I just want to be with you

Chapter 15 "I'm not supposed to be nice to you, but I'm happy."

Chapter 15 "I'm not supposed to be nice to you, but I'm happy."

The next day, Qin Yufei woke up early in the morning.She has a full schedule today, so she must hurry up.But before leaving, Gu Yingjie received a call from the company.There was a problem with a batch of goods at Mingde, which was caused by the human error of the middle management, and it caused a lot of trouble.Although Wang Cheng said that he dealt with it there, Gu Yingjie was worried.He still wanted to go over and stare at it.

Qin Yufei graciously let him go. "I'm so sensible and magnanimous, I won't hold you back in business. Go if you want, and you will treat me to something delicious in the evening."

Gu Yingjie agreed.

So the two split up.

Qin Yufei went to the shopping mall first, planning to find gifts and buy clothes and shoes in the morning, go for hair beauty in the afternoon, and go to bed early for a date with Gu Yingjie in the evening, so as to make sure that tomorrow he will look radiant and beautiful, at least he can add some points to his image.

She walked around and couldn't make up her mind what gift to buy, so she secretly took pictures with her mobile phone, planning to go back and discuss it with Gu Yingjie.Then I went to a fashion store, which was a brand she liked, and many of her clothes and bags were from this brand.She went in to see if there was anything new.As I was flipping through it, I suddenly heard a familiar voice.

"Ah Ci, you mean she likes this brand, right?"

Qin Yufei paused for two seconds and remembered who the voice was.She was shocked, and looked back subconsciously, ahhh, it really is Gu Yingjie's mother!
Mrs. Gu was talking on the phone, when she turned her head, she also saw Qin Yufei.

Both of them were a little dazed.

Qin Yufei quickly put on a smiling face: "Mrs. Gu, good. Ah, I mean, hello, Auntie."

Mrs. Gu hung up the phone, obviously caught off guard, and replied, "What a coincidence."

Yes, are you also here to step on the spot?
Qin Yufei laughed desperately, nervously not knowing what to say.

Mrs. Gu felt quite embarrassed.She told her son that she would come here to shop tomorrow, which meant that if her son brought Qin Yufei to shop here tomorrow, they might meet by chance.This implied that his son would definitely understand. He wanted to arrange for her to meet Qin Yufei so much, so of course he would seize this opportunity.Mrs. Gu came up with this method after thinking for a long time.She felt that she had criticized Qin Yufei in front of her son before, and even told the rumor that she had given birth in the United States. Although her son didn't say anything, I believe he would not go to Qin Yufei so blindly to chew his tongue, but Mrs. Gu still Feel ashamed.

She thought it was too embarrassing to let Qin Yufei come to sit at home for a while because of her high posture before.Moreover, coming to sit at home is a formal entertainment, and she is actually still a little reluctant.It doesn't matter whether she is prejudiced or stubborn, in short, she feels that there should be some leeway in this matter.

So in the end it was perfect to arrange this as a chance encounter, it wouldn't be too formal, and it wasn't very deliberate, and it didn't mean that she agreed with the two of them, and there was a chance to take a look at Qin Yufei again.This girl, because she didn't like her type before, she really didn't pay much attention.Now that her son likes it, she is also willing to get to know her well.

Since they wanted to meet each other, Mrs. Gu still cared about it.She plans to come here first to see what suitable gifts are available, and then to see what restaurants are suitable for quiet chats.In this way, when we meet tomorrow, she can pretend that it is something she wants to buy, and since she encounters it, she will give it to Qin Yufei by the way, so that it looks like she didn't buy it on purpose, but she still doesn't miss her meeting gift.The place to eat is also where she wants to eat, so we can go together if we have time.The etiquette is up, but it doesn't seem too intimate. This kind of communication heat and relationship distance are just right.

It's just that she didn't expect that when she came to check in early, she unexpectedly ran into Qin Yufei by coincidence.And what's even more embarrassing is that she felt very embarrassed because she stepped on something like this, and she was afraid that others would say that she cared too much, so she didn't bring anyone with her, so she asked the driver to take her here, and she walked around slowly without being disturbed. .

Well now, she was alone, and met Qin Yufei who was also alone.There is no one in the middle to help with the steps.

Besides, after seeing her, she couldn't just say "goodbye" coldly, otherwise it would be too strange to give gifts and eat again after seeing her tomorrow.This is really, Mrs. Gu is a little annoyed, all the plans have been disrupted.

"Well, auntie is here to go shopping?" Qin Yufei managed to find a topic, and squeezed out a question that he knew well.

"Yes." Mrs. Gu was thinking about the topic of the next step while replying, and she quickly thought of it. "Where's Ajie?"

"He works overtime."


Gone.So the old and the young continued to think about the topic.

"Ah, does Auntie like this belt? You can try it, it should look good with Auntie's clothes." Qin Yufei saw the belt on the shelf at Mrs. Gu's hand, and said urgently.But after speaking, I really wanted to bite my tongue.She is really, why is she acting like a shopping guide lady.

Mrs. Gu hesitated for a moment, but still said, "Okay, let's try it." In fact, the color is too bright, and she doesn't like it very much.She still likes the brown shadow pattern she is wearing now.

Qin Yufei breathed a sigh of relief, and the shopping guide next to her quickly came over and took the belt with great discernment, and helped Mrs. Gu put it back on.

Mrs. Gu looked in the mirror, but before she spoke, Qin Yufei had already said from the side, "I'll help you." She came over and adjusted the belt, loosened the width, tied it diagonally, and lifted the hem of the dress up, so that it was at the waist. After making wrinkles, she untied Mrs. Gu's silk scarf and retied it in a simple and neat style.

Shortened long-swing shirts, neat silk scarves, and bright belts brighten the overall effect.Mrs. Gu looked at herself in the mirror, she never knew that a belt could make a person look young.

"It looks pretty like this." Qin Yufei watched Mrs. Gu's expression carefully from the side.

Mrs. Gu looked in the mirror for a while and laughed. "Yeah, very good, I bought this belt."

Qin Yufei immediately breathed a sigh of relief. Seeing Mrs. Gu take out the card to give to the shopping guide, she wanted to say that if she would pay, it would be a meeting gift for her elders.But that seems a bit presumptuous.After such hesitation, the shopping guide had already taken away Mrs. Gu's card to swipe it.

Qin Yufei sighed secretly, regretting that he was not decisive enough.

Mrs. Gu asked her at this time: "Is there anything you fancy?"

Qin Yufei was taken aback for a moment. In fact, she hadn't been watching for a long time when she came in, but if she said she didn't continue, she would be speechless.Fortunately, she is very familiar with this brand, and she knows almost all the styles of this store, "Ah, I just saw a new one, and I want to try it. Auntie will help me see if it looks good."

"Okay." Mrs. Gu said.Qin Yufei was overjoyed.Quickly took a piece of clothing from the shelf, "That's it." She gestured to her body and smiled at Mrs. Gu.

Mrs. Gu nodded, "Go and have a look."

Qin Yufei couldn't hide his joy, he pursed his lips and smiled, "Then I'll go. I'll be out soon."

After Mrs. Gu nodded, Qin Yufei trotted to the fitting room.

As soon as Qin Yufei left, Mrs. Gu quickly relaxed and took a breath.Well, it's starting off pretty well.Judging from the situation, she doesn't have to work hard to come back tomorrow, so she just doesn't do anything, and takes advantage of her son's absence to finish the parent meeting today.

Qin Yufei came out after a while, the dress was very suitable for her, the bright color matched her complexion very well.

