Madam is sick again

Chapter 626 Negotiation Failure

Chapter 626 Negotiation Failure
"Didn't the doctor tell you when you were in the hospital? Lu Yunjin was pregnant for one month, tsk tsk, you mother-in-law, it's really sad, Su Hong, I feel sad for you."

Xu Dongxiao's words were full of gloating.

Lu Yunjin was pregnant, and he caught Lu Yunjin at this juncture.

He is really smart.

Su Hong probably never dreamed that Lu Yunjin was really pregnant.

Su Hong may not care about Lu Yunjin's life or death, it doesn't exist, but what she cares most is that the blood of the Xu family is her own granddaughter.

So...for the sake of the child in Lu Yunjin's womb, Su Hong would definitely agree to any of his requests.

"What?!!!" Su Hong exclaimed.

Is Lu Yunjin really pregnant?

It's been a month...

What Lu Yunjin is carrying in her belly is the blood of her Xu family, her granddaughter of Su Hong.

No, it would be even better if he could have a grandson, he must be as cute as Xinan when he was a child.

"Xu Dongxiao, what do you want? I can give it to you, as long as you don't hurt Lu Yunjin and the child in her belly."

Su Hong's tone was tense, and she finally remembered to care about Lu Yunjin.

Xu Dongxiao sneered, and glanced at Xu Xinan, his eyes seemed a little playful, as if saying:

Look, this is your good mother, this is Su Hong!

A selfish, hypocritical, pitiful and hateful woman.

Xu Xinan put all his heart on the pale-faced Lu Yunjin, and didn't care about Xu Dongxiao's gaze.

"It's okay if you want to keep your grandson, Su Hong, I want to enter the Xu family's ancestral hall, and I want you to divorce the old man, so that my mother and I can enter the Xu family tree in a legitimate way."

On the other end of the phone, Su Hong was silent.

Let her divorce the old man, let Xu Dongxiao and that bitch enter the Xu family tree openly...

That means that Xinan is no longer the heir of the Xu family, nor is he the only son of the Xu family.

He will change from being the only heir of the Xu family's glittering gold to the son of a woman who was kicked out by the Xu family.

Like a lost dog.

On the one hand, is his unborn grandson, and on the other hand, is the position of Xinan...

Her own honor and disgrace does not matter, but she cannot let Xinan lose her status as the heir of the Xu family.

"No, you can enter the genealogy, but your mother can't!"

Xu Dongxiao squinted his eyes, his eyes were full of madness and gloom.

"Su Hong, are you sure???"

As he said that, the fruit knife in his hand had already touched Lu Yunjin's stomach.

The sharp tip of the knife is still glowing with coldness, which makes people tremble with fear.

"Yun Jin!"

Xu Xinan exclaimed and wanted to rush forward, but he glanced at the fruit knife in Xu Dongxiao's hand, fearing that his hand would slip and hurt Lu Yunjin.

Xu Xinan was extremely frightened and stood there passively, not daring to move.

"Xu Dongxiao, you have the ability to attack me. This is a personal grudge between me and you. It's none of other people's business. Put down the knife first, and don't hurt Yun Jin and the child!"

Personal matters?
Xu Dongxiang sneered coldly when he heard some big joke.

"That's your wife and child, what's none of my business?"

He was alone, and the only pawn in his hand that he was worried about was safely sent to Su Hong's side.

Even if Su Hong knew that Qiqi was not Xu Xinan's own, at least after getting along for so many days, it wouldn't hurt Qiqi.

He is not afraid of wearing shoes when he is barefoot, since the trouble has reached this point, either he or Xu Xinan will die today!
Thinking of this, Xu Dongxiao felt ruthless, and pressed the fruit knife even tighter...

——I am a lovely dividing line——

[The author has something to say: the previous chapter was blocked, the author is working hard to revise~]

(End of this chapter)

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