the human skin mask?
(End of this chapter)

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