Madam is sick again

Chapter 637 Sister, Do You Have Candy?

Chapter 637 Sister, Do You Have Candy?
"How could she be crazy?"

Xu Xinan's black eyes flickered slightly, and he explained, "Some time ago, I sent a woman to pretend to be Lu Nan to scare her. She did something wrong, so naturally she couldn't bear the threats. It only took one night and it became like this. "

The decision to take action against Bai Xiaoxiao was after he knew that Lu Yunjin was Lu Nan...

But I didn't expect that Bai Xiaoxiao was so unintimidated, she just frightened her, and she became like this.

Originally, he planned to hand Bai Xiaoxiao over to Lu Yunjin to deal with it himself.

but now……

Lu Yunjin looked at Bai Xiaoxiao steadfastly, and suddenly stepped forward...
"Yun Jin—" Xu Xinan held her back, "Don't approach her."

Bai Xiaoxiao is crazy now, if she sees Lu Yunjin, if she is provoked, she will do something hurtful.

What's more, Lu Yunjin is still pregnant with a child in her stomach.

"I'm fine, don't worry, she can't hurt me."

Lu Yunjin shook her head, brushed away Xu Xinan's hand, and walked in front of Bai Xiaoxiao step by step.

"Bai Xiaoxiao..."

Lu Yunjin shouted softly, feeling very complicated in her heart.

This woman was once her best friend and the person she trusted the most.

But now, time has passed, and she is like a lunatic, squatting in this lunatic asylum...

Bai Xiaoxiao raised her head and glanced at her for a long, long time, finally, she grinned, smiling very foolishly.

"Hee hee, sister, is there any candy? I want candy."

She raised her head and looked at her, her dark face seemed to be full of innocence.

Oh, to put it nicely, it's called innocent innocence, and to put it bluntly, it's called stupidity and dementia.

Feeling very uncomfortable, Lu Yunjin took out a piece of white rabbit toffee from his pocket and handed it to her.

She carried it with her and prepared it for Fengya, but she didn't expect it to be given to Bai Xiaoxiao now.

Seeing the candy in her hand, Bai Xiaoxiao's eyes lit up, and she couldn't wait to take the candy from her hand, and stuffed it into her mouth without tearing the package.

"Hey—" Lu Yunjin stretched out her hand subconsciously, trying to tear open the package for her.

Unexpectedly, the woman in front of her who was obviously smiling with a dazed face suddenly changed her face, screamed like crazy, and pushed her hands towards Lu Yunjin...

"Ah! Bitch, you go away, you go away! Don't come near me, this is mine, my candy, don't try to steal my things! Nothing!"

Lu Yunjin was startled, seeing Bai Xiaoxiao's pair of black claws pushing up, she backed away in time.

However, the woman in front of her, as if she had been driven into a maddened hole, grinned at her and rushed after her with all her teeth and claws.

"Bitch, you rob me, mine is mine, Lu Nan, why are you still alive? You shouldn't be alive, you shouldn't live in this world to rob me! Ze likes you, Mu Yingdi I like you, Director Chen likes you, everyone likes you! You bitch, Aze is mine, mine!!!"

Lu Yunjin couldn't bear to hurt her, and was about to continue to dodge, but Xu Xinan behind him stepped forward, hugged Lu Yunjin into his arms, and stretched out his foot...

He kicked Bai Xiaoxiao mercilessly.

Unprepared, Bai Xiaoxiao was kicked to the ground, her head hit the wall behind her with a "boom" and she passed out...

———I am a lovely dividing line——

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(End of this chapter)

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