Madam is sick again

Chapter 581 Divorce?Impossible, it is impossible to get divorced in this life!

Chapter 581 Divorce?Impossible, it is impossible to get divorced in this life!

Therefore, before Lu Yunjin lied to her that she was pregnant, no matter how much she was full of love for Lu Yunjin, she endured it, not only accepted her, but also treated her so well, even saw her wearing high heels, and personally put her Take off her shoes for her.

The results of it?In exchange for what?
In exchange for her deception!

It was she who repeatedly excluded chess and chess, her Xu family's upright blood, and was extremely disrespectful to her for an irrelevant Fengya.

She has endured all these, but now, she really can't bear it anymore.

This hateful woman, this woman who is full of lies, has been lying to her from the very beginning!

She couldn't stand this matter.

"Xinan, I want you to divorce this woman immediately, immediately!"

Su Hong was out of breath, and immediately started looking for a lawyer after speaking.


Xu Xinan narrowed his dark eyes, and refused without thinking, "Impossible!"

divorce?Impossible, it is impossible to divorce in this life.

Even if Lu Yunjin really has some mental problems when he wakes up, even if Lu Yunjin doesn't want him in the future, he will still stalk her and continue to pester her.

In Xu Xinan's dictionary, there is only widowhood, not retirement!
"You, are you trying to piss me off? Why do you keep this kind of woman? Do you keep it to harm my Xu family? Women who are better than her abound. Have you ever had a relationship? You still have chess and chess, if you divorce Lu Yunjin, why not find someone better than her?"

"Besides, didn't you openly help Lu Nan make decisions on Weibo and publicly confess Lu Nan? For her sake, you even personally suppressed the Lin Group. These mothers are watching, so as long as you and If Lu Yunjin divorces, you can marry Lu Nan immediately, and Mom will never stop her!"

Su Hong was determined to get Xu Xinan and Lu Yunjin to divorce, she was determined to make Qiqi her legitimate granddaughter.


Hearing Su Hong's words, Xu Xinan sneered.

"Yes, I have feelings for Lu Nan, so what? What does it matter to her?"

Xu Xinan glanced at the fake Lu Nan with disdain.

"Also, I know how my wife is, and I will never allow anyone to judge her!"

Anyone, including Su Hong naturally, even her own mother, can't do it.

In the eyes of outsiders, Lu Yunjin may not be the best, but to him, it is enough to be the best.

As for outsiders, outsiders don't need to discover her goodness, it's enough for him alone to know her goodness.

As for wanting him to marry this fake Lu Nan?Oh, dreaming!

"Since you have feelings for Lu Nan, why can't you divorce Lu Yunjin?" Su Hong was dissatisfied, and pulled Lu Nan in front of her.

"Xinan, look, except for birth, in terms of looks, temperament, and gentleness, Lu Nan is no worse than Lu Yunjin in any way. Do you mind her birth?"

Lu Nan's facial features are full and three-dimensional, especially a pair of eyes, which are long enough to seduce people, which is the kind of enchanting and charming.

As for Lu Yunjin, his facial features are also beautiful, but there is a little baby fat on his face, which makes him even more cute than Lu Nan.

These two people have completely different temperaments, and there is no way to compare them.

However, Xu Xinan admitted that his daughter-in-law's appearance in her previous life was indeed not inferior to her present, and he would not mind her previous orphan status.

What he cares about is this fake Lu Nan! !

Xu Xinan walked up to Su Hong and Lu Nan step by step, staring at the beautiful face in front of him, and suddenly let out a cold snort.


[Four more~
A little cutie asked me why I repeated a paragraph at the beginning, because my update time is not fixed, and I am afraid that the little cutie will forget the previous content, so I will link it up, not to make up the word count!My word count for each chapter is more than a thousand! ! 】

(End of this chapter)

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