Madam is sick again

Chapter 546 This is Human Nature!

Chapter 546 This is Human Nature!
It was originally a small microblog with little influence, but as soon as this microblog was published, a group of members of the Xu Group represented by Su Hong forwarded it together.

In the end, even Zhao Qize, who hadn't seen him for a long time, jumped out and forwarded this Weibo.

This matter immediately caused an uproar on the Internet! !

The name Lu Nan once again returned to everyone's attention!
The melon-eaters, seeing the piece of evidence listed by the fake Lu Nan, were completely overwhelmed.

[My God, what is fire prevention, theft prevention and boudoir protection, this is it!Unexpectedly, in the case of Lu Nan, she was actually the victim! 】

【shocked!So all the scandals that came out of Lu Nan back then were framed by Bai Xiaoxiao? 】

[Impossible, this Weibo doesn't explain everything, even if she was the victim that night, why didn't she stand up and explain, why did she keep Wang Ritian's bastard? 】

[Yeah, now that she is dead, Bai Xiaoxiao has also disappeared from the entertainment circle, her reputation is notorious, she has nothing to prove. 】

In the comments, there are different opinions, but after the shock, the most common ones are not apologies, but doubts.

This is human nature!
After Lu Nan's incident was exposed, thousands of people reviled and were hacked by the whole Internet. It can be said that almost everyone has insulted Lu Nan to some extent.

Lu Nan is a mistress, and a series of dirty things, such as relying on unspoken rules to get in position and meddling in other people's families, have been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Now it is suddenly revealed that she is innocent and a victim, how many people are willing to accept it?

How many people are willing to admit that they were wrong back then, that they wronged Lu Nan?
How many people are willing to slap themselves in the face for Lu Nan's innocence?
No no! !

Except for a few of Lu Nan's true fans who still persisted and wept bitterly, most people, more often, denied or doubted it.

No one is willing to admit that they have wronged Lu Nan.

After all, there is no hard evidence.

What's the point of being drugged?At most, it can show that Lu Nan was forced that night.

What about after that?

After that, did she voluntarily follow Wang Ritian?Otherwise, how could an illegitimate child be born?
Before there is no conclusive evidence, no one will admit it...

Both Lu Nan and Su Hong did not expect that the current netizens are so stubborn, and they are a little at a loss for the one-sided comments.

Lu Yunjin, on the other hand, noticed the movement on the Internet, and after seeing the reactions of netizens, she laughed at herself.

This was within her expectations.

Therefore, this is also the reason why she has not acted to clear herself up for so long.

However, after such an incident, even if he did not completely clean himself up, at least he planted a seed in the hearts of netizens. Only in the future, after obtaining more convincing evidence, this seed will take root, germinate, bloom, and bear fruit!

at the same time--

Granny Zhang came to Xu's house early in the morning to take away Fengya, took her to buy a series of furniture for the new home, and then handed her a document bag.

"You keep this. After I leave, you can open it again and give it to Lu Yunjin."


Feng Ya tightly grabbed Granny Zhang's sleeve, "Grandma, where are you going?"

"I don't belong here. When I came out of Sunset Forest, I should have left. For you, I stayed for a while longer. Now that your wish is fulfilled, I should leave with peace of mind." Granny Zhang muttered Said a paragraph.

This may be the longest sentence she has ever said since she and Feng Ya have known each other for so long.

(End of this chapter)

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