Chapter 210 Our Crystal Is Bleeding

Under the leadership of Han Chengjun, the five people from the purple side have already approached the high ground!

The lineup on the purple side is the top laner Dashu, the mid laner Yasuo, the jungle prince, the ADC is EZ, and the support is Golem. This lineup is quite rogue!
On the other hand, the blue side is a bit nondescript, and what's more, there is a wind girl who is a spy, which makes the situation even worse!
"Look for a chance, Stone Man, Prince, Dashu, whoever of you three can go first! EZ and I will keep up with the output, and we can win as we fight!" Han Chengjun typed to his teammates!
As soon as the words fell, the stone man directly hit the mid laner Venus and the ADC Vayne with a big move!

"It's broken, the two outputs have been controlled!" The crocodile's expression changed and he immediately activated his big move to become a prehistoric giant crocodile!
The blind monk also frowned and hurried forward, ready to kick away the enemies who entered the defense tower!

As for their teammate, Feng Nu, she was standing leisurely watching the battle at the moment, completely ignoring all this!
"Damn Feng Nu, if he can control it, or use a big move to force the opponent back, we can still defend, but how do we play now!"

Gritting his teeth in a crocodile-like manner, at the same time EZ's big move passed by, Han Chengjun's sword hero also flew over at this moment, and used his big move, Blasting Wind Endless Slash!

Break kill KILL!

A library!
At the moment Yasuo flew, the blind monk kicked Yasuo away in a blink of an eye, but what's the use!
A military flag fell, and the prince swung his spear with a raptor and hit him, and then he was framed inside with a big move, as for Venus and Wei En, they were instantly killed!

From the stone man's big move to Yasuo's rush to pick up the first prince, Venus and Wayne didn't play any role at all, and were directly charged to death!

Once the two output were dead, the crocodile and the blind monk were even more helpless. The two instantly concentrated their energy on the stone man who resisted the tower!
The stone man is a support, and the equipment is not as good as the big tree, so the blood volume quickly becomes disabled under the attack of the defense tower and the crocodile blind monk!
"If you can change one, kill the stone man first!"

Knowing that it was impossible for the two of them to survive, the crocodile and the blind monk rushed towards the stone man like crazy, but at this moment, Feng Nu moved!

With a flash, Feng Nu's body suddenly appeared in front of the stone man!
"Hehe, want to kill the stone man? Dreaming!"

Park Yihui smiled faintly, and then pressed the big move!
The storm suddenly blew the stone man out of the defense tower!
"Haha, good job Yihui-kun!"

Han Chengjun was overjoyed when he saw this, and then broke into the defense tower together with Dashu Prince EZ, and then beheaded the crocodile blind monk. As for Fengnv, she was mercilessly beheaded by his sword!


A bang sounded.

"It's over!"

"It's going to be a wave!"

The hearts of everyone in the blue side sank!
"Hahaha, Tuan Mie, I'll see how you guys win this time!" Han Chengjun laughed out loud!

Now that the line of soldiers has entered the tower, and five of them are still alive, it is completely a wave of rhythm!
"Brother Dali, just wait to lose!" Han Chengjun typed like showing off!
Fang Li watched all this calmly, even when he was wiped out, his eyelids didn't even twitch, and at the moment Han Chengjun mocked him, he didn't even look at it!
Seeing Fang Li's silence, Han Chengjun immediately thought that Fang Li was guilty, and typed more frantically: "Hahaha, are you speechless! I said earlier, you can't win!"

"I said you will die if you don't come out and jump? If you have the ability, keep pushing, and it's your ability to win!" Fang Li finally spoke, with a bit of disdain!

"Hmph, stubborn mouth!" Han Chengjun made fun of himself, and then led the four of them towards the front teeth, "Push the chief crystal, let me see what else he has to say!"

Soon the line of soldiers entered, and the five began to push the front teeth with their hands!
"Brother Li, why did you really ask him to push the crystal front teeth!"

"Hurry up and shoot! Don't let the stick get the points, otherwise he doesn't know how rampant he will be in the future!"

The crocodile blind monk is anxious!
"Hey, why is this crocodile and the blind monk in a hurry! Brother Li said it's okay, but the two of them are still talking non-stop!"

"That's right, will Brother Li let him lose the game? Think about it with your brain and you'll know!"

"If it were me, I would have hung up the phone and waited for the opponent to push! Anyway, Brother Li is in charge, we just need to watch!"

The audience in the live broadcast room shook their heads at this moment.

Soon, the two front teeth fell to the ground, and the blue square chief crystal was exposed in front of Han Chengjun like a naked girl!

"Hahaha, I'm going to win!"

Han Chengjun looked at the chief crystal greedily, and then five people quickly attacked the chief crystal!
The general attack fell on the main crystal, and everyone's hearts were entangled!

The crocodile, the blind monk, and Venus, watching the general attack fall on the crystal, their hearts stopped beating at this moment, and their breathing disappeared long ago!

The audience in the live broadcast room even widened their eyes, staring at the screen, expecting a miracle to happen!
The blood volume of the total crystal gradually decreased, and everyone's eyes turned from anticipation to anxiety!
Everyone was wondering why Fang Li didn't make a move yet!

But at this moment, the stone man suddenly yelled strangely: "Fuck, look quickly, why the blood volume of our own crystals is also decreasing!"

Han Chengjun sneered: "Stone Man, you are too excited. Although we are going to win, there is no need to make such a fuss!"

"I blame Nima, see for yourself! The blood volume of the crystal in our family is really decreasing!" the stone man roared!

Han Chengjun and the others finally realized that something was wrong, and hurriedly looked at Zhong Jingjing in his home, and they were frightened silly when they saw it!

I saw that the total crystal blood volume of the purple side was only more than one-third left!

"Hey, what's going on here? Why does the blood volume of our crystal decrease?" Han Chengjun was stunned!
No one attacked his own crystal at all, how could his own crystal become residual blood!

"Damn it! How can there be such a strange thing? We obviously pushed the blue square crystal. Could it be that if we push the blue square crystal, our own crystal will also lose blood?" While the color square crystal reduces blood, the purple square crystal also reduces blood, and the reduced blood volume seems to be even more!
Seeing this scene, Han Chengjun was stunned!

If you attack the enemy crystal, your own crystal will also lose blood?

"This, is this a hallucination?" EZ widened his eyes, and continued his general attack, finally confirming that this is not a hallucination!
"Damn it, you're still attacking the opposite crystal. What do you want? Are you a Chinese actor?" Han Chengjun yelled when he saw EZ attacking the blue square crystal!

"Damn it, I just want to make sure it's true!" EZ looked aggrieved, and all five of them stopped in unison for a while, whether they were attacking or not!

The crocodile, the blind monk, Venus, and Wayne were all taken aback when they saw this, why did they all stop?
"Hurry up! What are you waiting for?" Park Yihui said!

"I can't push it anymore! Every time I attack the blue square crystal, the purple square crystal will also lose blood!" Han Chengjun's bitter voice came, and the players in the entire Summoner Canyon all changed their colors!

(End of this chapter)

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