Madam is sick again

Chapter 564 I Don't Listen, I Don't Listen, I Don't Listen!

Chapter 564 I Don't Listen, I Don't Listen, I Don't Listen!
However, called Dad?impossible!

Fengya and arrogantly turned her head away, but she refused with strength.

Xu Xinan: "..."

Lu Yunjin let out a chuckle, never expecting that Xu Xinan, who was always omnipotent, would stumble one after another at Fengya's place.

Didn't it mean that daughters are all father's little lovers in his previous life?
When it came to Fengya and Xinan, she didn't notice that they were lovers, maybe they were about to become enemies.

Xu Xinan stared at Fengya for a long time, but finally compromised, took Fengya silently, and held her in his arms.

"Well, it's not heavy, and you can grow some meat." Xu Xinan said.

Eat more and gain weight, so that she won't let Yun Jin hold her, and the arms of his daughter-in-law are his.

Well, yes, go back and give Fengya an extra meal, make more delicious food.

If Fengya knew that her father had worked so hard to feed her fat, would she cry?
"Hey, you three, enough is enough!"

Hua Jihan, who was squatting in the corner and drawing circles, finally couldn't bear it anymore and opened his mouth.

It's fine to be abused by Xinan and Rabbit, but now there's another picture of a happy family of three, abuse him together, right?
By the way, when did Fengya become the daughter of Tuzai and Xinan?Adopted?

"Young Master Hua—" Lu Yunjin looked at him with a smile, "Aren't you wondering why Xinan wants to stand up for Lu Nan and I'm not angry at all?"

According to Hua Jihan's character, he doesn't gossip at all, which is unscientific.

However, when Hua Jihan heard Lu Yunjin's question, he actually covered his ears with a face of resistance.

"I don't listen, I don't listen, I don't listen, it must not be a good thing!"

Hua Jihan felt that, in the state that the rabbit smashed into the door just now, it must be another bowl of golden dog food.

Sorry, your friend rejected your dog food.

Lu Yunjin: "..."

Well, she didn't intend to clarify the truth to Hua Jihan either.

"By the way, Sinan, let me show you something."

Lu Yunjin suddenly remembered something, walked to the door, and brought in the shopping bag that was left at the door when he entered.

"I bought this when Xiaoya and I went shopping just now. Go and try to see if it fits."

Lu Yunjin took out the contents inside, it was a parent-child outfit.

Only then did Xu Xinan notice that Lu Yunjin was kind and elegant, wearing a red parent-child outfit.

Maybe it was because of being stimulated by Su Hong and Qiqi before, Fengya cutie has a mysterious obsession with pretending to be a parent.

The three of them also passed through the amusement park last time, but at that time, they were not a real family, but this time is different.

This time, it is the real parent-child outfit.

Therefore, when Fengya proposed to buy clothes, Lu Yunjin agreed without saying a word.

"Okay, wait for me, I'll change right away." Xu Xinan readily took it, picked up the clothes and went into the lounge.

The flower festival on the side is cold: 〒_〒

What a goddamn parent-child outfit!

It was the biggest mistake for him to come here today.

"Tuzai, I'll give you the same stuff here, you put it away, I still have something to do, so I'll go first."

Hua Jihan handed the documents in his hand to Lu Yunjin, and then slipped away resolutely.

Just kidding, what are you doing sitting around?Waiting to be abused?
"Hey, Young Master Hua—" Lu Yunjin originally wanted to ask him something, but he ran away without looking back, so she had no choice but to give up.

Lu Yunjin sighed, and glanced at the file bag, on which was written the word "urgent".

She was a little curious, opened the file bag, and took out the files inside...

(End of this chapter)

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