"Does it look good?" Qin Yufei asked.The smile on her face was a little shy, nervous and cautious, full of a daughter's attitude.Mrs. Gu suddenly felt that she knew why her son liked Qin Yufei. In fact, she was the type that his son liked, a little delicate, cute and cute.The hot-tempered eldest lady may just be part of her.

"It's not bad." Mrs. Gu adjusted the three words "pretty good" to "not bad" in time. She thought she shouldn't praise her too much, lest she mistakenly think that she likes her very much.

Then she saw Qin Yufei smiling, very happy. "Then I'll buy it. Auntie, wait for me, I'll go and change it first." Qin Yufei ran into the changing room again and let out a sigh of relief.Not bad, not bad, going well.Qin Yufei, you have to work hard!Qin Yufei changed clothes quickly, she was so nervous, she really wanted to call Gu Yingjie for comfort and encouragement, but she was afraid that Mrs. Gu would get impatient, so she didn't dare to waste time at all.

After leaving the fitting room, the shopping guide lady came over to wrap Qin Yufei's clothes. Qin Yufei wanted to get the card, but the shopping guide said, "The lady paid for it."

Mrs. Gu smiled at the side: "Anyway, you are well dressed. It is such a coincidence that we met, so let me treat it as a meeting gift for you."

Qin Yufei was stunned, and hurriedly said: "Then thank you, auntie." Let her buy a gift, shouldn't she be happy?

Mrs. Gu was really happy.It seems that her plan was not disrupted, she met her by chance, and bought the gift without any hassle.It's just that the time has been moved forward from tomorrow to today, and everything else is going according to her ideas.She is very happy.

Qin Yufei took the shopping guide's bag, looked at Mrs. Gu's expression, and thought about what Gu Yingjie told her.He said that his mother had a good face, but she was hard-spoken and soft-hearted.Qin Yufei struggled violently in her heart, and finally decided that her own face was nothing, and it was important to make the old man happy.Who made me fall in love with someone else's son?She is a junior, so she should lower her profile to please the elderly.

Qin Yufei secretly clenched his fists and gave up.For Gu Yingjie, I worked hard.

Mrs. Gu led Qin Yufei out of the store. She walked slowly, wondering if she should continue after this.Because it's a bit embarrassing at this time, and it's not time for lunch, so we can't say it's time to eat and let's find a place to sit together.Let's go shopping together, the relationship is not so close, and she doesn't want to appear too intimate.Or just walk together for a while, and when you see a drink shop, say you are tired and take a rest, sit down and chat with Qin Yufei for a while, and then just use the excuse of being tired to go home, and the task of summoning your son's girlfriend is considered complete.

Mrs. Gu made up her mind to do something, and just about to talk, she heard Qin Yufei say, "Auntie, can I walk with you on my arm? I really like holding people's arms. When I go shopping with my mother, I always hold hers."

Mrs. Gu was stunned for a moment, should the offensive be so violent?On her side, she wanted to keep a little distance, but on the other side she attacked with the trick of "arming mother".And if she said no, would it appear that her elder is indifferent?
Mrs. Gu was a little unhappy, feeling that she had been offered a favor by the juniors, and she couldn't refuse. "Okay." She agreed, secretly deducting some points for Qin Yufei in her heart.She really doesn't like girls who are too scheming.

Qin Yufei smiled and took Mrs. Gu's arm, acting very affectionate.She breathed a sigh of relief again, she was testing Mrs. Gu, if she rejected her and didn't mind treating her so bluntly, then there was no need to say what she said later.If she agrees to get close to her, then she can be brave and make a bold move.

Qin Yufei walked for a while with Mrs. Gu on her arm. There happened to be a drink shop in front of her. She said, "Auntie is tired, why don't we go and sit down?"

"Okay." Mrs. Gu replied straightforwardly, this proposal fit into her heart.Take a seat and then everyone can say goodbye.

The two sat down in the store and ordered a drink.Qin Yufei smiled and said to Mrs. Gu: "Thank you auntie for giving me that dress. I'm really embarrassed to say it, but I came here today to go shopping because I wanted to find a suitable gift for my auntie. I didn't expect that it would cost my auntie a lot of money. gone."

"You're welcome, it's just a piece of clothing." Mrs. Gu didn't show her expression, but her heart moved.She said it was such a coincidence, so this girl also came to step on the spot?

Qin Yufei continued: "Gu Yingjie told me that my aunt will come here to go shopping tomorrow, so we will also come to shop, maybe we can meet with my aunt. As for me, I feel very nervous. I have grown up and haven't participated I have seen this kind of scene with my parents. Gu Yingjie is much braver and more generous than me. I am afraid that if I behave badly, my aunt will not like me. Because I love Gu Yingjie very much, and I also want my aunt to like me. Care about what my aunt thinks."

Mrs. Gu looked at Qin Yufei.Qin Yufei smiled nervously, and said: "So I thought, come here today to go shopping in advance, find a gift suitable for my aunt, buy myself new clothes, do my hair or something, so that I can look beautiful tomorrow Some. Then see the above, and I can also send some favorite things to my aunt, have a meal together, and chat with my aunt for a while. Before going out today, Gu Yingjie received a call from work and went to work overtime, so I came here by myself I did. I didn't expect to meet my aunt. It seems that Gu Yingjie didn't get the information clearly."

Mrs. Gu smiled and said deliberately: "There is no rule on which day to go shopping. Anyway, I have time on weekends. If I want to come today, I will come today." I have to say that she is very comfortable now, knowing that these two children are very hardworking I wanted to please her and make her feel particularly honorable.

Qin Yufei said again: "It's a good thing I'm here today, otherwise I won't be able to see you tomorrow, and I don't know when I will have the chance to visit my aunt." She took out her phone and took out the photos to show Mrs. Gu: "Auntie, I I was shopping just now, and I saw several good ones, but I wasn’t sure which one you liked, so I took pictures and planned to go back and ask Gu Yingjie. You’re here, let’s see what you like, let’s go for a walk together, I I'll give you a gift too, you gave me clothes, and I'll give you something you like too, how about it?"

Mrs. Gu said: "I don't need anything, you don't need to be polite." But she still took the phone and looked through it.

Qin Yufei was afraid that she would really refuse, so he hurriedly said: "I also want to buy a coat for Gu Yingjie, and I just saw a pair of shoes that are also very suitable for him. Why don't auntie help me take a look?"

Mrs. Gu looked at the photos on her mobile phone. It was indeed taken just now, and the things were really good.This girl really has a heart.Qin Yufei praised her highly, no matter how much she thought in her heart, she would still be proud.Then he said to choose clothes for his son, so Mrs. Gu pretended to think about it and agreed.

Qin Yufei breathed a sigh of relief again, feeling that in this short period of time, he had really passed one test after another.I really want to shout to Gu Yingjie: "Praise me quickly, praise me for being smart and brave!"

The witty and brave Miss Qin went shopping with Mrs. Gu.

With a chuckle and a little pride.

She bought Gu Yingjie a coat, a pair of shoes, and a tie.When choosing, she asked Mrs. Gu's opinion, but in fact Mrs. Gu's opinion was different from hers.She was very hesitant, but also wanted to pretend to be good to please Mrs. Gu, and also wanted to buy her man the style and color she liked.

In the end, she gritted her teeth and said to Mrs. Gu, "I still want to buy this." If she couldn't buy what she liked, Gu Yingjie would be so frustrating if she wore it in front of her in the future, and she would lose her temper if she got upset.

Mrs. Gu looked at her, but did not insist: "If you want to buy it, buy it."

