Madam is sick again

Chapter 558 Lin's Crisis

Chapter 558 Lin's Crisis
Is it a red face in a rage? ? ?
He seemed to know some great secret all of a sudden?
Mr. Xu did this, does Madam know? ? ?

No matter how much Secretary Zhang was gossiping, but in view of the tragic experience of being stuffed with dog food, he really didn't dare to ask.

After all, there is a price to be paid for listening to the boss's gossip.

With the financial resources and strength of the Xu Group, to deal with a Lin Group is something that can be solved with just a few fingers.

On behalf of Xu Xinan, Secretary Zhang said that as long as he cooperates with the Lin Group, he is against the Xu Group.

Previously, Su Hong also said similar things on behalf of the Xu family, but what Su Hong said, could it be the same as the order that Xu Xinan personally gave?Of course not.

After all, Xu Xinan is the upright successor of the Xu family. What he said is the stone hammer, the imperial decree, and represents the entire Xu family!

If it is said that Su Hong's targeting of the Lin Group only caused the Lin Group to fall into a short-term panic, then now, in less than a day, the order issued by Xu Xinan himself completely cut off all the vitality of the Lin Group! !
Xu's Group is the top of the imperial capital's economic chain and the benchmark for all domestic enterprises. Behind the scenes, there are countless people staring at Xu's and watching their every move.

Now, Xu's Group openly released such a sentence, this is an opportunity, the best opportunity to curry favor with Xu's Group!

So... as soon as Secretary Zhang issued this order on behalf of Xu Xinan, the domestic economic circle was completely in turmoil.

Many companies that have a cooperative relationship with Lin's Group are in danger, fearing that Xu's anger will be blamed on themselves, and immediately terminated the contract with Lin's Group.

I would rather pay high liquidated damages than offend the Xu Group.

In addition, some companies that have no cooperation with the Lin Group immediately stated that they would draw a clear line with the Lin Group and never interact with each other, fully expressing their attitude.

Finally, there is another category, that is, companies that are hostile to the Lin Group, taking this opportunity to fall into trouble!
Not to mention it took half a day, in less than two hours, the stock of the Lin Group dropped completely!

The current successor of the Lin Group is none other than Lin Meiying.

Ever since she was targeted by Su Hong in the morning, she has been very busy and at a loss what to do. At first, she didn't pay much attention to Su Hong, and she still held great hopes in her heart to help the company tide over the difficulties.

But in the afternoon, since she received the news that Xu Xinan personally targeted Lin, she has been in a bad mood.

The little hope in my heart was completely shattered.

Sitting in the office, watching his own stock drop to the limit.

life without love.jpg
"What the hell is going on? Why did Xu Xinan suddenly attack us? We haven't offended him recently!"

Wang Ritian was so anxious that he was going crazy, screaming in Lin Meiying's office.

Since his Wang Corporation went bankrupt, he had pinned all his hopes on the Lin Corporation. Fortunately, Xu Xinan only targeted him at the beginning and did not affect the Lin Corporation.

But now, Xu Xinan's move wiped out all his luck.

why? ? ?
Even if Wang Ritian scratched his head, he couldn't think of Xu Xinan's reason for targeting Lin.

Lin Meiying was sitting on the office chair, her beautiful face was full of gloom at the moment.

She took out the phone on the table and called Xu Dongxiao.

"Hey, Mr. Xu, what's going on? Why did Mr. Xu suddenly target me, Mrs. Lin?"

(End of this chapter)

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