Chapter 240 Shopping
When Jiang Zhe walked out of Fang Li's residence, the news that the dark night swept through more than ten underground forces in Jiang City and formed a tendency to confront the Hua family also spread like wildfire!

"The dark night is too fierce. It rises overnight, and within three days, it has wiped out more than ten forces in a row, fighting against the Hua family! I don't know who is behind this manipulation!"

"Who knows, all I know is that the sky in Jiang City is about to change! The underground world hasn't been this exciting for a long time!"

"In my opinion, An Ye will not be able to jump for long. It seems that An Ye is rising rapidly, but the foundation is not stable. It is impossible to form a confrontation with the Hua family. Once the towering tree of the Hua family makes a move, An Ye will definitely bow his head!"

While some families were shocked, they were also discussing the dispute between An Ye and the Hua family!
Many families are waiting quietly, hesitating whether to make friends with An Ye at this time!

In the streets and alleys, there are even small gangsters constantly telling about An Ye's deeds. In the end, the rumors become more and more mysterious, saying that An Ye will replace the Hua family and become the new king and overlord of Jiang City!
"Fart, nonsense! If my Hua family is so easily replaced, it is impossible for me to stand in Jiang City for 20 years!" Hua Jianfeng looked at the information collected by his subordinates angrily, especially when he saw the dark night meeting. After replacing the Hua family, he didn't know why he was inexplicably angry!
Before this, he had been waiting to see An Ye's jokes. After all, he knew the strength of Thirteen Sisters. It was absolutely impossible to unify other forces, but the result shocked him very much!
In just two and a half days, An Ye integrated all the forces except the Hua family, and an inexplicable sense of crisis surged up!
"Have you found out the mysterious person behind An Ye?" Hua Jianfeng frowned and asked, Liu Shisan couldn't do it, so the only explanation was the mysterious person behind Liu Shisan!
"I still can't find any clues, but according to our information, Liu Shisan's strength seems to have improved by leaps and bounds overnight, Zhang Long, Yang Fei, and Li E, who were tied with her before, were all beheaded by her! " Master Liu said!

"Suddenly increased strength overnight? Is there such a weird thing? Are you sure Liu Shisan made the move himself, not someone else?" Hua Jianfeng said!
"It's confirmed! It was Liu Shisan himself who made the move!" Master Liu said!

"Hmph, I don't care how Liu Shisan's skill changes, since An Ye can sweep other forces within three days, it has already seriously threatened the existence of the Hua family!" Hua Jianfeng's eyes turned cold, "I thought I had to wait It's time to teach An Ye a lesson, and now it seems that we can't wait any longer!"

"The men and horses have already been prepared, enough to calm the dark night!" Master Liu on the side took the words.

"Very well, let's use the dark night as a knife and tell them that the Hua family will not allow anyone to provoke you!" Hua Jianfeng sneered, "Tomorrow is that old guy from the Jiang family's birthday, right? Do it tomorrow, in front of all the celebrities in Jiang City Tell them face to face, the underground world of Jiang City, or my Hua family has the final say!"

"Yes!" Master Liu nodded, and then disappeared into the night!

"An Ye, I'm afraid you won't be able to see the night tomorrow night!" Hua Jianfeng had a smile in his eyes, and with Master Liu's departure, the uneasiness in his heart completely dissipated. The Hua family has the final say.

When Jiang City was in turmoil, Fang Li, the one who stirred up the stagnant water in Jiang City, was taking Jiang Yuchen for a walk around the streets in style!
Tomorrow is Mr. Jiang's birthday, so of course he can't wear something so simple, so he still needs to dress up, and Jiang Yuchen is such a beautiful woman, if he doesn't dress up better, it will be a waste of money!

"Why did you think about asking me out today?" Jiang Yuchen was a little dissatisfied that Fang Li hadn't paid attention to him during this time, and said with his mouth curled up!

"Isn't it because I haven't seen you for some days and miss you!"

You have to coax!
"Glib tongue, but no real action!" Jiang Yuchen glared at Fang Li.

"Who said, I'm going to bleed a lot this time. You can pick whatever you want on this street, and I'll pay for it!" Fang Li pointed at Huayun Street and vowed.

Huayun Street is the most prosperous place in Jiang City, and it is a paradise for the rich to consume, so as soon as these words were uttered, many passers-by looked at Fang Li like an idiot!

"You! You know how to brag!" Jiang Yuchen also looked embarrassed!
"Who's bragging! I'm rich now!" Fang Li said!

He is really rich now, when he won more than 1000 million in Jing'an Villa, 600 million went into his pocket!
And just now, another 3000 million yuan has been added to his account, which is all the income from Liu Shisan and his group's integration of the underground forces. If the real estate is included, Fang Li is at least a person worth over [-] million yuan!

So at this moment when he said that he was rich, he was not hypocritical at all!
"You! Although you made money by treating President Qin's illness, you are still far away from marrying a wife!" Jiang Yuchen pulled Fang Li to leave, after all, in her opinion, the consumption here is really not what they should come for!

"Yuchen, I'm telling the truth!" Fang Li said seriously, Jiang Yuchen suddenly felt uncomfortable!
"I know you feel sorry for me, but after today, we really don't have to be the same as before! If you want, I can take you to the Civil Affairs Bureau right now!" Fang Li said seriously!

With his current assets, marrying a wife is enough!

Jiang Yuchen blushed, and said coquettishly, "Who wants to go to the Civil Affairs Bureau with you to get a certificate! You don't even have a daughter-in-law!"

"Then owe it first, and I will give you all the money I earn in the future!" Fang Li said!

"Then you're using my money right now?" Jiang Yuchen bared his teeth angrily!
"Hehe, what's yours is mine!" Fang Li smiled, "And you're going to Jiang's house to attend a banquet tomorrow, so you can't dress too poorly, so let's go up!"

"But the consumption here is really too expensive!" Jiang Yuchen looked puzzled. Although she had never been shopping here, she had heard some of her money-worshiping female classmates say that the cheapest item in it was several thousand, and it could easily cost tens of thousands. Hundreds of thousands, where should they come!

"You don't have to worry about this. The club I and Jiang Zhe have started to make a profit! The harvest can't be paid off, so it's not a problem to buy some clothes for my wife!" Fang Li really had no choice but to leave the club. pretense!

"Really?" Jiang Yuchen stared at Fang Li!

"Of course it's true!" Fang Li said!

"Then Jiang Zhe asked me to take care of the club because of your relationship?"

"Of course not! My daughter-in-law obviously has the ability to ask you to go!" Fang Li flattered her!

"Slick tongue!" Jiang Yuchen pinched Fang Li's hand, "But for the sake of your sincerity, then go up! But don't mess around, because it's all mine!"

"Oh!" Fang Li responded, wondering if it was a wrong decision to reveal that he was rich!

The two of them walked towards the largest shopping mall on Huayun Street, Dijiang Building, leaving behind a group of passers-by who laughed and laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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