Qin Yufei was overjoyed immediately, and quickly paid and packed the goods like a robbery.She felt that Mrs. Gu was actually quite nice. She neither rushed to buy things for Gu Yingjie to take her place, nor pointed fingers at her opinions.After shopping, she held Mrs. Gu's arm and walked very lightly.

But Mrs. Gu did not follow her wishes in everything.She wanted to give Mrs. Gu a gift but was rejected.He didn't say whether he liked or liked the few things she took her to see, but kept saying that she didn't lack for anything.

Qin Yufei sighed inwardly, and thought shamelessly: "Auntie, you are missing, you are missing a daughter-in-law, do you know that?"

At noon, Qin Yufei had dinner with Mrs. Gu, and it was still early when they reached the restaurant. At this time, Qin Yufei finally had a legitimate reason to call Gu Yingjie in front of Mrs. Gu.She first asked Gu Yingjie when he was going to work overtime, and how to deal with lunch. She heard that he could only eat at the company if he couldn't leave, and told him to eat well no matter how busy he was.Then she told him that she met his mother in the mall, they went shopping together, and now they are preparing to eat together in the nearby restaurant.

"She's by the side?" Gu Yingjie knew something was going on there when he heard Qin Yufei's obedient tone.

"Yes." Qin Yufei deserved that sweetness.It was so sweet that Gu Yingjie smiled: "You have worked hard." It seems that this is not a good time to gossip about the details of their encounter, so let's ask her later. "Give the phone to Mom."

Qin Yufei handed the phone to Mrs. Gu: "It's Gu Yingjie."

Mrs. Gu answered, and Gu Yingjie whispered on the phone: "Mom, why are you so cunning? How can you play such tricks on us juniors? You want to test Yufei, right?"

Mrs. Gu didn't speak, but just smiled. She obviously miscalculated, but her son said that she was so shrewd and thoughtful, even if it was coaxing her, she was quite useful.

Gu Yingjie finished the flattery, and then said: "Mom, Yufei is very stupid and easily shy, don't scare her. You know her, she is spoiled and spoiled, and she is also a very proud girl. You are an elder Now, what's the matter, let her go."

"You are very busy, don't worry about us." Mrs. Gu replied to him calmly.Brat, what's the use of having a son? In the end, my heart is on the side of my girlfriend.That meant telling her not to bully Qin Yufei, let her go a little bit.Hmph, it's hard for her to say anything in front of other girls now. If she is at home, she will definitely give her son a lesson.

Mrs. Gu hung up the phone and returned the phone to Qin Yufei.Qin Yufei wanted to ask Gu Yingjie what to say, but he was too embarrassed, so he could only say: "Gu Yingjie works very hard and performed very well. My father and several senior executives in the company appreciate him very much."

"Yeah. He's very good." Mrs. Gu wondered if my son should be praised. Of course, her own children are the best in her mother's heart.

Qin Yufei laughed along, turned his attention back to the menu, discussed with Mrs. Gu what to eat, and ordered the dishes.

The meal went well.Mrs. Gu finally opened up the topic, and asked Qin Yufei about the last time Gu Yingjie visited her home, and about Qin Yufei's study and work status.Qin Yufei was excited and nervous at the same time, it was good if he was willing to ask questions.She answered carefully.

The food in this restaurant is very suitable for Mrs. Gu's taste, and Qin Yufei's attitude also makes her very satisfied.Mrs. Gu's vigilance relaxed, and she couldn't help chatting with Qin Yufei about homework.She said that each of the three children in her family had their own conditions, and that Gu Yingjie was the best-behaved of the three children when she was a child, but he started to misbehave in middle school.She suddenly realized in the middle of her speech that her so-called mischief was that Gu Yingjie's girlfriends had been dating one after another, and that things like puppy love and not studying well were inappropriate to talk to his current girlfriend, right?

Mrs. Gu stopped in time and only picked out two or three interesting family stories to tell Qin Yufei.Qin Yufei actually didn't think those interesting things were very interesting, and she wanted to hear about Gu Yingjie more.But if they didn't talk about it, she was too embarrassed to ask.

Mrs. Gu said enough of her own, and started to attack Qin Yufei.She started to ask Qin Yufei what happened when she was studying abroad, and then asked about her future plans.Ask her and Gu Yingjie what they think about the future.

"Maybe it's a bit early to say this, but since we've all sat down and chatted, my son is also very nervous about you, I think it's good for us to get to know each other better." Mrs. Gu had already forgotten her previous plan at this time. Treat the relationship between the two children coldly.

"We, um, we hope that we can have a good result." Qin Yufei thought for a long time before deciding to tell the truth. "Auntie, Gu Yingjie has had many girlfriends. When we first started dating, I was very unconfident. I have been cheated on by boys before, so I am very concerned about things like boys. I also have myself The question is like saying that you have a bad temper and are more self-willed. I also know these. So..."

She paused, thinking about how to say this. "So actually, at the beginning I was really not confident. I even thought that we would break up. That is, I like him very much and want to be with him, but I feel that it is impossible to have a good result. My I was very anxious for a while. But Gu Yingjie was very patient with me, I don't think he has ever met a girlfriend who is as difficult to serve as me."

Qin Yufei stopped at this point, thinking that even though he was telling the truth, he couldn't speak so badly of himself, what if his mother remembered and opposed them?She took a sip of water, collected her thoughts, and continued: "Actually, I told Gu Yingjie before the relationship, and I said all the ugly things, but he still insisted that we should be together. So after the relationship, both of us I worked hard. Later, I gradually adjusted, and Gu Yingjie and I felt that we wanted a good result."

She glanced at Mrs. Gu and said, "Gu Yingjie said that he never brought his girlfriend home. I think such things are very solemn to him and have very serious meaning. After I failed in love before, I never had a boyfriend again, so my parents have never met my boyfriend. This time we met my parents, and we also took a very serious attitude."

Mrs. Gu didn't say a word. To be honest, she didn't have much experience in talking with young juniors like this. Whether it's the eldest daughter-in-law or the second son-in-law, she is very pleasing to the eye. Both families think it is suitable, and the young people themselves have feelings. , so all goes well.These young people came to meet her and her husband, and they all took the polite and flattering route, and they gradually became familiar with each other after they got married.After getting used to it, of course I wouldn't say these words.

This Qin Yufei showed his cards to her when she felt that it was still subtle, and he confessed with full offensive force.

"We are very serious about each other, and we hope to have a good result. If we are lucky, one day, I will ask my aunt to take care of me. I may not do well in many things, and my aunt can teach me. If we are unlucky, we will work hard. If you can't make it to the end, please don't blame me, Auntie." Qin Yufei looked into Mrs. Gu's eyes, "That's what I thought."

Seeing such sincere eyes, Mrs. Gu really couldn't put on a proud attitude. She knew that she should give this girl a reply. She thought about it carefully and said, "Then you all have to work hard. In fact, we are parents The idea is also very simple, but it is to seek the happiness of the children. I think so, and your parents must also think the same way. I think about you, and your parents think about Ajie. So let it be. It can be said that I will not be an obstacle for you to go to a good result."

Qin Yufei laughed when he heard this.She couldn't help it, really couldn't help it, so she said, "I want to call Gu Yingjie now."

"Okay, you can call." Mrs. Gu agreed.

Qin Yufei got his mobile phone and ran out of the restaurant, standing outside the glass wall to make a call.When Mrs. Gu saw her talking and jumping excitedly, blushing and smiling happily, she also smiled, she was really a simple child.She could imagine what she said to Gu Yingjie, probably because she didn't object to them.

