Madam is sick again

Chapter 594 Withdrawal of the Trailer

Chapter 594 Withdrawal of the Trailer

The assistant director stomped his feet anxiously.

However, Chen Desheng was in a daze, and after he came back to his senses for a long time, he just smiled and said nothing.

It was in stark contrast to the impatience of the assistant director next to him.

"Calm down, it's a big deal, I'm making you anxious!"

Chen Desheng seemed to have forgotten that before he called Lu Yunjin, he was as impatient as the assistant director, even worse than him.

"Director Chen, why are you still calm down? When is this?"

"With Xiao Lu here, the box office of our "Whisper" won't be miserable." Chen Desheng laughed so hard that he couldn't see his eyes.

"Also, don't forget, our biggest investor in "Whisper" is not only the Zhao Group, but also the Xu Corporation and Mr. Xu!"

Xu, that is equivalent to the biggest gold-lettered signboard!

With Xu's support, even if something serious happened, it wouldn't be a problem at all!
What's more, judging from the relationship between Mr. Xu and Lu Yunjin, how could he not help her?
However, when the assistant director heard what Chen Desheng said, he didn't calm down, but became more irritable.

"Director Chen, then Mr. Xu publicly supported Lu Nan on Weibo these two days. He not only used all the manpower of the Xu Group to help her clean up, but also disbanded the entire Yaoxing for Lu Nan. He must be supporting Lu Nan. Yes, the money we made at the box office of "The Whisper" is like a drop in the bucket in his eyes, how could he value it?"

There was a lot of buzz about this matter on the Internet, and even the hot searches for "Whisper" were suppressed by Lu Nan and Xu Xinan, so he naturally noticed it.

Xu Xinan spent a lot of money for Lu Nan, and became so angry that he became a concubine. Even Yaoxing was disbanded. He would definitely stand by Lu Nan's side for "Whispering". How could he care about such a small amount of investment money? ?
Chen Desheng was taken aback, that's right, how could he forget about this?
It's good that Mr. Xu answered Lu Yunjin's call, but he made such a move for Lu Nan... Who knows which one he will choose, Lu Nan or Lu Yunjin?

With his attitude on Weibo and his protection of Lu Nan... Chen Desheng's heart began to beat, and he was no longer as calm as before.

"No, I have to call Mr. Xu again to ask and confirm the situation."

He definitely didn't want to gossip, definitely just for "Whisper".

However, before he dialed out the phone, he received a text message from Xu Xinan.

"Remove the "Whisper" trailer, the Xu Group will be responsible for this matter."

Xu Xinan never liked to send text messages. When Chen Desheng went to him to invest in "Whisper", he went to Hua Jihan to get to know him, so he naturally knew this.

But now, instead of calling, he chose to text.

What does this mean?

It's a quiet night...

Chen Desheng couldn't help but think of the two words Xu Xinan said on the phone just now, and made a decision in his heart, so he decisively gave up the call.

Does President Xu say that, between Lu Nan and Lu Yunjin, he chose to help Lu Yunjin?
Okay, no problem, since that's the case, he won't call the bad guys to do good things.

"Director Chen, remove the trailer?? There aren't many people watching the trailer. If the trailer is also withdrawn, I'm afraid we won't be able to sell even a movie ticket on the day it's released."

The assistant director felt that Xu Xinan must be crazy.

However, Chen Desheng calmed down completely. He lowered his head and pondered for a long time, and suddenly his eyes lit up.

(End of this chapter)

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