Chapter 550

When he opened his eyes again, he was horrified to find that he was in a strange place, not his office at all.

This seemed to be a residential area. He was standing at the door with his hands magically placed on the doorknob.

Inside, Lu Yunjin's soft and elegant voice could be heard faintly...

Cloudy and elegant?
Why are they here?

Xu Xinan twisted the doorknob, opened the door, and what caught his eye was the scene of the two hugging each other, crying and laughing...

At the same time, Lu Yunjin and Feng Ya also noticed Xu Xinan's arrival.

"Xinan?" Lu Yunjin was a little surprised, "Aren't you in the company? Why did you suddenly appear here?"

Xu Xinan shook his head, "I don't know very well, I was in the office just a second ago, and suddenly the world was spinning, and when I opened my eyes, I appeared here."

Besides Granny Zhang, who else could have such a fantasy thing?

"Mother-in-law—" Lu Yunjin turned to find Granny Zhang, but the room was empty.


She has probably left quietly.

I was afraid that Fengya would be sad, and that I would not be able to bear it, so I left silently.

Lu Yunjin's expression darkened, feeling a little sad in her heart.

As for Fengya, she felt as if the sky was falling apart, and she burst into tears with a "wow--".

"Mother-in-law, mother-in-law doesn't want me anymore."

Except the last time Fengya drank the fairy water, this is the second time that Lu Yunjin cried so sadly when she saw Fengya.

She felt distressed for a while.

"Xiaoya, it's okay. Grandma just left for a while, and she will come back after a while."

Lu Yunjin had an intuition that Granny Zhang would come back, the chess puppet pill, and the fake Lu Nan's human skin mask, all these things were full of fantasy.

Even if she leaves a solution, if she can't find the source of these things, there may be unexpected things happening in the future.

Therefore, it is impossible for Granny Zhang to just walk away.

"Mom, my mother-in-law won't come back, she doesn't want Fengya anymore, Fengya is so sad, Fengya is so sad."

Feng Ya whimpered, and stretched out her small hand to wipe away the tears, but in the next second, the tears blurred her vision again.

She just found her mother, it should be a very happy and happy thing, she shouldn't cry.

However, she lost her mother-in-law as soon as she found her mother, so she was still very sad and sad.

"Fengya, don't cry. From now on, will you have your mother to accompany you? Mom will replace mother-in-law and take good care of you."

Lu Yunjin stretched out her hand distressedly, wiping away her tears.

Even if she is as smart as Lu Yunjin, she has no experience in coaxing children, so facing Feng Ya's tears at this moment, she seems at a loss.

On the other hand, Xu Xinan raised his eyebrows unexpectedly when he heard Feng Ya and Lu Yunjin's address.


Feng Ya called Yun Jin's mother?
Feeling a little strange, but seeing Fengya cry like this, Xu Xinan couldn't bear it, so he temporarily suppressed the doubts in his heart, walked forward with long legs, and squatted in front of Fengya.

"If Granny Zhang knows that she is gone and you are crying so sadly, she will definitely worry about you and be very sad."

Feng Ya is very smart and sensible. Although she is sad that Granny Zhang is gone, she definitely does not want Granny Zhang to worry about her.

Hearing what Xu Xinan said, Feng Ya really stopped crying in the storm, and looked at him with big round eyes red, and sobbed a little.

"Grandma Zhang is not from here. She must be very lonely here. In her world, she also has relatives and friends, and she will miss them. Now that she has gone back, she will be reunited with her family and friends. She will have a good life. "

(End of this chapter)

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