Madam is sick again

Chapter 541 Damn, Xinan is a scumbag!

Chapter 541 Damn, Xinan is a scumbag!
"What happened to the paternity test before, is there any problem?"

Lu Yunjin coughed uncomfortably, but did not immediately answer Hua Jihan's question.

Before, the matter of Qiqi hadn't been exposed yet, but she went directly to do a paternity test for Xinan and Qiqi just based on a composite photo.

If Xinan knew about it, he was afraid that he would feel that he didn't trust him.

Therefore, she didn't dare to tell Hua Jihan, not only because it was absurd, but also because she was afraid that he would tell Xinan.

After all, Hua Jihan is a recognized big mouth.

"This matter is very important, you must tell me whose paternity test is for you." Hua Jihan couldn't tell.

Could it be that he told Tuzai that he and Su Yuting took the initiative to exchange the paternity test and gave her a fake one?

At the beginning, Hua Jihan did not doubt that the paternity test was based on chess, but now, after personally finding out the problem, he began to doubt it.

Regardless of whether it is true or not, he must first confirm it from Tuzai.

Seeing his serious and serious appearance, Lu Yunjin sighed.

"It's not from Qiqi, it's from Xinan and others."

Hua Jihan breathed a sigh of relief.

"No, that's good, it proves that my investigation is still okay, the paternity test is not chess..."

Halfway through, he suddenly stopped.

and many more……

The paternity test at the beginning was not from Qiqi, but from someone else.

That means, apart from Qiqi and Lu Nan, Xinan had other children with other women?

What the hell! ! !

Fuck, trough, trough, trough! ! !
Xinan, this scumbag! ! !

It may be that Hua Jihan's heart was too shocked, which caused his facial expressions to change too much, successfully attracting Lu Yunjin's attention.

"Flowers, what's wrong?"

Hua Jihan is not abnormal at one o'clock or two o'clock today.

"Rabbit, wait, wait a minute—"

Hua Jihan stretched out his hand, covering his frightened little heart, trying to smooth out his chaotic thoughts.

No, you can't think like that.

There is another possibility.

If Qiqi is fake, it is not the child of Xinan and Lu Nan, but the paternity test is true...

Then, there is another possibility that the child that Tuzai took for paternity test was the child of Xinan and Lu Nan back then.

As long as the child is found, the chess knot will be untied naturally, and there is no need to continue the investigation.

In the face of the truth, all conspiracies and tricks are scum.

Moreover, Yihua Jihan's friendship and understanding of Xu Xinan has been together since he was a child wearing open crotch pants.

Before Lu Yunjin, Xu Xinan was basically not close to women, and the possibility of having a second illegitimate child with another woman besides Lu Nan was almost zero.

Therefore, Hua Jihan is almost certain that the second guess is the truth.

After figuring everything out, Hua Jihan was excited and couldn't find Bei, as if he had been opened up to Ren Du's second channel.

"Tuzaituzai, tell me quickly, who did the paternity test belong to Xinan?"

Lu Yunjin frowned slightly, "In short, it's not about playing chess. Is it important to spend less money?"

"Very important, very important, Tuzai, this is related to the happiness of you and Xinan in the rest of your life."

Hua Jihan patted Lu Yunjin's shoulder seriously.

As far as he knew, Su Hong had some unpleasant troubles with Rabbit because of chess and chess...

The two are now at odds with each other, so Xinan must be caught in the middle of a dilemma.

(End of this chapter)

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