Chapter 234 I Destroy Itself
"Arrogance, you won't be so calm when the competition officially starts!" Yang Han felt dissatisfied when he saw Fang Li was so calm!
At the same time, the summoned king players sat in front of their computers with serious expressions!

Their expressions were cold. After hearing what Fang Li said, they all frowned and were angry!
They are all top existences in each region, when were they treated like chickens and dogs like this?

"He's the only one on the opposite side. Let's break through the city in one fell swoop and push the crystal directly!"

"That's right, thousands of us will push the crystal directly on the tower, and we will never give him any chance!"

More than 3000 kings, how terrifying!
So when the game started, the king rushed out of the hot spring like a soldier, top lane, middle lane, bottom lane, wild area, wherever the Summoner Canyon can accommodate people, there are all purple squares densely packed!

"The king is attacking the city!"

"Brother Li."

Many players swallowed nervously at this moment.

The Prince of Demacia randomly assigned by Fang Li stood alone in the hot spring of his home!
He calmly looked at the kings rushing in densely!
At this time, his armor was shining with a golden streamer, and the spear in his hand was strong and flickering.

"Hmph, Cheng Junjun, I will avenge your revenge that day!" Park Yihui sat in front of the computer with cold eyes, controlling the randomly assigned ice shooter to move forward!

"Brother Dali, you cheated and canceled my summoner skills before, and now I will deal with you again, and get some skin as compensation." Some players who had suffered from Fang Likui were angry, and seemed to have found a reason to deal with Fang Li!

"Rush, push the tower directly, and level everything!"

Most of these kings are from other districts. They have only watched Fang Li's live broadcast, and have not personally experienced Fang Li's horror. Moreover, they have already planned in their hearts. Anyway, Fang Li will quit the national server as soon as this event is over. It is impossible to trouble yourself!
Three thousand kings attack the city, will my side lose?
of course not!

"Haha, look at Brother Dali, now he is standing alone in the hot spring without moving!" Yang Han laughed excitedly, "It seems that he himself knows that resistance is useless, so he is going to give up the game and let people push him away! "

"Yeah, this time he is finally going to lose! There are more than 3000 kings, how can he resist?"

"I finally waited for this day! In the past few months, I don't know what I have experienced!"

The technicians in the office were all relieved, this period was the darkest day in their lives, but at this moment, as Fang Li gave up resistance, everything was seen again!
"When Brother Dali quits the national server, I'll treat you and reward everyone for their hard work. Of course, some people can pack up and leave!"

Yang Han smiled in front of his subordinates, of course the person he was referring to was Tang Ling!

Tang Ling sat in a daze. He looked at the scene in front of him in disbelief. The densely packed heroes were crawling like ants in the Summoner's Canyon.

At this moment, his face was pale. What is the difference between this kind of formation and a siege of [-] super soldiers? Three thousand kings may be more terrifying than super soldiers!
At this moment, his mind was buzzing, and he couldn't hear anything clearly, let alone Yang Han's words.

In the live broadcast room, countless people held their breath, wanting to speak but didn't know what to say.

On one side are more than 3000 two hundred kings, mighty like a mountain torrent, powerful enough to destroy everything, on the other side is Fang Li alone, wearing a golden battle armor and holding a straight spear.

The two form a stark contrast!

Under the charge of 3000 and [-] kings, a monstrous power rushed towards him. Even though the prince's body was not messy at all, everyone could feel Fang Li's powerlessness through the screen.

"Brother Li!"

Those Fang Li fans fell silent!

The UZI members of the RNG team sighed deeply!


Liu Ying looked at the screen and trembled.

More than 3000 heroes are attacking the city together. Even if you don’t need soldiers, it’s not a problem to use heroes to top towers. What’s more, there are many recoverable heroes among these heroes!
The three roads and one tower were destroyed in an instant, and the king's army was approaching the second tower like a broken bamboo!
The three roads and two towers all fell down!

The king's front is approaching the high ground!
Three thousand armies are approaching the city!
Fang Li looked at the three thousand kings who came to attack the city with cold eyes, neither sadness nor joy in his eyes, as if everything in front of him had nothing to do with him!
Boom boom boom!
The three highland towers were completely destroyed, followed by the three-way barracks, and super soldiers rushed out like a tide!
At this moment, the three thousand kings were even more aggressive, and they all approached the prince of Demacia where Fang Li was!

"Kill, kill him!" Yang Han shouted excitedly when he saw that the three roads were broken and the three thousand kings were advancing all the way!

"Crush it!"

The king's army looked at the lonely prince, and was taken aback for a moment, followed by someone who shouted, and the three thousand kings stopped again.

They were afraid of this god-like hacker, but at the moment they were full of sympathy!

A person's power is limited after all!
Everything fell to pieces under the sharp edge of the Three Thousand Kings!

Uniform footsteps, with a certain rhythm of death, all gathered towards Fangli!
At this moment, Fang Li moved, and a German military flag fell from the sky and stood directly in front of the prince!

"Are you sure you want to be my enemy?"

Fang Li's face was stern, and he took a step forward, and his voice rolled like thunder!
At this moment, the three thousand soldiers all stopped, looking forward!
When Fang Li's voice came, an endless coercion swept over, and the three thousand kings hesitated and almost backed away!
Are you sure you want to be my enemy?
Fang Li's body is tall and straight, like a spear in his hand, he would rather fold than give in, this step is his royal city!

On September [-] next year, my flowers will bloom and a hundred flowers will kill, and the sky-high fragrance will penetrate Chang'an, and the city will be full of golden armor!
He is like a lonely king, even if he is alone, he still defends his royal city!
Wearing armor and a long spear, he stepped forward with one step, and let out a soft shout!
Where the military flag is, the royal city will not fall, and the spear will not come out, so the three armies will retreat!
At this moment, the three thousand kings are standing still!
Time seems to be frozen, freezing the picture forever!
On the one hand, there are thousands of troops, and on the other hand, alone!
"Brother Li!"

Countless fans are heartbroken at this moment!
I wish I could stand behind Fang Li and fight against the whole world with him!
"damn it!"

"What are these kings doing? They were frightened by a single sentence, don't they know how to crush them directly?"

Seeing that the army of [-] kings he had arranged was directly intimidated by Fang Li's flag and a single sentence, Yang Han immediately became dissatisfied!
A bad premonition arises spontaneously!

Of the three thousand kings present, there really wasn't anyone who didn't know Fang Li's ID!

They also knew that Fang Li would cheat!
But at this moment, when they faced Fang Li's courage to defeat ten thousand, they felt guilty!

At this moment, everyone is hesitating and hesitating in their hearts!
The atmosphere is deadlocked!

Until someone took a nervous step, the confrontation pattern was broken like a mirror!

"Kill directly!"

"Crush and push the tower!"

If there is one, there will be two, and the army will regain its momentum!

Fang Li's eyes also flashed a cold light at this moment, and he said coldly in the live broadcast room: "Do you think you are the only ones with an army?"

"Why am I afraid of three thousand kings, one hundred thousand bronzes are enough to destroy you!"

(End of this chapter)

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