Chapter 578
He didn't look back, Hua Jihan and Su Yuting could only see his back, Hua Jihan was a little worried about him, his reaction was really unusual.

What if Xinan went crazy before Tuzai woke up?

Hua Jihan originally wanted to persuade him, but Su Yuting stopped him in time.

"Let's go, Mr. Xu now needs to be alone for a while. We have to trust Mr. Xu. Before Miss Lu wakes up, nothing will happen to him." Su Yuting glanced at Xu Xinan.

That's right, based on how much Xu Xinan cared about Lu Yunjin, before she woke up, Xu Xinan would not let anything happen to him.

Hua Jihan sighed, but had no choice but to walk out of the ward with Su Yuting.

In the ward, only Xu Xinan and Xiao Fengya were left.

Feng Ya stood beside her, holding Lu Yunjin's hand tightly with her small hands, she didn't cry loudly, but seeing her pale and comatose on the bed, big and big tears fell down suddenly as if she didn't want money. Down.




She lay beside Lu Yunjin's ear, shouting non-stop as if whispering.

She knew that even if her mother was asleep, she would definitely hear what she said, and her mother would not ignore her.

However, after crying for a long time, my mother has been lying down without any response, which makes people feel hopeless.

He never promised her with a smile, called her Xiaoya with a smile, and didn't get up to hug her like before.

The more Feng Ya thinks about it, the more sad she becomes, the more she thinks about it, the more sad she becomes, Crow's Mouth doesn't work anymore, her mother-in-law has left, and her father doesn't care about her, what should she do, what should she do?
Mother-in-law, yes, if mother-in-law is here, there must be a way to save mother!

Thinking of Granny Zhang, Fengya thought of a talisman that Granny Zhang left her before. Her mother-in-law said that in an emergency, as long as this talisman was lit with blood, she would immediately appear beside Fengya.

She kept this talisman with her all the time, especially after her mother-in-law left, she never left her for a moment.

She hurriedly took out a small sachet from her pocket, and poured out the crumpled yellow talisman paper in the sachet. On it, the color of cinnabar was so pale that it was almost invisible, only the texture on it could be vaguely seen.

Fengya stretched out her small hand, on which was the dried blood of Lu Yunjin, she gritted her teeth, picked up the fruit knife beside her, cut a cut in her hand, squeezed out the blood, and carefully followed the cinnabar Texture painting.

In the past, she was the most afraid of pain, even a small wound would hurt for a long time, but now, she made a cut with a fruit knife with her own hands, and the blood flowed non-stop, but she didn't blink her eyes, tight Gritting his teeth tightly, he remained silent.

She took the opportunity to glance at Xu Xinan who was opposite, he was sitting in a daze, with his head lowered, his head resting on Lu Yunjin's palm, eyes closed, not knowing what he was thinking.

He didn't seem to notice Feng Ya's movements.

Feng Ya breathed a sigh of relief, and continued with the action.

After drawing the talisman, she found another lighter and directly lit the talisman paper.

Xu Xinan finally noticed Feng Ya's movements, and saw that her fingertips were bleeding, and frowned.

"Xiaoya, what are you doing?"

"I'm looking for my mother-in-law!"

Feng Ya didn't raise her head, she watched helplessly as the talisman paper was burned, and then waited expectantly.

"Mom, my mother-in-law is coming soon. Just wait a little longer. It will be great if my mother-in-law is here. She must have a way to save you."

"Mother-in-law, mother-in-law, come out!"


 [One more...]

(End of this chapter)

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