Madam is sick again

Chapter 598 Xu Xinan Suspects Life Online

Chapter 598 Xu Xinan Suspects Life Online

"No, no, just call Dad!" The girl pouted, looking unhappy.

That expression, like a spoiled child.

Xu Xinan: "..."

After looking at her for a long time, the man finally sighed, seeming to compromise.

"as long as you are happy."

As long as she is happy, it's fine to call him grandson, let alone daddy.

"Hee hee—" Hearing what Xu Xinan said, Lu Yunjin grinned, and the smile was extraordinarily cheerful.

Xu Xinan's thin lips curled slightly, but he couldn't smile.

"Su Yuting, what she looks like can it be cured?" Xu Xinan asked.

He doesn't want to be a father forever.

She was obviously her own daughter-in-law, but she hadn't been a real husband for a few days, but in the end she fell to the point of being both a father and a mother.

Just ask, who is worse than him?
"This...heart disease requires heart medicine, not to mention, Ms. Lu's current situation cannot take medicine." Su Yuting glanced at Lu Yunjin's stomach.

Can't take medicine?

The man frowned slightly, grasping the point sensitively.

"Why can't you take medicine?"

"Mr. Xu, you don't know yet?" Su Yuting was taken aback.

He thought that the attending doctor had told Xu Xinan.

"what do you know?"

"Miss Lu... is pregnant, and she has been pregnant for almost a month."

At that time, after Lu Yunjin was sent to the ward, before the attending doctor had time to tell Xu Xinan, Su Hong interrupted her in the middle of her speech.

In the past three days, Xu Xinan has been taking care of Lu Yunjin non-stop, and has a very bad temper. He has a handsome face that looks like a dead man's face all day long, and his whole body exudes the aura of not being close to strangers.

Su Yuting had no doubt that if Lu Yunjin didn't wake up again, Xu Xinan might really want to demolish the hospital.

Under such circumstances, the general attending doctor avoided him like a plague god, for fear that he would use the knife to vent his anger if he hit the muzzle of his gun.

How dare you take the initiative to come forward to die?impossible.

So, until now, Xu Xinan didn't know that... Lu Yunjin was pregnant.

She is pregnant……

She was pregnant...

Xu Xinan only felt his head buzzing, and his mind was full of Su Yuting's words, Lu Yunjin is pregnant, and she has been pregnant for a month.

At this moment, looking at Lu Yunjin's innocent face, Xu Xinan didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

In the past, he was looking forward to having a child of his own with Lu Yunjin. Apart from Fengya, he must have another child.

He even figured it out, if it was a girl, her eyes would be like Yunjin's, her smile would be crooked, her round face would be cute and beautiful with baby fat.

If it's a boy, he should be like Yunjin. A cute boy will be more likable. When the child is with Yunjin in the future, he won't have the illusion that his wife has been snatched away by another man. .

He used to dream about looking forward to, fantasizing about.

But...she was really pregnant, but at this juncture.

After she was injured, she remembered that everyone called him her father.

Xu Xinan didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and even thought about it, if Yun Jin hadn't returned to normal after the child was born.

Will the child be asked by Yunjin to call him grandpa? ?

In terms of hard work, Xu Xinan is really hard work.

In his whole life, he was clearly a real husband, but he became Yun Jin's parents, and even though he was a real father, he became the grandparents of Feng Ya and Yun Jin's children? ? ?

Xu Xinan doubts life online.

(End of this chapter)

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