Madam is sick again

Chapter 591 It's Too Much Deceit! !

Chapter 591 It's Too Much Deceit! !
However, Xu Xinan seemed to see through his thoughts, frowned, and corrected, "It's Fengya."

Hua Jihan:? ? ?

The plot reversed too quickly like a tornado.

His gossipy and curious heart can no longer keep up with the development of the plot, it completely exceeded his expectations, okay?
Xu was related to Lu Nan and Feng Ya's status, so Xu Xinan could hardly explain patiently.

"Chess is fake, it's a chess piece that Xu Dongxiao sent to me, and Fengya is Lu Nan's and I's child."

After listening, Hua Jihan was stunned for two seconds, but then blurted out a damn sentence.


So, that's why Feng Ya told Xinan and Tu to smash their parents just now?

He thought Xinan and Tushao had adopted Feng Ya as their goddaughter, but he didn't expect her to be his own daughter whose blood is thicker than water.

This bloody fate.

"However, Xu Dongxiao's dog is so courageous that he dares to plant an undercover agent by your side!"

Xu Xinan was noncommittal, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

Another very important reason why he disbanded Yaoxing Entertainment was because of Xu Dongxiao.

Before Yaoxing, Xu Dongxiao was always in charge, he was just a shopkeeper.

Even though Xu Dongxiao is no longer in Yaoxing, Xu Dongxiao must have gained his own influence after planning for so many years.

The person he sent to take over Yaoxing now could not fully control it at all.

Most of the people inside are used by Xu Dongxiao.

In this case, don't worry about it.

The disappearance of Yaoxing at least cut off half of Xu Dongxiao's power, caught him off guard, and even... forced him to do it.

He needs a grandiose reason to deal with Xu Dongxiao.

He has been jumping for so long, since he has hurt Lu Yunjin and Fengya, he has touched his bottom line.

He could no longer tolerate Xu Dongxiao.


Sure enough, just as Xu Xinan expected, Xu Dongxiao was so annoyed by Xu Xinan's successive actions that he almost burped.

Let Yaoxing Entertainment openly hold a press conference and use all its power to help Lu Nanxinan clean up.

He also intervened in Lu Nan's matter back then.

What Xu Xinan did was undoubtedly in front of everyone, giving him power and slapping him in the face! !

At this point, Xu Dongxiao endured it, and he had no choice but to endure it.

Swallowing his breath, he watched Yaoxing hold a press conference to vindicate Lu Nan.

At the press conference, the group of pious journalists often threw stones at him.

Why did he say that he was sorry for Lu Nan back then, didn't defend Lu Nan, didn't stand by her side, but kicked her out of Yaoxing immediately after Lu Nan's accident.

Criticized him for his actions!
It made his already notorious reputation in the entertainment circle even worse, almost to the point of notoriety! !
However, it's not over yet!
Xu Xinan suddenly announced on Weibo that Yaoxing will be disbanded! ! !
What Xu Xinan did was to disintegrate all his forces and cut off all his escape routes!
Deceiving too much!

This is simply too much deception! !

Uncle can bear it, and auntie can't bear it either! !

Xu Dongxiao dropped the computer angrily, and finally called the fake Lu Nan with a gloomy face.

It seems that the plan has to be advanced, and it is time for the chess pieces to play a role.


Called, but prompted to shut down.

Xu Dongxiao immediately realized something was wrong.

Before the fake Lu Nan left, he specifically asked her to keep in touch at all times, and the phone must never be turned off.

but now……

(End of this chapter)

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