Mrs. Gu took a sip of her drink and sighed.The plan was really messed up.It's obviously not the intention, it's obvious that he wants his son to develop slowly, let's see it clearly, delay them, let them calm down more.The result was good. She herself was not calm, but she even tactfully expressed her support.

After a while, Qin Yufei came in with a sweet smile of happiness.She laughed so hard that Mrs. Gu really couldn't believe it. In everyone's eyes, this girl was evaluated as pampered and capricious.

"Auntie, Gu Yingjie said that he must be off work before five o'clock, and he wants to have dinner with you. Let's go back to him. I learned a few dishes from the chef at home. I'll make dinner." Qin Yufei was elated, Just get carried away.She told Gu Yingjie just now that it took her half a day to fix his mother. He almost didn't believe it, and then kept praising her for being amazing.Qin Yufei also felt that she was very good, and she wanted to continue to perform well.

she can cookMrs. Gu didn't quite believe it.At this moment, her cell phone rang, and she picked it up to see that it was a text message from Gu Yingjie, with three simple words on it: "Thank you, Mom!"

Mrs. Gu's heart warmed up. "Okay." She agreed, "Then go sit with Ajie."

Qin Yufei smiled happily, never thinking that her proposal would turn into a small disaster, and finally turned into a storm.

Mrs. Gu and Qin Yufei had finished their lunch, and she saw that there was still a lot of time. She was too tired from shopping in the morning, and she really didn't want to go anymore. She and Qin Yufei felt that she and Qin Yufei didn't have much to talk about when they went to her son's place so early.So he simply asked Qin Yufei to do his hair together.Qin Yufei was very happy.

While doing her hair, Mrs. Gu closed her eyes and rested her mind. Qin Yufei sat on the other side and used her mobile phone to desperately live broadcast her wonderful performance and major gains today to Gu Yingjie.Gu Yingjie replied at a good speed at the beginning, but he may not reply much later when he became busy.Qin Yufei felt that he was a little ignorant, so he didn't say any more.I just told Gu Yingjie that she was running out of energy today, and cooking dinner was the last resort. She was impulsive, and now that she thinks about it, she only learned from the chef three times. Although she did well every time, after all, this time She did it by herself, and she was afraid that she would not be able to handle it, so she was really not confident.Gu Yingjie was better at cooking than her, so she told Gu Yingjie to come back early to help if he had nothing to do.Gu Yingjie agreed, saying that he would go back early.

For the rest of the time, Qin Yufei kept using her mobile phone to scan recipes, trying to recall the steps the chef taught her to cook.She encouraged herself that there must be no problem, the god of luck is on her side today, and everything will go smoothly.

After finishing her hair, Mrs. Gu returned to Yingjie's house in Qin Yufei's car.After sitting for a while, she asked Qin Yufei what kind of dishes he planned to make, and she made a list for the driver to buy, so the two of them would stop making this trip.Qin Yufei thinks this idea is very good.Because she has never bought vegetables before, she always uses ready-made ingredients when learning how to cook.I'm really afraid that there will be some jokes when I go shopping for vegetables.So she made a list, planning to make steamed fish, fried pork, fried vegetables and boiled pork bone and seaweed soup.

Mrs. Gu went to the kitchen to have a look, then rummaged through the refrigerator, added some condiments such as scallion and ginger on the list, and wrote some seasonings, then called the driver and asked the driver to follow her instructions List to buy.

Qin Yufei felt really nervous right now, she forgot that Mrs. Gu is the kind of mother who cooks soup for her son, so she must be good at cooking.Oh, oh, she is so stupid, what is meant by getting carried away, she is such a fool.If she didn't perform well and did not cook well, wouldn't she be deducted points?

Qin Yufei was uneasy, but Mrs. Gu felt tired after all this, so she said to go to the guest room for a while.Qin Yufei hurriedly sent her there, settled for Mrs. Gu to take a nap, Qin Yufei hid in the bedroom and called Gu Yingjie, wanting to ask when he would be back, she really needed his encouragement and help in cooking.

The result is that the phone line is busy.Qin Yufei didn't care, and went through the recipe again, looking at the steps of the cooking process.Call Gu Yingjie's phone again, but the line is still busy.She continued to recite the recipe, and this time recited it three times, confirming that she had really memorized all the steps backwards, and felt a little more at ease.Then he called Gu Yingjie again, but the line was still busy.

Qin Yufei's heart began to fluctuate, and he had a very bad intuition.She began to reflect on herself, why did it happen again, isn't it already getting better?Don't be too suspicious, and don't think badly at every turn.Things are badly thought out.She is just under a lot of pressure and too nervous now, so she has to be steady, don't lose her temper, don't vent her anger, Gu Yingjie is also very hard, and he has to go to work on big weekends, his affairs must be very difficult, he still needs to listen to her while he is busy He must have had a hard time going shopping and chatting with Mrs. Gu.

Qin Yufei took a few deep breaths, and told himself not to worry, don't lose his temper, Gu Yingjie will be back in a while.He promised everything, so don't bother him for now.

Even though he thought so, Qin Yufei still couldn't help calling again after a while.This time it is still busy.

Qin Yufei deliberately ignored the unhappiness in his heart.She went over the recipe again and went to the kitchen to prepare it.The pot was taken out, the shovel was put aside, and the chopping board was also put away, as if this would increase her confidence in cooking.

After a while, the driver of the Gu family came up and delivered the shopping.Qin Yufei thanked him and told him that Mrs. Gu was resting.So the driver put down his things and left, only asking Mrs. Gu to call him if she had any orders.

After the driver left, Qin Yufei changed into home clothes, put on an apron, and started cooking.She laid out the things one by one first, and put them in the order of operation, and there was almost no room for a pile of dishes on the cooking table.Then she spent a few minutes trying to figure out how to order the messy pile.Such a large number is indeed difficult for novices.

At this time, Mrs. Gu yawned and walked to the door of the kitchen. When she saw the food was delivered, she asked a few questions.Then he asked Qin Yufei, "Do you need help?"

"No, no. Auntie, you can rest and rest, I'll be fine by myself." Just kidding, Mrs. Gu saw her clumsy skills and it's okay, it's so embarrassing.Anyway, it's finally made, as long as it can be eaten.It's better for Mrs. Gu not to know about this process.

Mrs. Gu looked at the way the kitchen was set up, and understood Qin Yufei's concerns.She was indeed still sleepy, she got up to look out of politeness, now that Qin Yufei said so, she simply said: "Then I'll go to sleep for a while, wake me up when Ajie comes back."

Qin Yufei quickly agreed.

Qin Yufei was busy working in the kitchen by himself.She decided to do the simplest one first, washing the vegetables and frying them first.It turned out to be a bit overcooked, but it looked okay, and she tasted it, and it wasn't too bad.She was delighted and considered a modest success.She put the vegetables aside, and suddenly thought of waiting for the other vegetables to be ready, wouldn't the vegetables be cold?But it was all fried, she thought for a moment, forget it, let's reheat it in the end.They don't know anyway.

Then she started cutting the meat.The meat slices are big and small, some are thin and some are thick, but they are cut smoothly.She was heartbroken again, anyway, it doesn't look obvious when it's fried, it's all put into her mouth to eat, it doesn't matter how big or thin it is.The different volumes also appear to be rich in content.

The meat was cut and marinated, and then she thought about it seriously, she had to learn the lesson of frying vegetables, and she couldn't fry them well and let them cool down.Or steam the fish first and then fry the meat.Wait a minute, the bone broth isn't boiled yet.Hurry up and cook the soup first.

