Madam is sick again

Chapter 566 This slut who made trouble!

Chapter 566 This slut who made trouble!
That being the case...

Lu Yunjin squinted his eyes, and there was a sly gleam in his eyes.

"Xinan, I suddenly have a funny idea..."


Ten minutes later, when Lu Yunjin arrived at the coffee shop, Lin Meiying had already arrived.

It seems that she really cares about Mrs. Lin, and she came so quickly.

"Miss Lin, long time no see."

Lu Yunjin walked in front of her and looked at Lin Meiying with a half-smile.

This seemed to be the first time since rebirth, the two of them sat face to face in such a peaceful manner.

Of course, the previous kidnapping didn't count.

Before she had time to go to her to settle the previous account, she took the initiative to send it to her door.

Lu Yunjin stroked his chin, thinking about it.

"Miss Lu..."

"Miss Lin, oh, no, it's Mrs. Wang, if you have anything to do, just say it!"

Lu Yunjin was straight to the point and didn't like to go around the bush.

"Miss Lu, I'm here to ask you to help the Lin Group." Lin Meiying gritted her teeth and spoke very hard.

When in her life, Lin Meiying, had she begged others so humbly like she is now?

Lu Yunjin, she is the first!
Lin Meiying clenched her fists tightly.

Help the Lin Group?
Lu Yunjin seemed to have heard some big joke, and looked at Lin Meiying, as if looking at a fool.

"The matter of the Lin Group, what does it matter to me? Why should I help you?"

Lin Meiying, did you have a time when you were so humble today?
Lu Yunjin seemed to be smiling, but inside, he was extremely restless.

Feng Shui turns, three years later, is it finally Lin Meiying's turn?
Back then, how did she humbly beg Lin Meiying?But what about her?How do you do it?
Do you want her to repay grievances with virtue regardless of previous suspicions?Oh, dreaming!


Seeing the mocking smile on Lu Yunjin's face, Lin Meiying felt a fire burning in her heart.

This slut who fell into trouble!
What is her tone, what look in her eyes?
If it wasn't for asking her today, if it wasn't for Lin, Lin Meiying would never sit here and suffer such humiliation.

"Miss Lu—"

Lin Meiying tried her best to suppress the raging anger in her heart, gritted her teeth, and her voice was very stiff.

"Miss Lu, by helping the Lin Group, you are not only helping me, but also helping yourself. Now we should be the same to the outside world."

unanimously external?
Who is this referring to?Xu Xinan?Or Lu Nan?
Lu Yunjin suddenly felt very funny, "Miss Lin, I think you must have made a mistake. You and I were not friends before, not now, and it is even more impossible to be friends in the future. Therefore, it is me and you, not friends." us!"

She made a clear distinction, she and Lin Meiying were never mentioned as us.

Not to mention the grievances and grievances in this life, they were enemies from the very beginning.

She was imprisoned for two years, abused for two years, and her children were taken away and strangled to death.

One after another, the past is vivid in her memory. It is already pretty good that she can bear it until now and not seek revenge from Lin Meiying. It is ridiculous that Lin Meiying has agreed with her to the outside world?

"Miss Lu, don't you know, who is Xu Xinan targeting me, Mrs. Lin, for? He's for that bastard Lu Nan, he's for Lu Nan's old lover. Don't you just look at yourself indifferently? Husband standing out for other women?"

That bastard Wang Ritian's history of cheating can't be counted on both hands, and Lin Meiying has a deep understanding of it.

The same woman, in the world, which woman can stand her husband hiding other women in his heart, never forgetting about other women, and trying to stand up for other women?

(End of this chapter)

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