Madam is sick again

Chapter 613 Kidnapping

Chapter 613 Kidnapping
To say that she has a tepid temper?Ah!

She just let her see how tepid her temper is.

"Lu Yunjin, don't bite Lu Dongbin, you don't know good people. I came to pick you up to record the show. You don't thank me, but you still drive me out! This is your upbringing, this is your Is it hospitality?"

Ning Ran was angry, her face turning blue and red.

Let her come and let her go, let her go, what is she rather?Is it a dog?
Lu Yunjin shrugged indifferently, "Whatever you say, I didn't ask you to pick me up anyway."

Lu Yunjin knew Hua Jihan well, for Xu Xinan's orders, Hua Jihan would never do anything to others.

And is Hua Jihan the kind of person who forgets his brother for the sake of work?Not really.

So, who the hell knows how this Ning Ran knew the address of her home, and what is the purpose of coming here?
Her upbringing is not for this kind of uninvited guest.

"Lu Yunjin!!!"

Ning Ran just roared angrily, his face was completely hideous after plastic surgery.

Thinking of the purpose of his visit, Ning Ran's originally pitch-black eyes had a slight tendency to turn red, and bloodshot eyes appeared in the fundus.

Lu Yunjin rubbed her ears, "I'm not deaf or blind, you don't need to be so loud, I can hear you."

For some reason, Lu Yunjin wanted to hate Ning Ran when she saw her, and wanted to release all her malice.


Ning Ran let out a sneer, and suddenly, all the anger on his face was suppressed. When he raised his head, his eyes were bloodshot, and the expression on his face was unprecedentedly cold.

"Miss Lu has such a good eloquence, it's a pity not to participate in the debate competition."

Lu Yunjin frowned, how did she feel, Ning Ran seemed to have changed suddenly?

When I was on the production team before, there was a similar situation. It was clear that one second she was angry and hideous, but the next second, she turned into a completely different person.

It's as if... There are two completely different personalities living in her body.

Ning Ran... has a dual personality? ? ?

Lu Yunjin was frightened by her own thoughts, when she raised her head, what greeted her was a wooden stick...

Suddenly hit!

My head hurts!
Before fainting, Lu Yunjin vaguely saw Ning Ran's increasingly sinister smile...

"Lu Yunjin? Or... Lu Nan?"


When Lu Yunjin woke up, she was in the basement...

It's the basement again!
And looking at the surrounding layout, it looks like the basement where Lin Meiying kidnapped her, Xu Xinan and Zhao Qize before!

I don't know why, maybe it's because Lu Yunjin is afraid of the dark, seeing this basement, Lu Yunjin couldn't help but tremble.

"Yo, are you awake?"

The lights in the basement were not turned on, and the surrounding area was in darkness. Fortunately, Lu Yunjin's eyes were good enough, and she saw Ning Ran's voice in the opposite corner.

She just sat on the ground with her head down, her hair hanging down, and she suddenly made a sound, which startled Lu Yunjin.

"Ning Ran, what do you want to do?"

This basement is in Lin Meiying's bedroom.

But Ning Ran can come and go here freely, which shows that he and Lin Meiying have long been in collusion.

"What are you doing? Kidnapping you, otherwise what else can you do, play house?"

Ning Ran smiled darkly, her voice was sharp and unpleasant.

The speculation in Lu Yunjin's mind was gradually realized.

Judging by Ning Ran's appearance, he must have a dual personality.

Otherwise, it is impossible to change so much in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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