Madam is sick again

Chapter 556 Distressed?remorse?

Chapter 556 Distressed?remorse?
He almost thought that the boss was taken away by aliens.

"Come in, I have something to see you." The man hurried.


Seeing Xu Xinan's serious face, Secretary Zhang had no choice but to swallow the doubts in his heart, and walked quickly into Xu Xinan's office.

Xu Xinan sat on the office chair, took out his mobile phone and began to browse Weibo. He didn't know what he was looking at, and his expression became more serious.

"Mr. Xu, you just now..." Secretary Zhang held back for a while, but couldn't hold back the curiosity in his heart.

However, the man didn't seem to want to answer him at all, and pushed the phone in front of him.

Secretary Zhang leaned forward to take a look, raising his eyebrows.

Yo, isn't this a hot topic lately?

The truth about the scandal of actress Lu Nan back then.

Didn't Mr. Xu hate the entertainment industry the most?Unexpectedly, now he would take the initiative to care about the rights and wrongs of the entertainment industry.

"Do you know about this?" the man asked.

"I know."

Secretary Zhang nodded hurriedly, and took out all the gossip he knew in his stomach.

"This female star, Lu Nan, was regarded as a mistress three years ago because of some scandals. It is said that she was pregnant with a child, and then disappeared for two years. She reappeared in the eyes of the public a while ago because she committed suicide by jumping off a building."

Suicide by jumping off a building...

The man's eyebrows twitched, and when he thought of the news he heard some time ago, he felt distressed.

During the three years that he didn't know, how much grievance and pain did she suffer?

During the days when he was absent, how did she grit her teeth and survive alone?

Xu Xinan couldn't imagine, what kind of mood did Lu Yunjin walk into the operating room, and how much courage did he come down from the operating table to decide to keep this child?
He couldn't even imagine what kind of life she lived and what kind of inhuman treatment she suffered during the more than two years of being imprisoned by Lin Meiying.

Under such circumstances, how did she give birth to Fengya?
And how did she escape from Lin Meiying's hands, and she finally saw the light again, and what kind of mood did she have in the end when she jumped from the top of the Dingguan Building?

Xu Xinan didn't dare to ask about these things, and he couldn't ask them out. He was afraid that Lu Yunjin's painful memories would be brought back, and he was even more afraid...

I am even more afraid that I will be heartbroken to suffocation.

Distressed emotions came densely, overwhelmingly, like a big net, wrapping him tightly, getting tighter and tighter, making him suffocate one after another.

Xu Xinan finally knew what it was like to be so heartbroken that he couldn't breathe.

In addition to being distressed, he hated him even more, hated himself for being cowardly, hated for avoiding, hated for not investigating the truth of the matter clearly.

Hate myself for not being there for her when she needed it most.

I hate myself for not being able to protect her.

As much as you feel distressed, you have as much hatred for yourself...

"Mr. Xu, Mr. Xu?"

Secretary Zhang finished talking about the gossip in his stomach, and he didn't wait for Xu Xinan's instructions for a long time. When he raised his head, he saw the man covering his heart, his face somber, with an expression similar to heartache...


what's the situation?
Secretary Zhang keenly smelled gossip, but the expression on Xu Xinan's face that he was not close to strangers successfully dispelled his gossip.

"President Xu, do you have any orders?" Secretary Zhang asked cautiously.

The man didn't speak, he covered his heart and gritted his teeth.

It took a long time for Secretary Zhang to hear his gloomy words that almost came out of hell...

(End of this chapter)

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