Qin Yufei was sweating profusely.Wash the bones and put them in the pot. She remembered to skim off the foam, so she didn't dare to walk away. She just watched it boil and foam. She scooped it up carefully, covered the pot, and her face was already hot by the steam. up.Qin Yufei glanced at the menu on the phone again, and checked the time by the way, why hasn't Gu Yingjie come back yet?If only he could help her.

But now Qin Yufei is also concerned about blaming Gu Yingjie, she wants to get fish quickly.The hawkers in the market have killed the fish, but did not cut a few slices on the fish.Qin Yufei followed the chef's instruction, but the fish was very slippery, and she had to work hard to hold it, and the knife was not used to it, and the cuts were miserable.The last knife cut off a piece of nail and finger skin.Blood streaks came out.Qin Yufei was so frightened that she immediately stuffed her fingers into her mouth, and the stench of raw fish immediately spread in her mouth. She spit out in disgust, and rinsed her mouth with water.

The last time I looked at my fingers, luckily I just cut off a little bit of skin, the blood sucked and disappeared.It's just that one nail is missing, which is very uncomfortable.Qin Yufei really hoped that Gu Yingjie would come back soon.

Qin Yufei steamed the fish.Cutting the chili to prepare the fried meat, it turned out that the chili was so spicy that it stained the wound on her hand. She endured it, the corners of her eyes were itchy, she raised her hand to scratch, and the spicy taste rushed into her eyes immediately.She washed her hands quickly and wiped her eyes with water.Eyes hurt and tears flowed.She stood silently facing the pool for a long time, waiting for the pain in her eyes to pass.It took a while for her eyes to feel uncomfortable, but she endured and continued to chop the peppers and other side dishes.Although she was so irritable at this time that she wanted to throw the pot, she still held back her temper. She felt that she had really improved a lot.

At this moment, the door opened and Gu Yingjie walked in.Qin Yufei was overjoyed. Just as he was about to greet him, his cell phone rang.He came over and kissed her face, "I'm sorry, I'll answer the phone first." Then he walked back to the bedroom.

Qin Yufei didn't mind, in fact, she was very happy now, and Gu Yingjie would come out to help her after answering the call.This meal will be ready in no time, what a smooth day today.

Qin Yufei checked the side dishes again, waited and waited, but did not see Gu Yingjie coming out, but heard Mrs. Gu getting up and going to the kitchen.Qin Yufei was so frightened that he quickly turned on the fire and poured oil, poured the side dishes into the pot, and waved the spatula in a chef's pose. Mrs. Gu came to the kitchen. She glanced at the door, did not comment on Qin Yufei's cooking, and asked a question : "Is Ajie back?"

Qin Yufei hurriedly replied: "I'm back, he is answering the phone in the bedroom." Qin Yufei watched carefully from the corner of his eyes.Mrs. Gu turned around and left, Qin Yufei heaved a sigh of relief.

At this time, she realized that her oil was not hot at all, so she poured in the side dishes, and now the color of the frying is really bad.It doesn't matter, you can't see the meat when you put it in.She thought so and poured the meat in.

Finished frying the meat.Qin Yufei found that the fish had been oversteamed.Forget it, she thought dejectedly, as long as she can eat it.She secretly tasted it, but it was tasteless and fishy.Then she remembered that she didn't salt the fish and forgot to add shredded ginger.Forget it, she thought desperately, as long as it doesn't spoil her stomach.She poured a lot of soy sauce on the fish, hoping to cover up the flaws.

At this time, Gu Yingjie still didn't come out.Qin Yufei really didn't have the energy to urge him, and Mrs. Gu was awake, so Qin Yufei didn't dare to order her son in front of his mother.She looked at the soup, it was not hot enough, and the taste of the soup was not strong.You can drink it with salt anyway.She wondered if Mrs. Gu would think her dishes were not tasty, and threw the seaweed in.After throwing it in, she remembered that the kelp hadn't been washed.

Qin Yufei felt very, very sad.In the end, I can only hope for the fried pork.But after taking a bite, she almost cried.The meat was too tough and very salty.

Mrs. Gu and Gu Yingjie walked over while talking.Gu Yingjie smiled at Qin Yufei, hugged her and kissed her: "Is the meal ready? Really capable."

Qin Yufei forced a smile, took a peek at Mrs. Gu, and whispered, "It's not very tasty."

"It's okay." Gu Yingjie encouraged her.But Qin Yufei felt that his eyes were a little erratic, as if he was a little absent-minded.She blamed herself again for thinking too much, being too suspicious, and she was insane again.

Gu Yingjie went into the kitchen to bring out the dishes and put them on the dining table, and asked Mrs. Gu to sit first.Qin Yufei went to get the bowls and chopsticks, and she froze after putting the bowls and chopsticks on the table.She was so nervous about cooking before that she forgot to make rice.

Qin Yufei lowered his head, longing for a hole to bury himself.She felt humiliated, very, very humiliated.

At this time, Mrs. Gu also realized that something was wrong, but she didn't say anything, she just reached out to fill the soup silently.Qin Yufei bit her lip and wanted to tell her that the kelp hadn't been washed, but she felt that she really had no face to say so.

Gu Yingjie smiled at this moment: "Why don't you cook some noodles as the staple food, the noodles are very fast." He said, and turned to boil water.He turned around and greeted again: "Let's eat the vegetables first, and let's go down while the water is boiling."

Qin Yufei secretly looked at Mrs. Gu, seeing that she didn't touch the soup after taking a sip.Qin Yufei was very guilty, and turned to look at the dishes on the table. The vegetables were cold, the meat was hard, the fish was fishy, ​​and everything was quite salty.Mrs. Gu's complexion was not good, and Qin Yufei felt like crying.

Before Gu Yingjie had time to taste the food, the phone rang again.Qin Yufei clearly heard him sigh softly, and saw that he seemed to hesitate before saying, "I'll answer the phone."

Qin Yufei watched his back as he returned to the bedroom, feeling more and more uneasy in his heart.The atmosphere at the table was a little awkward.Qin Yufei didn't know what to say, Mrs. Gu didn't move her chopsticks, the water in the kitchen was boiling, but the man who cooked the noodles didn't come back.Qin Yufei went to the kitchen to have a meal, but Mrs. Gu came over and said flatly, "Let me do it."

Qin Yufei didn't want to fight, and he didn't have the face to fight.She gave up her seat.

Mrs. Gu cooked three bowls of egg noodles.When it was time to serve the table, Gu Yingjie finally came back.His complexion was a little ugly, but he still tried his best to pretend to be relaxed: "The face smells so good."

Qin Yufei looked at him silently, not in the mood to agree with his relaxation at all.She felt that this time it was really not her being suspicious.

The three of them ate noodles in silence.After Gu Yingjie tasted the dishes on the table, he didn't touch them again.Qin Yufei was very sad.But she didn't want to force herself to be lively and invite everyone to eat, and she didn't want to force herself to eat.No one else would eat it, so why should she.

I haven't finished a bowl of noodles yet.Gu Yingjie's phone rang again.

He frowned, Qin Yufei also frowned, and said to him, "Go and pick it up."

Gu Yingjie thought about it and went.

Qin Yufei sat for a while, then got up and went to the bedroom.Pushing open the door, I heard Gu Yingjie say: "Okay, don't cry anymore. This won't solve the problem. Can't I ask Jason to help you? Why do you have to do this."

As he spoke, he looked up and saw Qin Yufei staring at him with a cold face.

Gu Yingjie felt guilty, and he said to the other end of the phone: "I have already called Jason, and he will help you. If the situation is really bad, you should call the police. I have to hang up. No, don't do this, What's the point of you saying that? Don't say I'm not dead, I really have to hang up." He glanced at Qin Yufei and hung up the phone.

