Chapter 208 Wild Monsters Under Siege
At the same time, there was already an uproar in the live broadcast room!
"Countless wild monsters gather in the middle, is Brother Li ready to summon wild monsters to attack the city?"

"Isn't this nonsense? Otherwise, what is Li Ge doing to summon wild monsters?"

"There are so many wild monsters, the red buff alone now has four, what kind of rhythm is this?"

"A wave of wild monsters refreshes in five seconds, and they all attack the city. What a fart the other side is playing!"

Daomei and the others were already stunned!

"Are these wild monsters used to attack the city?"

Before Fang Li said that the battle would be over in 3 minutes, he still didn't believe it, but now seeing countless wild monsters gathered in the middle, he suddenly felt that the battle might not be over in 3 minutes!

Fang Li's big dragon stood in the middle, and the wild monsters behind him were like soldiers waiting in battle, waiting for Fang Li's order to attack!
The wild monsters were still gathering, as if the river that would not stop flowing had flowed from behind Fang Li to the high ground of the blue Fang family!
Han Chengjun, Park Yihui, the prince, EZ, the machine, looked at the countless wild monsters behind Fang Li, and they were already stunned at this moment!
At this moment, they were trembling and hesitant. With so many wild monsters pushed together, how could it take 3 minutes!
Soon, when the third wave of wild monsters spawned and gathered in the middle, everyone trembled!

Three big dragons lead, followed by three small dragons, then six toads, and twelve BUFFs
With this lineup, it's useless to give you a hundred punishments!

At this moment, Fang Li pursed his lips lightly, and gave the order: "Attack!"

Countless wild monsters roared in unison, their voices shook the heavens and the earth, and they rushed towards the purple defense tower like a tide!
The wild monsters walked by, and they couldn't even see how they were attacking, and a tower in the middle fell to the ground!

Three seconds later, the tide of beasts flooded the middle road, and the second tower in the middle road fell to the ground!

Three seconds later, the Highland Tower crashed down and approached the Highland!
"It's over!"

Han Chengjun watched his family's defense towers fall one after another under the leadership of the three dragons, and his face changed drastically at this moment!
Don't talk about defense at this time, just looking at it makes my heart tremble!
"Tsk tsk tsk, three big dragons lead the battle, and there is no one left in this battle!"

"Look at the speed at which this tower is being pushed, it's even better than my Dahuaxia demolition team! In the blink of an eye, a tower is already at the front teeth!"

"I can only say that the beast horde is too ferocious! No wonder Brother Li dared to say that the battle would end in 3 minutes. I estimate that the real time to push the tower is no more than 30 seconds!"

There were constant surprises in the live broadcast room, but at this time, the big dragon and the little dragon were still refreshing, and rushed to the location of Zi Fang's house quickly!
Soon, two front teeth fell to the ground, and a huge crystal was exposed in front of everyone. At this moment, Han Chengjun's face was dead silent!

"Cheng Junjun, we lost!"

Park Yihui was even more bitter. He originally thought that the game of giving the head to Han Chengjun was a sure thing, but who knew that Fang Li's appearance disrupted all their fantasies again!

To end the battle in 3 minutes is undoubtedly whimsical in their opinion, but at this moment they really did it!

The moment the chief crystal burst, Han Chengjun and Park Yihui's bodies softened, and they collapsed directly on the seats!
The game time is fixed at four minutes and 32 seconds!
Fang Li entered the game in more than three minutes, and at the end of the game, the time was 32 minutes and 30 seconds. In other words, it only took a minute and a half. If you only count the time of pushing the tower, it may only be about [-] seconds!

"Where is the end of the battle in 3 minutes! From my point of view, the battle ends in minutes!"

"I did a rough calculation. Excluding Li Ge pretending to type and waiting for the wild monsters to refresh, the whole process of pushing the tower is actually only more than 20 seconds!"

When the news came, everyone was shocked!

It only took more than 20 seconds to go from the first tower in the middle to the total crystal on the front teeth. What kind of appalling statistic is this?

The game ends in 3 minutes, and the face slap is successful, and the reward is [-] points for the face slap. Currently, the face slap is worth [-] points!
The sound sounds, which means the game is officially over!

"Brother Dali, wait for me!"

After retreating to the room, Han Chengjun uttered cruel words in a rage!

"I still say the same thing, get out of the national server, don't look for abuse again!" Fang Li put down a sentence unceremoniously, and then left the room!

"Brother Li, good job, dealing with Bangzi should be so simple and direct, when he can't find a sense of superiority in the national server, he will naturally leave!"

"Brother is cruel, let him play the role, and you still want to be number one in the national server, get out!"

There were constant voices in the live broadcast room, but Han Chengjun sat in front of the computer without saying a word!

"Cheng Junjun, what's the matter with you?" Park Yihui patted Han Chengjun!
"I don't believe it! Is it possible that Brother Dali can still target me again and again?" Han Chengjun gritted his teeth, and the game was ended in 3 minutes. This can be said to be a shame in his life!
"Cheng Junjun, don't be impulsive, this brother Dali is obviously targeting you! We can't be so impulsive now, it's daytime, why don't we start scoring again at night! I don't believe he doesn't sleep at night !" Park Yihui said!

Han Chengjun didn't speak, but he nodded after a while, and then the two went to rest, preparing to fight hard to score points at night!
"Hahaha, Bangzi quit the game again!"

"If Bangzi is targeted by Li Ge like this, don't you quit the game?"

"Hey, if I were Bangzi, I wouldn't be in the national server long ago!"

Seeing that Bangzi quit the game, Fang Li didn't care. After playing for a while, he also quit the game, and then began to understand his true meaning of Frost and improve his Frost bloodline level!
In the middle of the night, Han Chengjun and Park Yihui got up again!
"In the middle of the night, this brother Dali probably won't be online, right?" Park Yihui glanced at the time, it was already 03:30 in the middle of the night, at this time he was sure that Fang Li had already fallen asleep!
"Well, I guess I'm asleep too, unless this kid is resting during the day like us, otherwise he will definitely rest at night!" Han Chengjun nodded, and then the two started to log in to the game!
But how did he know that Fang Li was comprehending Frost's true meaning all day long, and with the comprehension of Frost's true meaning, Fang Li's physical and mental state not only did not weaken, but became stronger and stronger, even if he didn't sleep for three days and three nights, it didn't matter. , not to mention that Fang Li is not sleeping but continues to sit cross-legged
The two quickly logged into the game, thinking that they clicked the match without anyone noticing. The moment they entered the game, both of them laughed: "Tonight, I will return the deducted victory points!"

Seeing that his ranking on the national server has dropped to the twelfth position, Han Chengjun gritted his teeth angrily. From the second to the twelfth in the national server, he has dropped ten positions!

"Don't worry, when tomorrow dawns, we will be ranked first in the national server again!" Park Yihui laughed!
But what the two of them didn't know was that the moment they entered the game, Fang Li, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground, suddenly opened his eyes and picked up the phone next to him!
(End of this chapter)

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