Chapter 206

On the Douyu live broadcast platform, viewers are browsing as usual, looking for fresh and interesting live broadcast rooms!

"Fighting, Brother Dali."

Soon, many viewers discovered a live broadcast room called Bishen and Brother Dali, and then the news spread like a tide!
For these five words, there are very few people in the national server who don't know it now!
First, the hacking incident before, and then yesterday's blocking stick incident, the popularity of this ID has reached its peak in just a few months!

"Is it true? Brother Li really started the live broadcast?" Many viewers were puzzled.

"How could it be true? Isn't Brother Li looking for death by launching a live broadcast now? Let the Penguin people know that Brother Li is broadcasting live, and why don't you come to Douyu?"

"To open a live broadcast, you need to cooperate with the live broadcast platform, especially for a live broadcast room like this kind of home page, you need to sign a contract. Once Penguin finds it, all of Li Ge's information will be exposed! Do you think Li Ge is so stupid? ?”

"That's right, according to my opinion, there must be some anchors who want to use Brother Li's popularity to attract viewers. How shameless!"

"Brothers, do you want to go in with me and bombard this trash anchor, and make our Brother Li look good!"

Someone made a suggestion out of anger, and there was a lot of response soon. A group of people flooded into Fang Li's live broadcast room, but when they entered the live broadcast room, they were completely dumbfounded!
Fascinating, Brother Hercules!

The game ID in the live broadcast room, if it's not Fang Li's ID, who else would it be?
"Li, Brother Li?"

"Did I see it wrong all night long?"

"Misunderstanding, you are paralyzed. The only ID in the national server is called Bishen and Brother Dali. Who else do you think?"

Someone immediately refuted it. After Fang Li's ID came out, many people planned to register in other districts, but found that they couldn't register at all.

Fascinating, Brother Hercules!

This is the only national service!
"Doesn't that mean that it's really Li Ge's live broadcast?"

"Oh my god, Brother Li actually started a live broadcast!"

"But it's a pity that I can't see Li Ge's true face!"

Some people sighed, and many nympho girls regretted it for a while!
"You are so fucking stupid, if Brother Li showed his face, he wouldn't be directly talked to by the Penguin people!" Someone came out and scorned everyone, and at the same time, the news of Fang Likai's live broadcast was spreading wildly!

"What? Brother Li started the live broadcast?" UZI's expression changed immediately after hearing the news. He made a lot of extra money by watching Fang Li. Lose!
"No way! He really started the live broadcast?"

Liu Ying was even more remorseful. At the beginning, she thought about what would happen if Fang Li started the live broadcast, but she didn't expect it to happen now!
"It's over. I'm afraid that many anchors will have nothing to eat!" As the acting live broadcaster of Fang Li's game, she knows the power of it. Now that Fang Li is broadcasting live, most of the viewers may It's going to stream into Fang Li's live broadcast room!
"What did you say, Brother Dali started the live broadcast?"

Yang Han jumped up from his seat when he heard the news.

"Yes, live broadcast on Douyu!" Tang Ling said!

"Hahaha, okay, that's great!" Yang Han laughed triumphantly, "It's really a hundred secrets and a hundred secrets, a hundred secrets and a sparse! Let him have thousands of skills, but he didn't expect to make a mistake. This is all right, God help me also!"

"Tang Ling, you should immediately contact Douyu's staff and communicate with them to get Brother Dali's contract information. I don't believe I can't find him this time!"

Fang Li couldn't be found by checking the IP before, but this time Fang Li would kill himself to start the live broadcast, how could he not be excited?

Tang Ling nodded, but something strange flashed in his eyes!
"Mr. Zhang, something serious happened!"

Inside the Douyu company, a thin man shouted, which immediately attracted countless eyes!
"Yelling, what a shame!"

Zhang Guoqing glared at the man dissatisfied.

"Mr. Zhang, something big happened, our live broadcast platform was hacked!" the man said!

"What, the live broadcast platform was hacked?"

Zhang Guoqing stared directly: "Why do technicians eat, quickly find out the loopholes and fix them back!"

"Well, our technicians can't figure it out, because this person who hacked our platform is too awesome!" The man said with an embarrassed face!

"Are you kidding me?" Zhang Guoqing's eyes turned cold!
"Mr. Zhang, I'm not joking. This guy is really awesome. You know that, Brother Dali? Even Penguin can't do anything about him. Don't you think he's awesome?"

The man was also taken aback when he said Zhang Guoqing: "It's him?"

Fang Li's famous name, Zhang Guoqing, was also like a thunderbolt. He didn't think he could handle the stubborn problems that even penguins couldn't solve!

"If it's him, it's really difficult!" Zhang Guoqing shook his head!

"How can it be difficult? He just asked for a live broadcast room now, and the rest of the platform has not received any attacks. I think this is a good thing! This big brother is now on Penguin's blacklist, and the revenue from the live broadcast room will But it all belongs to us Douyu!" the man said with his eyes shining!
"You don't understand. What I'm worried about is that people from Penguin will come to our door. It will be difficult for them to ask us to get the information of Brother Dali!" Zhang Guoqing smiled wryly. No, Fang Li directly surpassed their level and opened the live broadcast room!
At this moment, Zhang Guoqing's cell phone vibrated suddenly, and his heart trembled for no reason!
"Yang Han?"

When he saw Lai Xian, the last thing he wanted to see happened!

"Minister Yang!"

Zhang Guoqing laughed!
"Mr. Zhang, I'm going straight to the point. I want Brother Dali's information!" Yang Han cut to the point with incomparable force, this is the confidence of a big company!

Zhang Guoqing's expression changed slightly, but he still smiled and said, "Minister Yang, I really don't have any information about Brother Dali, because this time Brother Dali is black."

"No? Brother Dali even opened the live broadcast room, and you told me that you don't have information about Brother Dali, are you kidding me?" Yang Han interrupted Zhang Guoqing's words in dissatisfaction!
Zhang Guoqing's words stuck in his throat, and the smile on his face froze instantly: "Minister Yang, don't you even have time to listen to an explanation?"

"I don't need an explanation, I just need Brother Dali's information!" Yang Han said!


This time Zhang Guoqing also spit out two words coldly!

"No? How could there be no?" Yang Han was furious!

"This is our company's business, there is no need to explain it to you!" Zhang Guoqing said and hung up the phone directly!

Beep beep.
Listening to the busy tone of hanging up on the phone, Yang Han's face was as cold as ice.

"Minister, what does Douyu say?" Tang Ling said!

Yang Han glanced at Tang Ling, and what greeted him was a roll!
Loud as thunder!

On the other side, Fang Li finally realized that something was wrong. After he finished exchanging the game chaotic symbols, a lot of bullet screens started rolling!

"Did I really start the live broadcast?"

Fang Li opened his mouth with a puzzled face, and then greeted in the live broadcast room, and immediately responded. At this moment, he finally confirmed that he would start the live broadcast by himself!
(End of this chapter)

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