Madam is sick again

Chapter 616 Dealing with Ningran

Chapter 616 Dealing with Ningran
"Ning Ran, no one looks down on you, the one who looks down on you is yourself!"

"It's you who look down on your origin and appearance, that's why you have plastic surgery, and that's why you dress yourself up every day!"

"It's because you don't have self-confidence, that's why you desperately want to climb up, and your mentality is distorted, and you want to kill everyone who stands in front of you. Do you think that you will become famous if you do this?"

"Ning Ran, it's true that plastic surgery is prevalent in the entertainment industry, but no one's aesthetics can really accept a face like yours. Even if you can kill everyone who stands in front of you, you still won't succeed!"

It can be said that Lu Yunjin hit the nail on the head, with every word to his heart, every sentence pierced Ning Ran's heart.

After finishing a long speech, Ning Ran's face was already pale, she held her head in pain, her face was full of stubbornness and crazy killing intent.

Now her mind is full, only one sentence.


She's going to kill the bitch!
She wants to shut her up, to shut her up forever! ! !

"Ah!!! Bitch! Why don't you die!!"

Ning Ran yelled frantically, and rushed towards Lu Yunjin directly and violently.

Lu Yunjin was startled, and subconsciously went to protect her stomach, but she raised her hand halfway, and moved it away abruptly.

In such an emergency, she couldn't protect her stomach, and she couldn't let Ning Ran know that she was pregnant.

Otherwise, both she and the child will be in danger.

Ning Ran was completely enraged, and he shot without any rules, relying only on brute force, Lu Yunjin has some fighting skills, it is very easy to dodge it.

This is why she dared to provoke Ningran just now.

Ning Ran, he couldn't beat her.

Ning Ran wasted no time, turned around with red eyes, and rushed towards Lu Yunjin again...

Hiding like this... is not an option!
Lu Yunjin's eyes flickered slightly, and she took a few steps back indistinctly, leaning her body tightly against the wall.

Because it was a basement, the light was dim, and Ning Ran was in a rage, so he couldn't care less. Seeing that Lu Yunjin wasn't there, he gathered all his strength and rushed towards Lu Yunjin crazily.

Lu Yunjin remained motionless, seeing Ning Ransheng rushing forward, his red lips slightly curled up, and just a second before she was about to grab her, he tried his best to hide to the side...

In the darkness, there was only a crisp sound of "click—"...

Ning Ran's hands bent into claws slammed into the wall hard.

Judging by the sound, it is likely that the wrist was broken.

Moreover, this is not over yet. By the time Ningran reacted, it was too late to stop. The inertia of her body made her continue to rush forward...

His head hit the wall hard.

That's it, passed out.

Ning Ran gave her a stick before, but now she made Ning Ran hit the wall hard and broke her hand.

It can be regarded as using his own way to treat his own body.

Lu Yunjin breathed a sigh of relief, finally able to protect her stomach, and climbed up the stairs in the basement.

Above is Lin Meiying's bedroom...

Stimulated by Lin Meiying before, Lu Yunjin forgot the most painful memory of that year after she fell into a coma, but...

But now looking at her bedroom and thinking of the basement just now, Lu Yunjin just felt a severe headache.

It seems that something that is sealed is about to break through the cage and come out of the shell...

The mind is dizzy, as if it weighs a thousand catties.


Lu Yunjin snorted, crouched on the ground with her head in her arms, completely unaware that a tall figure at the door approached her little by little...

(End of this chapter)

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