Madam is sick again

Chapter 554 Then You Are Awesome

Chapter 554 Then You Are Awesome
Xu Xinan suddenly thought of the book about rebirth that he read on Lu Yunjin's bed one night, and he felt his heart tremble.



Lu Yunjin took a deep breath, looked straight into the man's eyes, and organized his words in his heart for a long time before he tentatively asked, "Do you believe in rebirth?"

She didn't dare to get straight to the point, for fear that Xinan would not be able to accept it.

She didn't know how Xinan felt about Lu Nan, but after two days of observation, Xinan really didn't like the fake Lu Nan at home.

To her, it can be said to be indifferent, completely like a passerby.

Xu Shi cared too much, so she was afraid, afraid that Xinan would not want her after knowing the truth...

After all, Xinan was also a victim of that incident...


When the girl's words coincided with the guess in his heart, the man's pupils suddenly constricted.

In fact, he should have guessed it a long time ago.

In the past, every time Lu Nan was mentioned, her reaction was more intense. Moreover, she used to open a trumpet in person, chatting with netizens online, and speaking for Lu Nan.

There are already clues...

But now, hearing her confess in person is another matter.

The man forced a smile, as if he wanted to hear everything from her, "Rebirth?"

Lu Yunjin's heart was beating a little, his eyes were full of nervousness, so he changed the phrase, "How do you feel about Lu Nan?"

The man was silent, and his black eyes were tightly glued to him. Those eyes, as if they could see through, made Lu Yunjin feel guilty for a while.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Lu Yunjin felt uncomfortable being looked at by him.

At first, Lu Yunjin thought, come a little bit, and can't get straight to the point, for fear of scaring Xu Xinan.

As a result, the psychological quality of a man seems to be beyond her imagination.

In other words, she didn't scare Xu Xinan, but what the man said next scared her enough.

"So, you are reborn, but you are actually Lu Nan?"

Lu Yunjin:? ? ?

Lu Yunjin:! ! !

Lu Yunjin:_

"Cough cough!"

Almost choked on his own saliva.

What is non-surprising and endless?This is!
" did you know?" Now, Lu Yunjin was in a daze.

She observed Xu Xinan's expression carefully, but...

Khan (ー_ー)!!
I really couldn't see anything, the man still looked at her with a blank expression, without the slightest emotion.

It seems that such a sentence, to him, is as ordinary as what to eat tonight.

"Guessed." After saying it, Xu Xinan calmed down.

From the appearance of Granny Zhang, to Feng Ya's shrinkage, to the setting sun forest, to the present, are there many extraordinary things he has experienced that cannot be explained by science?
Guess... Guess it?
Lu Yunjin: (ー_ー)!!
You can really guess, you are awesome!

Lu Yunjin was at a loss for words, and Xu Xinan completely confused the language that had been organized for a long time.

She originally planned to proceed step by step, but now she was punctured by the man.

For a moment, she didn't know what to say.

So, doesn't he agree with this matter?

Lu Yunjin had already made all the preparations. After learning the truth, he might be shocked, angry, sad, or even reject her.

She had thought about everything, but she never thought that... the man was so calm.

So made her flustered.


(End of this chapter)

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