Madam is sick again

Chapter 523 Lu Yunjin is serious about self-deception!

Chapter 523 Lu Yunjin is serious about self-deception!
Lu Yunjin smiled, did not speak, and watched the two perform quietly.

Since Su Hong said so, if she said she minded, wouldn't she slap Su Hong in the face?
Well, although she didn't mind hitting Su Hong in the face, she didn't want to fight his mother in front of Xinan.

What's more, someone gave herself a high hat of being gentle, virtuous, and understanding. How could she take it off so easily?
A straight man like Xu Xinan doesn't understand the twists and turns between women. He only knows that Lu Nan mentioned the night she and him...

So, after Lu Nan finished speaking, his eyes immediately fell on Lu Yunjin, nervous and uneasy.

"Besides, Lu Yunjin is pregnant, so I'm afraid I can't take care of Qiqi and Xinan. If Ms. Lu lives here, I'm afraid you will have to worry about Xinan and Qiqi in the future." Su Hong added.

The implication is that Lu Yunjin is pregnant, this time is a good opportunity to take advantage of it!

If Lu Nan is a smart person, he will naturally know how to seize this opportunity, enter the family, and become a legitimate mother of Qiqi.

Lu Nan wiped away tears of emotion, and thankfully agreed to stay.

Xu Xinan didn't care about Lu Nan's request to stay.

From the moment he promised Su Hong to let her and Qiqi live in this house, this house was no longer his and Yun Jin's home.

Therefore, whoever wants to live here has nothing to do with him.

The only thing he cares about is Lu Yunjin's attitude towards this matter.

Lu Yunjin seemed to have sensed the man's uneasiness, turned her head, and looked at Xu Xinan like a child who made a mistake.

Standing there obediently, with his back straight, his handsome face tensed, nervous and uneasy.

Half of his outstretched hand was still frozen in the air, as if he wanted to hold her, but he was afraid that she would refuse.

Because I care, I'm afraid, I'm nervous, I'm uneasy.

This man, in the eyes of outsiders, is so cold, ruthless, self-confident and dignified, like a god, a man who can only be watched and worshiped from a distance.

In front of her, he became an ordinary man who couldn't be more ordinary. He felt restless, insecure, and afraid of losing her because of someone else's words.

Lu Yunjin's heart softened into a puddle of water, she reached out and took the man's hand.

"Sinan, trust me."

She patted the back of the man's hand lightly, and walked in front of Su Hong and Lu Nan, her red lips slightly curved.

She didn't express her position just now, she just wanted to see what this impostor wanted to do.

Now, after enjoying a touching scene of mother and daughter recognizing each other, and listening to the cynicism and provocation of some people, she understands.

Step into the room, replace it?
Ah!There are still people dreaming in broad daylight.

"You are really thoughtful, let this Miss Lu take care of Qiqi, but... you are not afraid that Lu Nan will ruin Qiqi? Try to know as much as possible, what does the word Lu Nan represent in the entertainment circle, Unspoken rules, mistress, scheming bitch, slut, tsk, there are all kinds of ugly words!"

Lu Yunjin thought that since this period of time, she has been very quiet and obedient, and never took the initiative to make troubles.

However, just because she doesn't take the initiative to do things, doesn't mean she's afraid of trouble!

Unspoken rules, mistress, scheming bitch, bitch...

Regarding self-defense, Lu Yunjin is serious!
Su Hong's face turned black, what do you mean?
Could it be that Lu Nan has some unknown past?
Seeing Su Hong looking at her with a bewildered face begging for scientific popularization, Lu Yunjin continued to popularize scientifically very understandingly.

(End of this chapter)

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