"Who is going to die?" Qin Yufei asked him.Now she only felt that her heart was cold, her head was hot, and her anger was completely uncontrollable.

"It's Abby. Her boyfriend is violent and he's trying to get her into trouble because she's breaking up. She's asking me for help."

Abby?The ex-girlfriend? "So your phone has been disconnected because you are talking to her?"

Gu Yingjie opened his mouth. He was indeed caught up in Abby's phone call in the afternoon, so he came back late.He couldn't lie, so he said: "Her parents are abroad, and there is no one here to help her. The situation is a bit bad today, so she called me."

"Really?" Qin Yufei's voice couldn't be colder, and he asked him again: "The day you went to my house to meet my parents, did you also talk with her on the phone for a long time after you went back at night?"

Gu Yingjie was dumbfounded.

Qin Yufei sneered, she no longer wanted to control her temper. "May I ask how Young Master Gu wants to help her? Fight her violent boyfriend? Or maybe she has nowhere to go and is always harassed, Young Master Gu takes her back and takes good care of her?"

Gu Yingjie was in a hurry, "Don't think too much. I tried to persuade her to call the police, but she said she had reported it once, but the police didn't care about it, saying it was a couple's dispute, so she left after a few words of persuasion. I know I shouldn't go too far with her. So she let me go and I always refused. I have asked Jason for help, and I will solve this matter."

Qin Yufei didn't speak.Gu Yingjie went up to hold her hand, but she shook it away suddenly.

"Solve this matter? Since she went to the hospital to visit you and made a request for reconciliation until now, you have solved it very well, and the entanglement is getting tighter and tighter."

Gu Yingjie frowned: "Then she's in trouble, and it's related to her personal safety. I can't just ignore her. After all, we've been in a relationship before, so it's considered a breakup..." When he said this, Qin Yufei's expression made him You know, he said the wrong thing, dead wrong.

"Gu Yingjie." Qin Yufei said coldly, "When you visited my house, and I was full of joy and felt that it was you who would not marry, you were talking on the phone with your ex-girlfriend that couldn't stop. To please your mother and hope that we can blossom and bear fruit all the way in the future, when I was overwhelmed and cooked a few horrible dishes and hoped you could help me, you were talking on the phone with your ex-girlfriend, Carefully help her solve her troubles. Because you have dated and have feelings..." She couldn't continue, she stared at Gu Yingjie, staring at him.Then suddenly turned around and left.

"Yufei." Gu Yingjie called from behind her.She ignored it and strode away.

Walking into the living room, she saw Mrs. Gu looking at her in surprise.She should have heard their quarrel.

"I'm sorry, Auntie. I really overestimated myself and made you laugh. I'm so sorry. I'm leaving first." Qin Yufei walked out holding her bag, holding back her tears.The day wasn't over yet, but she felt tired and exhausted.From early in the morning to now, I feel ups and downs, as if I have done a lot of things, nervous, happy, excited, annoyed, sad, angry, it seems that I have experienced all emotions throughout the day.

"Yufei." Gu Yingjie chased him out of the room.

Qin Yufei ignored him, she walked two steps quickly to the door to change her shoes, she just wanted to leave this place quickly, she was afraid that her tears would fall.

Behind him, Gu Yingjie's cell phone rang again.Qin Yufei froze when he heard the ringtone disappear.Gu Yingjie pinched it off.She ignored her and continued to change her shoes. Gu Yingjie came to pull her hand, she shook it away, and he pulled again.

She raised her eyes and stared at him: "let go, or I won't talk to you anymore."

Gu Yingjie froze, Qin Yufei took the opportunity to shake him off.She opened the door and walked out, when Gu Yingjie's cell phone rang again.

Qin Yufei paused and stopped.

Gu Yingjie was so annoyed to death.He really wanted to smash this phone, he stared at Abby's name on the phone, and was about to cut it off again, when a hand reached out and snatched his phone away.

Gu Yingjie froze for a moment, watching Qin Yufei connect the phone.She raised her head high, with a tough face, and said to the other end of the phone: "Don't cry! Don't pretend to be pitiful! Listen to me, I'm Qin Yufei, and I'm Gu Yingjie's current girlfriend. No matter what you've been through, what happened to you , you pestered my boyfriend and caused me a lot of trouble. You don’t have to talk, I didn’t allow you to say it! Do you have the self-esteem and self-love that a woman should have? Shameless! Do you want to ask someone to help you? Bullied, didn't you? You need to solve the problem, don't you? I'll give you one chance, just one. You tell me where you are now? Where's the man who bullied you? Don't tell me this, I said, just give you once Chance. Great! You wait!"

After Qin Yufei finished speaking, he hung up the phone and transferred the number to his mobile phone.Then with a cold face, he threw Gu Yingjie's cell phone on him, turned around and left.

Gu Yingjie frantically picked up the phone, almost not breaking it.When he chased out, the elevator door closed in front of him. "Yufei!" he yelled, but the last thing he saw was Qin Yufei's angry face.

Gu Yingjie hurriedly called Qin Yufei, but she pinched her.Gu Yingjie was so annoyed that when he got home, he saw Mrs. Gu's shocked face. She obviously hadn't recovered from Qin Yufei's tough posture.Gu Yingjie couldn't care less about comforting Mrs. Gu anymore. He called Abby and asked her what she had said to Qin Yufei, and finally yelled: "Why did you tell her the address? Where is your boyfriend? What? He's right there with you." Blocked outside the door? Shit! Abby, if something happens to Yufei at your place, I will never forgive you."

Gu Yingjie ran back to the room to get the car keys, and while calling Xu Yanchang, he was incoherent in a hurry, he only said that Qin Yufei was going to find Abby, and Abby's violent boyfriend was still there, he was afraid of what might happen, so let Xu Yan take it easy Hurry over to help, he is going over now.

Mrs. Gu was also in a hurry, she went out with her son, and said to him: "Don't be impulsive, the driver is waiting downstairs, let him take us there, there is also a helper."

"Mom, don't worry about this."

"With Yufei's temper, she will calm down a bit with an elder around."

Gu Yingjie thought about it, this is true.So I stopped stopping her and drove to Abby's residence with my mother in the car driven by the driver.

Gu Yingjie kept calling Qin Yufei on the road, but he was always cut off.After a few times, I couldn't get through at all.Gu Yingjie thinks she blocked his number?

This possibility made Gu Yingjie anxious and angry.No one can stop this woman's temper.Gu Yingjie was afraid that Qin Yufei would suffer if he got there, so he quickly called a few friends to see who was close to them, and went to help.

Mrs. Gu sat in the car and didn't speak, just watched her son angrily and angrily kept calling.

In the end, Gu Yingjie called Abby again and asked her what was going on now.The two quarreled on the phone, because Gu Yingjie once again blamed Abby for giving Qin Yufei the address, and Abby also scolded Qin Yufei for his attitude and why he was so fierce.Come here if you can!Gu Yingjie was very angry, scolded Abby for being selfish and willful, and then ordered her to get rid of her ex-boyfriend immediately, and if Qin Yufei left later, everyone should not fight.

Abby responded by crying and calling him heartless.If she could drive him away, she still didn't need to ask for help in such a low voice, but in the end she was scolded by one and scolded by that.She was in a bad mood, and Mrs. Gu in the car could hear her growling voice clearly through the phone.

Gu Yingjie hung up the phone when Abby started throwing things and swearing.Mrs. Gu told the driver to drive faster.But unfortunately, there was a traffic jam ahead.

