Madam is sick again

Chapter 253 Such a scene seems familiar

Chapter 253 Such a scene seems familiar
To put it bluntly, he is Xu Dongxiao's running dog!
In addition, as the name suggests, he is a very dutiful son. There is an old mother in her 80s, a child who is still in junior high school, a newborn baby who is still waiting to be fed, and a beautiful fairy wife.

The career is smooth sailing, the family is harmonious and happy, and it can be said that he is a winner in life.

But now, when such a thing broke out, his family might never be harmonious again.

After Lu Nan had an accident, he immediately went to the company. Li Xiao felt sympathetic to her at the time and helped her to find Xu Dongxiao to intercede. Unfortunately...

Tsk, it was Xu Dongxiao who was afraid that Lu Nan would tell about his unspoken rules about female artists, so he issued a banning order on her, and kicked her out of Yaoxing when she was in the darkest and most difficult time.

Lu Yunjin will never forget anyone who hurt her back then, especially Xu Dongxiao, if she hadn't found out about him and Bai Xiaoxiao, nothing would have happened to her back then!
Or Lu Yunjin has every reason to suspect that the reason why Bai Xiaoxiao drugged her so boldly back then, and put her on Wang Ritian's bed with Wang Ritian, was behind the instigation by Xu Dongxiao.

After all, with Bai Xiaoxiao's status at the time, how could it be possible to know a boss of Wang Ritian's level?
The more she thought about this possibility, the more the smile on Lu Yunjin's lips deepened.

So, after thinking about this point, it is even more impossible for her to let Xu Dongxiao get away with it.

Although Li Xiao is Xu Dongxiao's lackey, at any rate, he has not done anything bad, and he even spoke for her.

After the email was sent, it immediately disappeared, and after waiting for a long time, there was no reply from Li Xiao.

Lu Yunjin guessed that this would be the result, since Li Xiaoken gave up everything and paid all costs to help Xu Dongxiao carry it, naturally, he made all the mental preparations, not to be moved by other people's few words.

However, she is not in a hurry, this matter, take your time.

After flipping through the entertainment news for a while, Lu Yunjin felt extremely bored, and at this juncture, she didn't see Bai Xiaoxiao standing up to argue.

Lu Yunjin thought for a while, did he add insult to injury?She will too!

After logging into Lu Nan's trumpet, Lu Yunjin sent a message to Bai Xiaoxiao.

"Finally, I don't have to go to great lengths to pretend to be myself, how does it feel? How does it feel to be scolded by everyone after the collapse of this kind of persona? It's the same as me at the beginning, hehe, you will soon step into my life Follow in the footsteps, I will wait for you below."

After finishing speaking, he still didn't forget to continue behind and sent three ghost emojis.

After posting, I waited for a while, but still didn't get a reply from Bai Xiaoxiao. After thinking about it, I simply got out of bed, went out, and took a taxi to Yaoxing.

Didn't Bai Xiaoxiao see it?No, of course I did.

However, Bai Xiaoxiao now has no time to take care of these things. She calls everywhere but runs into walls everywhere.

Early in the morning, Yaoxing notified her to terminate the contract and terminate all contracts with her. Afterwards, the manager's phone couldn't be reached, Xu Dongxiao's phone couldn't be reached, and even the public relations director Li Xiao's phone couldn't be reached.

After being kicked out from Yaoxing, before she was ready, she was besieged by a large group of fans at the door, throwing rotten eggs, rotten leaves, and empty water bottles everywhere.

The fans were outraged, scolding her was simply unbearable, and the most common thing was to tell her to get out of the entertainment circle.

Such a scene seems familiar.

Bai Xiaoxiao tried hard to think back, and suddenly smiled, isn't it just a familiar feeling?

After Lu Nan had an accident, when she was scolded by thousands of people, and when she was with her in a fake way, didn't you see a similar scene with your own eyes?

(End of this chapter)

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