Gu Yingjie fidgeted anxiously in the car. He kept calling Qin Yufei, but unfortunately he never got through.He called Qin Yufei on Mrs. Gu's mobile phone, Qin Yufei answered, "Hello" and heard Gu Yingjie's voice, didn't listen to what he said, and hung up decisively.Dial again, can't get through again.

Gu Yingjie really had no choice but to watch the car move forward like a snail, feeling extremely anxious.He could only hope that Qin Yufei also encountered a traffic jam and couldn't make it through.

After staying up for a long time, Gu Yingjie finally arrived at his destination.Before the car stopped, he rushed down.The elevator was upstairs, he couldn't wait, ran up the stairs to the tenth floor, and heard quarrels and screams before he got there.Gu Yingjie was so frightened that his heart stopped, he ran a few steps to the tenth floor, pushed open the door of the stairwell, and saw Qin Yufei slap a man forcefully.

"Yufei!" Gu Yingjie yelled, and was about to rush over to protect her, but saw a strong man next to her stop the beaten man from fighting back, and then punched the man again.

Gu Yingjie was stunned for a moment, only to realize that the corridor was full of people.Besides Qin Yufei and Abby, there were three or four strong men he didn't know.Even Xu Yanchang and another friend of his were there.

Seeing him coming, Xu Yanchang hurried over to report: "I just arrived too, it's too busy here, I was too busy watching, and didn't have time to call you."

At this time, I heard Qin Yufei's ferocious roar: "Just try to touch me, can I sue you for intentionally hurting you if I break your leg?"

The man cursed: "I believe your mother..."

Before he finished cursing, Qin Yufei raised his hand abruptly and sprayed him all over the face with a small bottle.The man screamed, and Qin Yufei kicked hard again.The man couldn't see clearly, but he still yelled that he wanted to rush up and beat Qin Yufei. The strong man beside Qin Yufei shot again and knocked the man to the ground.

Gu Yingjie was dumbfounded, watching Qin Yufei show off his power like a big sister in the underworld.He knew that she was very fierce when she got angry, but he didn't expect to be so fierce.Not only is he fierce, but he also leads people into group fights.

Xu Yanchang said from the side: "You are worrying too much. Your fierce family doesn't need our help at all, she has her own people."

Regarding this, Gu Yingjie really didn't know whether he should feel relieved. "Who are they?" She didn't really find the underworld to support her, did she?

"I just sneaked up to ask one of them. They are from the security company hired by the Qin family. Miss Qin can call several bodyguards with one call."

Gu Yingjie understood.People like the Qin family will indeed ask for security. The security system at home and the security guards in special situations, in fact, they also have the Gu family. His brother's driver is sent by the security company, but he has never used it himself, so he thinks it is unnecessary .

Gu Yingjie let out a sigh of relief. Fortunately, she was not dizzy and knew to call someone to protect her.

At this moment, the elevator door opened, and Mrs. Gu took the driver out of the elevator.There were actually two policemen and a middle-aged man in a suit with him.

At this time, Qin Yufei was scolding: "People say we broke up, do you understand the word breakup? I just don't want you. So you go as far as you can, it's a fart to pester others. Are you a man or a bug! How dare you beat me Woman! If you don't behave yourself, someone will teach you!"

Mrs. Gu looked stunned, and walked to Gu Yingjie. Gu Yingjie explained to her in a low voice, saying that Qin Yufei had brought the security company.Mrs. Gu also said to him: "Those two policemen happened to be on the elevator with us, and they should have come here for this matter."

The two policemen were indeed here for this, as was the middle-aged man.They saw them walking towards Qin Yufei, and the policeman asked, "Which one is Miss Qin Yufei?"

"Me." Qin Yufei raised his chin, quite imposing. "Thank you, officer, for your hard work."

"It should be." The two policemen were very polite.

Qin Yufei pointed to Abby's boyfriend, and said, "This is the man. He violently assaulted my friends, sexually harassed, embezzled property, and just now he was violent and physically hurt me."

When she said that, the man cursed angrily. Before he could finish his sentence, he was slapped by the person Qin Yufei brought.The policeman didn't seem to see it, so he just said, "Then let's take him back to investigate."

"Thank you." Qin Yufei said politely.

Abby's boyfriend was dumbfounded, "Damn, don't you dare. I'll sue you, and the police can't arrest people randomly."

"Okay, I'll wait for you to sue." Qin Yufei didn't rush, "I've already found a lawyer, if you don't sue me, you're useless." She said to the middle-aged man standing by: "Lawyer Chen. "

The middle-aged man hurriedly responded: "Miss Qin."

Qin Yufei pointed to Abby, who had a petrified expression on her face: "This lady has been harassed all the time, and her personal safety is threatened. Please provide her with legal aid. The bill will be mine."

Attorney Chen nodded, took out his business card and handed it to Abby, and introduced himself which law firm he was from. Abby took it stupidly, not knowing how to react at all.

Abby's boyfriend, who was detained by the police, was also dumbfounded. She didn't expect that even the lawyer came in a blink of an eye.But he still shouted: "It's great to have a lawyer, and I can afford it."

"Manager Liu." Qin Yufei called the manager of the nearby security company again, and said, "While the police are detaining this gentleman for investigation, please also investigate this gentleman's personal situation. If there is anything wrong, including fighting Fights, tax evasion, tax evasion and prostitution, all collected, the police will need it very much.” She glanced at Abby’s boyfriend and sneered: “I bet, this gentleman must have done a lot of wonderful things, the ones I just cited are not enough watch."

Abby's boyfriend turned pale, and finally came to his senses, the woman in front of him was playing for real, and she wouldn't stop until he killed him.

At this time, Qin Yufei walked up to him and said, "I don't know you, and I have no grievances or enmities with you, but you are too ignorant, a woman says no, means no, and breaks up, do you understand now?"

The man thought about it for a while, then nodded practically.I hope to be soft and escape this catastrophe.

But Qin Yufei said lightly: "It's too late to understand now."

The man's face froze, and he was about to get angry again.But Qin Yufei went on to say: "If you figure out the situation, it won't be the one with the big temper who will win, or the one with hard fists will win, and it's not that you can do whatever you want. You are unlucky to meet me today, but I am It's reasonable, and it's not a gangster. You go to the police station to have some tea first, calm down, and think carefully. If you are willing to stop making trouble for Abby, let her live her life well, and don't bother others, then You won't be in trouble either. If not, we'll wait and see. My temper is also very bad. "

She spoke lightly, but with such momentum, Abby's boyfriend was terrified.

The police took Abby's boyfriend away.Qin Yufei made a phone call, "Uncle Luo, thank you, yes, they came and took him away. Thank you very much."

Abby stared at Qin Yufei in a daze. Obviously, the person on the other end of the phone had connections with the police. This Qin Yufei seemed terrifying.

Qin Yufei hung up the phone and turned to Abby: "Now it's your turn. In fact, what I want to say is very simple. It's your business if you want to get back together with Gu Yingjie, and it's your business if you want to ask him to act like a baby. Do you want to pester him?" Letting go is your business, but now he is my boyfriend, and those things about you have become things that I hate. I am a big-tempered person, and I will get angry if you make me too annoying. So, In order to prevent me from doing something impolite in a fit of anger, you'd better learn to respect yourself. When a woman respects herself, she is cute. If you need any help, please call me. If you want to find someone to chat with, please call me Phone, if you want to find death, call Gu Yingjie. I speak Chinese, can you understand me?"

Abby glanced quietly at Gu Yingjie who was outside the crowd. As soon as he came, he yelled Qin Yufei's name, so even though the scene was chaotic, she still knew he was coming.It's just that he never came over and never spoke.She sneaked a few glances at him, and he kept looking at Qin Yufei.

"I can understand Chinese." Abby replied, her eyes were hot again.She couldn't describe her feelings. She knew that she would never have a chance to get back together with Gu Yingjie. She couldn't tell whether she was sorry or sad, but the troubles that had troubled her for so long seemed to be resolved. She should be happy, but was Qin Yufei solved it in this way, and she felt shameless and quite embarrassed.

"It's good if you can understand. You are so smart, you won't do stupid things." After Qin Yufei said coolly, he said to the manager of the security company next to him: "Manager Liu, please deal with the follow-up matters. The lady before I shared a house with that man, and there should be some luggage over there. Let’s see if she needs to go back and pack it up. Please arrange for someone to help me. Make sure that man won’t have an excuse to harass her again.”

Manager Liu readily agreed.

Qin Yufei turned around and was about to leave. Seeing some of Gu Yingjie's friends, she said coolly, "The excitement is over, gentlemen, let's end."

After she finished speaking, she ignored them, walked to the elevator by herself, and pressed the down button.

Gu Yingjie hurried over to pull her: "Yufei, let's have a chat."

Qin Yufei shook off his hand, and said coldly: "Young Master Gu, there is something I have to tell you, whether I should be nice to you or not, I am happy. When I am not happy, you can go to hell."

Gu Yingjie's face turned pale, and he softened his voice and said, "It's my fault, don't be angry."

At this time the elevator came, Qin Yufei walked in, turned around and said to Gu Yingjie who wanted to follow up, "Please don't come to me until I am willing to talk to you. Otherwise, we will break up."

Gu Yingjie was dumbfounded.I didn't think about the logic in this statement for a while.

Just as he was stunned for a moment, the elevator door closed.Qin Yufei disappeared from his sight.

Qin Yufei went downstairs with her back straight, returned to her car, started the car, and drove on the road.

The car drove for a while, and her tears flowed down.

She wiped it away vigorously, but another stream of tears fell immediately.

She wiped it again, but it couldn't be wiped clean.

Tears blurred her vision, she had to pull the car to the side of the road and stopped, then she hugged the steering wheel and cried loudly.

The farce on Abby's side is over.Gu Yingjie ignored Abby, didn't say a word to her, and went downstairs listlessly.Qin Yufei had disappeared, and he didn't dare to chase her, or call her.

Seeing this, the few buddies who were present couldn't say anything, so they all dispersed after saying hello.Xu Yanchang was entrusted by Gu Yingjie to help with Abby's affairs before, and now that the situation is like this, he told Gu Yingjie to rest assured that he would keep an eye on this side and persuade Abby a few words.

Gu Yingjie nodded, now he doesn't want to care about Abby's affairs at all, he knows what he did wrong, he shouldn't hide it from Qin Yufei, he thinks this is to avoid making her cranky and unhappy.In fact, he can do what Qin Yufei can do today, such as finding someone to teach that scumbag a lesson, such as hiring a lawyer to find a relationship to settle it through legal channels, and even doing some small tricks to dig out the scumbag's black history and use it as a bargaining chip.He can do it, but he can't.Because once he does this, he will get closer to Abby, and Abby will pester him even more.So he entrusted the matter to Xu Yanchang, wanting someone else to handle it.

It's just that Abby broke out again today, making use of the problem, and before he could handle it properly, Qin Yufei discovered it.

Being found out like this was a hundred times worse than him telling her the situation.

Gu Yingjie was so upset, he didn't dare to think about how sad Qin Yufei was now.He considers himself loyal in his feelings, and never has any inappropriate thoughts about Abby or other women. He kept this from her because he was afraid that she would think too much, and Abby really needs help. He can't be ruthless and see death. save.Well, the word “do nothing to save” may be too exaggerated, the person who needs to be saved now is him.

He was wrong, he should have told Qin Yufei immediately, and sought her support and understanding, he should have asked her to help and figure out a solution, instead of being afraid that she would get angry if he caused trouble to her.He should bring Qin Yufei to the show, and let Abby understand that helping her is just out of friendship, and getting back together, she still thinks about him, it really can't happen anymore.

But he did none of the above things.

Anyway, he was wrong, he used the wrong method completely, and he broke the heart of the woman he loved.He saw Qin Yufei's angry look, but what he felt was the pain in her heart.She was as arrogant and arrogant as a queen in front of everyone, but he knew she was crying.He was sure that she must be crying secretly somewhere now.

Gu Yingjie felt distressed and regretted, very regretful.No, words like "very" and "very" cannot describe the extent of his regret.If time could be turned back, he would not be so stupid.

Mrs. Gu didn't know how to comfort her son, but seeing Gu Yingjie's expression, she was worried that he would go home by himself, so she asked the driver to drive back to the mansion. no response.

After a while, Gu Yingjie suddenly asked: "Mom, what do you think Yufei's last sentence means?"

"Which one?"

"She said I couldn't go to her until she was willing to talk to me, or we would break up."

"Oh." Mrs. Gu didn't know how to react.

"what does it mean?"

"It means literally." The son kept asking, but Mrs. Gu could only find an answer.

"Literally, if she keeps ignoring me and I can't go to her, what's the difference between breaking up with her?"

Mrs. Gu glanced at her son, so what?What do you want to say son?
After a long time, Gu Yingjie asked again: "She doesn't mean to break up because of this matter, does she?"

Mrs. Gu didn't speak, she was not her girlfriend, she didn't know her well, how could she know.

Gu Yingjie said again: "She didn't want to break up, she was just angry and didn't want to talk to me for the time being." Gu Yingjie said to himself, comforting himself.

Mrs. Gu still didn't speak, but she remembered that she was sitting in the restaurant with Qin Yufei today, and Qin Yufei said to her a little nervously and shyly, "We are all working hard and want to get good results", that expression seems to be still imprinted on her. In the blink of an eye, it was already the current situation.She didn't have a deep impression of the last sentence, but she remembered another sentence Qin Yufei said.

"I shouldn't be nice to you. I am happy. When I am not happy, you can go to hell."

Mrs. Gu sighed in her heart, and everyone's comments about Qin Yufei flooded her mind again.This child really has a personality, too strong, and there is no room for a grain of sand in his eyes.But what she said made sense to her.

In this world, apart from parents and children, who should treat whom well.There should be no love, it just depends on whether people are happy or not.Mrs. Gu still doesn't know what she thinks of Qin Yufei.When she thought she was a spoiled, domineering and impolite young lady, she behaved generously, sincerely and cutely; when she thought she could be caring, tolerant and patient, she was strong, proud and invincible.

Mrs. Gu felt that she didn't understand Qin Yufei.But when she saw her son's sad and depressed look, she felt that this girl really had two brushes.Not only was this incident handled properly today, but it also suppressed the entire scene. They were all son's friends, but his son didn't even dare to fart.She was really made to death.She had never seen such a deflated son.

Gu Yingjie returned to the mansion with his mother, and returned to the room like a wandering soul.I didn't know what I was doing all night, and I was wandering around the room, feeling restless.Later, he couldn't help but call Qin Yufei, but her phone was turned off.Gu Yingjie let out a long breath, fell on the bed and pretended to be dead.There is only one thought in his mind, he doesn't want to break up, absolutely don't break up.He loves her so much that he can admit his mistake however he wants, and he promises not to make such a mistake again.He loved her very much, really loved her.

(End of this chapter)

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